
8 Important Things I Learnt From Makeup Shaming

7:44 AM

Every woman has a secret best friend, and if you are wondering what I am talking about, well, it’s makeup! You could deny it all you want, but it’s true that a bold black line under your eyes or a dab of glitter on your lips can magically brighten up your face in a matter of seconds!

I don’t think we really give makeup its due credit, thanks to all the makeup shaming – Nikkie de Jagers’ viral video, the power of makeup, not just took over the internet but also taught us a great deal. Here’s what I’ve learnt:

1. Makeup Is An Art:

Makeup Is An Art

Image: Giphy.com

At the risk of undermining Picasso, every woman is an artist. And men grumble about us girls taking forever with our makeup! Infact, we must applaud the way Nikkie completely transforms herself – it is nothing short of art, and she does it in no time.

It takes preparing that perfect canvas with foundation; you can’t just go buy a face off the store. Next comes picking the perfect shades to create that beautiful painting. Don’t forget that you need to always look at the bigger picture and match the colors with your clothes. And that’s just the basic thing – it’s only once you blend that shadow coherently, and add the perfect stroke of the winged eyeliner along with just the right amount of blush, and finish off with meticulously coloring those lips are you picture perfect!

2. How To Get A Healthy Tan:

Gone are the days when fair was really lovely. Everyone loves that tad bit of color to add on the extra oomph! Unless you are super lucky to be sunbathing on an exotic beach, not all of us want to have too much of a rendezvous with the sun! Solution? Bronzer. The power of makeup just reminded us to pull out those bronzers and USE them. And like Nikkie mentioned, the icing on the cake – NO SKIN DAMAGE!

3. Contouring Is The Mantra:

Need I say more? No amount of botox or grafting can give you those natural looking sharp jaw lines as contouring can. Chop off the chub with a simple stroke of blush. It’s simple, quick and totally inexpensive, and what’s great is that it’s your sure shot go at looking like a million bucks.

4. There Are No Rules To Makeup:

Well, there ARE no rules to makeup! As long as you are happy with what you look like, you are good to go baby! The world of makeup is enticing and engulfing with the number of products, colors and mediums available, and there is something for everyone out there! And no one said lipstick can’t be used to color your cheeks!

5. Makeup Is A Great Way To Bond With Other Women:

A response to Nikkie’s video was a surge of women posting pictures of themselves half made-up and half not. That just goes to show the solidarity women can show for a cause. So, why not get together and glam it up? Chicken soup for the spirit and the aspect. Well, didn’t I just give you an idea for your next girls’ night-out?

6. You Can Be Whoever You Want To Be:

Nikkie can walk into a room full of flashlights being “Ms. I am sexy, and I know it” – she can be the girl next door or even go dusky doe in matter of minutes mastering a few simple techniques, and if she can do it, so can you. Its just going to take a little practice until you perfect those brush strokes and figure out what suits you. Experiment and you can have a different look everyday! And come Halloween you could even look like this…..What say???

7. Women Really Don’t Care:

7.Women Really Dont Care

Image: Giphy.com

Gone are the days of little Ms. Muffet sitting on a tuffet. Today’s woman really doesn’t give a damn! From celebs coming out with their no makeup selfies to the whole #thepowerofmakeup movement, women are tearing apart the pretty little gift-wrap that they have been hidden beneath in the past. With social media catching on, there was a need for girls to look picture perfect all the time, as if the paparazzi followed us all. But now it’s all about the natural look, and the bravest thing women have done is going half and half. Women are really embracing and accepting how they really look, and are also telling you how they want to look! Cheers to that!

And if you haven’t watched yet, this is how YouTuber Nikkie Tutorials had taken a step forward to show the power of makeup!

The post 8 Important Things I Learnt From Makeup Shaming appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Chetana via STYLECRAZE

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