10 Effective Ways To Cure Adenomyosis At Home

9:58 AM

Do you suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding and painful cramps? There are chances that you might be suffering from adenomyosis. This post discusses the causes and symptoms of adenomyosis and lists different home remedies to cure it naturally. Want to know more? Keep reading.
Adenomyosis is a rare medical condition in which there is growth of endometrial cells in the muscular walls of the uterus. It primarily affects women aged between 35 and 50. It is characterized by heavy menstrual bleeding and severe cramps and in most cases, it disappears after menopause. Although hysterectomy is recommended by most doctors, there are home remedies and natural treatments that can help in successfully alleviating the symptoms of adenomyosis.

Causes Of Adenomyosis:

The exact cause of adenomyosis is not known. However, there are probable etiological factors which include the following:
  1. According to experts, this condition may occur because endometrial cells on the surface of the uterus infiltrate the muscle of the uterine wall. Incisions that are made during procedures such as C-sections encourage the endometrial cells to invade the uterine wall.
  2. There are also experts that hypothesize that the origination of adenomyosis may be from the deposit of endometrial tissue in the uterine muscle when the uterus developed within the fetus.
  3. This condition could also be caused by the inflammation of the uterine lining. When this inflammation occurs during the post-partum phase, a breach in the normal cell border that lines the uterus could be triggered.
The presence of estrogen in the body plays a role in adenomyosis. During menopause, there is a reduction in the production of this hormone, which is why it tends to disappear.

Symptoms Of Adenomyosis:

Although in some cases, adenomyosis can be asymptomatic, meaning that you do not experience any symptoms, it is typified by:
  • Protracted and /or heavy bleeding during the menstrual period. Bleeding in between cycles may also occur. There can be passing of blood clots during the period.
  • Menstrual cramps that are severe and excruciating. With age, they become worse.
  • A tender or bulky feeling in the lower abdomen.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

Home Remedies For Adenomyosis:

Although very little is known about this condition, there are effective home remedies that can be used as natural healing options for adenomyosis. Here is a look at 10 of them:

1. Castor Oil Pack:

This is a great remedy for this condition. All you need to do is soak a soft cloth in castor oil and place it on your skin to increase circulation and boost healing of the organs and tissues underneath your skin. Castor oil helps in detoxifying old blood and reducing pain and inflammation while joining forces with your body’s natural cleansing systems to eliminate scar tissues, growth of foreign tissue and adhesions.

2. Shepherd’s Purse:

According to herbal experts, shepherd’s purse is used to treat irregularities in menstruation as it is known to increase uterine contractions. This, in turn, helps in reducing bleeding. It is claimed that the herb limits blood flow in the pelvic area because it constricts blood vessels. Pregnant women should avoid using shepherd’s purse as it boosts uterine contractions. You should also use it under the supervision of an expert as it is unknown if it has any side effects on interactions with drugs.

3. Ginger:

This herb is rich in powerful antioxidants known as gingerols that also have anti-inflammatory properties and aid in the normal functioning of the uterus. Ginger also works as a natural analgesic which helps in reducing the pain that comes with menstruation. Drink ginger tea every day, and include this wonderful root in your food as well. You can also boil a glass of water with a 1-inch piece of ginger and drink it to gain the benefits of this herb.

4. Turmeric:

This is another herbal remedy that works wonders for adenomyosis. Turmeric contains curcumin which helps in quickly decreasing inflammation in the uterus and also reducing the amount of blood during menstruation. Drink a glass of milk mixed with one teaspoon of turmeric to lower inflammation in all the different parts of your body. You should also add it to your food to gain its benefits as well as experience relief from the symptoms of adenomyosis.

5. Vitex:

This is a well-known natural remedy for adenomyosis. Vitex contains certain compounds that have the same effects of progesterone and testosterone and other hormones. These inhibit the estrogen production in the body. Lowering the levels of estrogen helps in eliminating the symptoms of adenomyosis because, as mentioned earlier, excess estrogen may be a cause of this condition. Studies have also shown that vitex may benefit women who experience excessive bleeding in the uterus caused by impaired ovarian function.

6. Calcium And Magnesium:

These are two essential minerals that play an important role in the menstruation process. You should make sure that you are getting enough calcium and magnesium in your diet. Experts recommend taking supplements at least three times a week. This will help in regulating your menstrual period which, in turn, could help in reducing the severity or eliminating the symptoms of adenomyosis.

7. Keishi-Bukuryo-Gan, Or KBG:

This is a herbal remedy that is used in Japan to treat many different types of gynecological problems. According to research, it is known to be highly effective in the treatment of adenomyosis. Researchers are continuing to conduct studies on this Japanese herb to learn more about its effects on this condition. Before you use this remedy, ensure that you consult a health care practitioner who is experienced in the administration and use of KBG as there is still very little information about its potential side effects.

8. Heating Pads:

Heat can help in relaxing the contracting muscles of the uterus. This, in turn, helps in eliminating the pressure that is causing the pain. When the pressure goes away, you get relief from cramps and other pain. Take a heating pad and place it on the area where the pain is located, usually the lower abdomen. If you do not have a heating pad, you can also use a hot water bag. Lie down and place it on the affected area until the pain subsides. Alternatively, you can also take a hot bath as it can effectively help in lowering the pain you are experiencing.

9. Aloe Vera:

When you think of aloe vera, you probably think of skin and hair benefits. As you know, it can be taken internally as well because it has many health benefits and keeps many problems at bay. Aloe vera helps in making menstrual flow more constant and preventing cramps. When there is constant menstrual flow, it reduces the pressure on the uterus and in turn, eliminates pain. Drink a glass of aloe vera juice twice a day to gain these benefits. You can apply fresh aloe vera gel on the affected area to reduce cramps.

10. Aromatherapy:

According to experts, aromatherapy is a great way to manage the distressing cramps that come with menstruation. Clary sage essential oil and marjoram essential oil are excellent for alleviating the pain and discomfort that comes with adenomyosis. It is recommended that you use hot compresses made with these essential oils over your abdomen to get rid of or lower the severity of the symptoms of this condition.
Apart from these home remedies, experts highly recommend regular exercise. Physical activity can help significantly in decreasing and suppressing the symptoms of adenomyosis. Yoga comes highly recommended. Asanas such as Adho Mukhasana, Supta Badhha Konasana, Bhujangasana and Utthita Anguli Sukhasana are known to be very effective in alleviating severe menstrual cramps. Practice these yoga asanas everyday for 20 minutes to gain their benefits and reduce the symptoms that come with this often-painful condition. Keep in mind that you should not practice during menstrual periods.
There are also certain foods that you should include in your diet to ease period cramps. These include:
  • Carrots – help in regulating menstrual period;
  • Papaya – contains enzymes that help in regulating menstrual blood flow;
  • Chamomile tea – has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce swelling and alleviate menstrual cramps;
  • Basil – contains caffeic acid that helps in eliminating pain associated with menstrual cramps;
  • Cinnamon – has anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties that provide comfort during menstrual periods;
  • Fennel – has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that help in decreasing the swelling caused by menstrual cramps;
  • Parsley – contains apiol and myricistin which help in regulating menstrual flow;
Although adenomyosis can be a painful condition, there are effective home remedies that can you can use to alleviate the discomfort and pain as well as regulate menstruation. Using natural remedies is a much safer alternative to allopathic medicines as they do not contain any harmful ingredients.
However, do keep in mind that some herbs may have interactions with certain medications you may be taking, so consult your health care provider before using any one of them. Once you are given the go-ahead, you can make sure that you keep all the symptoms of adenomyosis at bay.
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