5 Simple Steps To Cover Vitiligo With Makeup

7:44 AM

Do you want to cover up vitiligo? There is some awesome news for you as there are plenty of ways to do so with a little bit of makeup. If you thought that cosmetics are all about beauty, then think again. Makeup is actually helpful for people who have blemishes that they want to conceal. Having marks on your skin can be embarrassing, and it can put a damper on both your personal and professional lives.

But don’t worry, as there are ways you can use makeup to cover vitiligo. Would you like to know more? Keep reading this post!

How Makeup For Vitiligo Helps:

To cover vitiligo blemishes and other skin flaws, what you need is corrective makeup. Nowadays, there are plenty of superb products that are designed especially for this skin condition. They help in the following ways:

1. Conceal Vitiligo De-Pigmentation:

With the right products, de-pigmentation of the skin that is caused by vitiligo can be effectively concealed. You can use these products on your face as well as the rest of your body. Most of the well-known products are set without the need for powder, so there is no risk of causing damage to the eyes or inhaling particles that could lead to irritation or allergic reactions.

2. Can Be Used With Prescription Lotions And Creams:

Patients with vitiligo use creams and lotions that are prescribed by their doctors to heal the condition. Makeup designed exclusively for the concealment of vitiligo blemishes can be used with these products, so that the skin gets healed while hiding the unsightly flaws that come with it. You do not have to worry about causing more skin problems due to the combined use of these products.

Remember that foundation and other cosmetic products will not work for vitiligo coverage. Do not spend your money on these products just because you think they will. Corrective makeup, also known as camouflage makeup and cover makeup, is the only thing that you should be looking for and using.

Tips On How To Use Makeup To Cover Vitiligo:

Here are some useful tips to guide you when you use corrective makeup to conceal vitiligo:

  • Always make sure that your skin is thoroughly cleansed before you apply the makeup.
  • After cleansing, moisturization is recommended by some, while others say that it is an absolute no-no. Actually, it depends on your skin type and the product that you are using. Check the label or with the manufacturer.
  • Use thin coats of corrective makeup to cover vitiligo. Let it dry for 5 minutes and then apply another coat if you need to. Repeat the process until you get the coverage you desire.
  • Some makeup products for vitiligo coverage requires powder to help it set while others do not. Those that require powder will include it in the package along with the other products.
  • If the makeup is waterproof, use a cream to help remove the makeup effectively. As in the case of setting powder, some brands include creams in the package too.
  • It is best to buy makeup, setting powder and removal creams and other supplies from one brand as they are likely to be more compatible and will obviously work well together to give you the desired effect.

You no longer have to be embarrassed about the white spots on your body caused by vitiligo. You can easily make them invisible with cover makeup made exclusively for people with this skin condition. They work well and will effectively hide what you do not want others to see. You can walk with confidence now that you no longer have to hide away from the world!

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The post 5 Simple Steps To Cover Vitiligo With Makeup appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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