How Often Should I Run? – Avoid These Common Mistakes

2:58 AM


Exercise is probably the key to a sound mind and a healthy body. Though most of us try to manage a little bit of cardio or some stretching, most people refuse to find some time for themselves. Research says that the secret to living a healthy, youthful life is to get at least an hour of exercise every day.

Picking An Exercise Of Your Choice:

Picking an exercise of your choice is very important. Some love the fast paced aerobics and zumba, while others like to go the Zen way with yoga and taichi. Of course, today the exercise options are endless, yet some people prefer the good old way of running. Exercise doesn’t need to really be hard as long as there is physical effort, yet studies say that it is good to put in effort for best results.

Running For Health Vs. Running For Recreation:

Some run to lose weight, some to run marathons, and some for health reasons. Whatever the reason might be, running is a vigorous exercise that gives amazing results for weight loss and maintenance. It also helps to lower cholesterol levels and protects you against cardiovascular diseases. If running is combined with a protein-rich, carb-balanced and fat-reduced diet, it helps to regulate and reduce the BMI (body mass index). But the best effect that running can have on you is the calmness of mind and the agility you gain with regular practice.

Running For Beginners:

It is always a resolution or some sudden realization that sparks off the need to exercise. It is hard to take that first step, but once you start, you feel so good about yourself that it almost gets imbibed in your system. When it comes to running, beginners usually start with a day or two a week. If you haven’t been at it, it could take a while to build your stamina and hold the run for a few minutes at a stretch. Your body needs to be slowly trained, and you really cannot start and speed up suddenly (as it could cause some serious problems). You need to couple up running with cross training or aerobics to slowly start increasing the time you can run.

Building Up:

Once you have caught your pace, running four to five times a week is recommended. It allows time for recovery and rest, which is extremely crucial to the running regime. It could also be the best that you could manage amidst your busy routines. Experts say this is quite effective as long as you are running between 40 to 80 kilometers.

Breaking Out of A Plateau:

And then when you realize that your body has reached the plateau stage or when you want to take on half a marathon or even a full one, six days a week should be a good progression to become an advanced runner. But make sure you listen to what your body has to communicate. It is a good thing to keep challenging yourself, but not when your body says no. If you are injury-prone, you need to take utmost care.

Running And Rest:

Rest days are a must when you are running. Your body needs that time to heal and recover from the wear and tear of muscles. But again, the resting time varies from person to person. For some, their muscles get rusty and they find it hard to get back to running even after a day of rest.

The Professionals:

The cream of the running crowd runs twice a day, six to seven days a week. That is how much of effort and hard work it takes to whizz by on those racing tracks. Only when there is pain there is gain, isn’t it? But the rest of you, who are just beginning, do tread with caution, for it takes training and perseverance to reach that level.

Running is probably the cheapest and best form of exercise. The only equipment you need is a pair of running shoes, and then you could pick the ambiance of your choice (by the beach, in the woods, on the pathway) and just run away! As long as you are not overdoing it, have a happy workout!

The post How Often Should I Run? – Avoid These Common Mistakes appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Shirin Mehdi via STYLECRAZE

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