Can Apricot Seeds And Kernels Kill Cancer Cells?

3:20 AM

Are you suffering from cancer or know someone who is battling this killer disease? While chemo and radiation are said to help treat most forms of cancer, today researchers vouch for other alternative forms of treatment. On that note, apricot is one ingredient that is becoming popular as an effective aid in the treatment for cancer.

Would you like to know more? Keep reading!

How Apricot Is Effective In Treating Cancer:

According to research, the seeds of the apricot fruit contain a substance called laetrile, which may help in the treatment and prevention of cancer (1). Laetrile is also known as Vitamin B17. It was in the 1920s that the idea that the substance extracted from apricot seeds can reduce tumors first came about. The idea was developed by Dr. Ernst Krebb, a doctor from San Francisco. However, after conducting a number of studies, he noted that using amygdalin, an extract obtained from apricot seed kernels was too dangerous for use on humans. It was 20 years later that a safer version of this substance was synthesized.

More Information About Laetrile:

In 1952, Dr. Krebb’s son, Dr. Ernst Krebb Jr., who was a biochemist, had an idea that a metabolic reaction to poor diet is the cause of cancer, and an ingredient that is not included in the modern diet could be the key to fighting cancer (2). He synthesized a version of amygdalin that was safer than the one developed by his father. He called it laetrile, which is an acronym for levorotatory and mandelonitrile.

Amygdalin is found with the largest amount of essential enzymes and in the highest concentration in apricot seed kernels. The hard pit needs to be broken to obtain the soft kernels. Laetrile is created by extracting amygdalin from the kernels, purifying it, and then processing it to make it concentrated. As a nitriloside, amygdalin has a structure that is similar to that of Vitamin B complex. For this reason, Dr. Krebb named it Vitamin B17 since 16 types of Vitamin B had been isolated already.

How Does It Work?

There are four substances present in amygdalin – two types of glucose, benzaldehyde, and cyanide. Of course, it is known that benzaldehyde and cyanide are poisonous, but only if they are freed or released as pure molecules. Many foods that contain cyanide are safe to be consumed as this substance is locked as a component of another molecule.

An enzyme known as rhodanese is present in normal cells and can capture cyanide molecules that are free and make them harmless by binding them with sulfur (3). When the cyanide is bound to sulfur, it gets converted to a neutral substance known as cyanate. It will then be able to pass through the urine easily without causing any harm to the normal cells.

Cancer cells, however, are not normal. They contain beta-glucosidase, which is an enzyme that is not shared by other cells. Exclusive to cancer cells, this enzyme is considered to be the one that unlocks amygdalin molecules. It plays a role in releasing both cyanide and benzaldehyde, which in turn create a synergy that is toxic beyond their uncombined sum. This is how the beta-glucosidase enzyme makes the cancer cells self-destruct.

Cancer cells are destroyed without affecting the healthy cells. This happens by the unlocking of cancer cells and the presence of laetrile in conjunction with the protective enzymes that are present in healthy, normal cells. On the other hand, chemotherapy destroys a large number of other healthy cells and impacts the immune system negatively while destroying an undetermined number of cancer cells.

Because the patient’s general health deteriorates due to the pervasive toxins from chemotherapy, the cancer cells tend to return to other parts of the body. Cancer treatments like radiation, chemo and surgery are not only debilitating but highly expensive as well. It has been found that practitioners who use laetrile instead of mainstream cancer treatments have an 85 percent cure rate.

Laetrile Treatment For Cancer:

Although laetrile is regarded by many medical professionals as a worthless treatment for cancer, there have been a large number of reports that prove its efficacy in treating cancer (4). The recommended preventive dosage is about 5 to 7 kernels over the day’s course. For actual cases of cancer, 2 to 3 times this amount is recommended. There are those who recommend 1 kernel for every 10 pounds of body weight. For maintenance after being cured, it is recommended that the patient return to the initial dosage of 5 to 7 kernels a day.

There are laetrile practitioners that advise their patients to use Vitamin B12 and digestive enzymes like papain from papayas and bromelain from pineapples. Taking apricot seeds in excess can lead to dizziness or nausea (5). However, there have been no reports of deaths or disabilities from the use of laetrile or apricot kernels. There are many experts who recommend combining laetrile or the fruit’s kernels with other alternative therapies for cancer. Needless to say, a healthy diet and keeping stress away are important and necessary. A fundamental change in lifestyle is an essential part of any permanent cure of cancer.

Are Apricot Seeds And Kernels Effective For Cancer Treatment?

As mentioned earlier, apricot seeds and laetrile are a controversial topic when it comes to cancer treatment. There are many claims that the commercial cancer cure industry has been continuously trying to conceal information about apricot seeds and their potential as a highly effective cure for cancer. There have been numerous reports about how medical professionals and others have been ordered to cover up any evidence and destroy documents that prove the efficacy of this cure.

It is true that more research needs to be conducted on apricot seeds and kernels as well as laetrile to find out if they indeed can cure cancer. However, the reports and stories of successful cancer treatments with the use of the seeds and laetrile cannot be ignored.

It is worth giving apricot seeds a shot for treating cancer (6). However, it is important to take notes about the proper dosage. As with all things that are ingested, monitoring how your body reacts to substances that are new to it and checking the quantities are important. Consumption should always be balanced and measured. Every individual’s substance-processing capacity differs, which is why monitoring your body’s reaction to a new substance is vital. This will help you understand when any adjustment needs to be made to the quantity of apricot seeds you consume.

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The post Can Apricot Seeds And Kernels Kill Cancer Cells? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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