Why Salting Watermelon Can Change The Way You Look At SALT

6:30 AM

A pinch of salt is enough to make a world of difference to anything you add it to. Too much is not advisable, but life devoid of seasoning can be tasteless and boring.

The Difference A Little Salt Can Bring To Your Slice Of Water Melon

Of course we use salt in most of our food, but did you know that adding a little salt to your mouth watering slice of water melon could bring out the best in it? Adding a pinch of salt to unripe fruits can reduce its bitterness. Similarly, adding a little bit to the ripe, pink slice of the fruit will intensify the fruit’s natural flavor.
Salting a fruit is not a new concept, but it sure is an amazing concept. Adding a little salt to something that is already sweet takes it to a totally different level. Try it with your favorite fruits and you will never be able to eat them plain again.
Taking about the salt’s power of making such a lot of difference to the taste of food, have you ever wondered what it takes to salt food the right way? Salt truly gives your food the right amount of pop that no other spice or flavoring can ever help accomplish. A little trial and error, and you will figure out the right way of salting your food.

The Right Way To Salt Your Food

Table salt or iodized salt is definitely not that good for you. It is the root cause of high blood pressure. So the very first thing you need to do is switch to one of these salts. They are chunks, so you might need a motor and pestle to break it down a little before you add it to your dish.

The Different Kinds Of Salt

  1. Kosher Salt: Chefs love this salt. It has texture and a very peculiar flavor. It has a rough jagged shape, which helps it bind itself to the food particles. This shape also gives you a good grip; therefore you have more control over how much you pinch out of the salt jar.
  2. Sea Salt: Sea salt is a coarse salt too. Therefore, like the kosher salt, it gives you a better grip and also binds well with the food particles. It also gives the food a great finish because of its crudeness. It tends to melt at different rates on the tongue, because of which you will never find your food too salty.

Tasting Saltiness

Salt tastes good when it is sprinkled over fresh caramel or dusted over hot fries. But otherwise, salt can taste harsh and unpleasant. Therefore it is best if you keep on adding salt in stages during the entire cooking process. Salt is an enhancer of taste, therefore at every stage of cooking, it is essential to salt your food, and every time you season, it is important that you taste the food. You will notice that with the progress of this procedure, the taste is developing flavor.  Another advantage is that if you over season at a certain stage, you could always compensate for it in the next.

How To Avoid Overdoing The Salting & Rectify Overdone Salt?

It is extremely important for you to know that as the food rests, or as its temperature changes, so will its saltiness change. If you are cooking something that is gravy based, the saltiness will increase as it boils and concentrates. But adding a little bit of dairy – milk, butter, cream and yogurt – will absorb or counteract the saltiness. Another quick tip, adding a chunk of raw potato to your dish and letting it simmer for about 7 to 8 minutes will help absorb that extra salt.

A Salt Trick To Master

Always remember to salt your food from a height of about 10 to 12 inches. The distance will a) help you keep a track of how much salt you are adding to your dish, b) the drop from a height will make sure that the salt is spreading evenly across the pan, c) the little style and jazz of adding the salt will give the chef a certain swag and confidence!
As long as it is not over done, salt is my favorite tastemaker. I am sure it is yours too. If it’s not, trust me, you are taking it for granted. Here’s to more saltiness in our lives!

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