3..2..1.. Ching! 9 Awesome Microwave Tips And Tricks

6:12 AM

A microwave is all about convenience in our fast paced life. Of course you invest in one to make your life in terms of cooking and heating food much easier. But did you know your smart machine is capable of a whole lot more. Here are a few quick tips on what you didn’t know you could do with your microwave.

1. Drying Out Your Tights:

Drying Out Your Tights

Image: Shutterstock

On the day when you have that important interview, you realize that the dress you decided to wear is a wee bit short…and what’s worse is that you wore your last pair of tights last evening. Big problem? Well not really. You could quickly hand wash your tights, squeeze out the excess water, place it on a paper towel, and toss it in your microwave. Now on a high heat setting, run it for about 30 seconds, while checking on them every ten seconds. Your tights are now bone dry and ready to wear. Good luck for that interview!

2. Juicylicious:


Image: Shutterstock

Before you begin to juice those plump citrusy fruits, it is quite a good idea to give them a quick turn in the microwave. Just set the microwave on high heat and let your fruit roll for about 20 seconds. You will now be able to juice it up until the very last drop.

3. Sterilize Soil:

Sterilize Soil

Image: Shutterstock

With the increasing use of chemicals and fertilizers, man has managed to tarnish something as pure as soil. Lets leave the “mellow-drama” aside for a while. Apparently potting seeds in sterilized soil increases their chances of survival. How to get sterilized soil? Easy! Just spread some soil in a non-metallic plate, and put it inside your microwave. Now run your microwave on high heat for about 90 seconds. You will notice the soil will begin to steam. Now cool it down, and you are ready to make this world one plant greener!

4. Project Honey Restoration:

Project Honey Restoration

Image: Shutterstock

Old honey tends to get hard and grainy. It is heart breaking to see that farm fresh honey turn old. But with a magical twist in the microwave, you can make it as good as new. Just transfer your honey into a microwave safe container, and put it into your microwave and set it to defrost mode. Now let it run for 30 seconds. Stop – check – stir – 30 seconds again, until your honey is fresh and runny again, Winnie The Pooh!

5. For Restaurant Quality Plates:

Restaurant Quality Plates

Image: Shutterstock

Those fancy winter wine and dines at home deserve an extra edge. There are many things you could do to make it warm and cozy, and to begin with, you could have restaurant quality plates. Just place two plates into the microwave and sprinkle little drops of water on them. Now run it on high heat for about 30 seconds. And now you are set to blow him away with that scrumptious dinner you made!

6. Drying Out Your Herbs:

Drying Out Your Herbs

Image: Shutterstock

Drying herbs in a microwave is extremely easy, very quick, and what’s best is that it manages to seal the flavors and preserve the color. All you need to do is place your fresh herbs on a paper towel and place it on a microwavable plate. Now cover this with another sheet of paper and on a high heat setting, blitz it in your microwave. Keep checking every 20 seconds. On the whole, this process could take about 40 seconds to 3 minutes. Once your herbs are dry, don’t forget to store in an airtight box.

7. Melting Mascara:

Melting Mascara

Image: Shutterstock

Old mascara gets dry and clumpy. But when it hasn’t reached expiry yet, throwing it away doesn’t make any sense. Solution! Just remove the lid, and the brush, and place the tube in a microwave. Place a glass of water next to it, and blitz away on high heat for about five seconds. Your mascara is now ready to give you some luscious lashes.

8. Softening Hard Sugar:

Softening Hard Sugar

Image: Shutterstock

Lumpy sugar is a big problem. But now that you own a microwave, the problem is no more! Place the lump of sweetness in a microwavable bowl and cover it with a damp paper towel. Now microwave on high heat for about 15 seconds and check the status. If it isn’t soft yet, keep blitzing for 15 seconds and check and repeat until you have the desired softness. The smell of warm sugar is always enticing.

9. The Ever So Lovely Cake In A Mug:

Lovely Cake In A Mug

Image: Shutterstock

This one is my absolute favorite.


50 grams – Softened Butter
50 grams – Caster Sugar
50 grams – Sieved Flour
1 Tbsp – Cocoa Powder
1 Large Egg, Beaten
A Pinch Of Baking Powder
A Few Drops Of Vanilla Essence

Add all the ingredients to your favorite coffee mug, in such a way that you fill only half the mug. Beat the mixture, and blitz in the microwave for about 21/2 minutes or until it is firm and risen.

This is a recipe for a chocolate cake, but you could make any flavor you like. It is the best solution if you find yourself having a ‘Nigella Moment’ in the middle of the night.

Reading this, I am sure you have fallen in love with your microwave just a little bit more. For all that it gives you, it truly deserves that love!

The post 3..2..1.. Ching! 9 Awesome Microwave Tips And Tricks appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Shirin Mehdi via STYLECRAZE

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