How To Use Olive Oil To Remove Ear Wax?

6:59 AM

Is earwax bothering you? Do you need an all-natural remedy for removing earwax? Then olive oil is what you should go for! Wondering how this oil can help you treat the condition? This post can help you understand. Read on.

Earwax – An Overview:

Earwax actually acts as a protective agent for the inner ear’s sensitive areas by keeping out small particles such as bacteria and dust from the ear canal. Usually it works its way out slowly to your ear’s exterior, making it easy to remove. However, in some people, earwax can accumulate in excessive amounts in the ear canal and may get hard and lodged. This in turn can lead to a condition known as cerumen impaction.

To make sure that you prevent the onset of cerumen impaction, experts recommend using olive oil to clean out the wax in your ears. In most cases, when you try to clean impacted earwax, the hardened wax chunks move further back into the ear canal. This is where olive oil comes in handy. It helps to soften the cerumen, making it easier for you to remove earwax. Once it has been sufficiently softened, the wax gets broken down into smaller pieces and often moves to the outer edge of your air canal where it can be safely and thoroughly cleaned with a soft cloth or tissue.

How To Use Olive Oil for Earwax:

There are two methods for using olive oil to remove earwax (1).

1. Dropper:

To use olive oil with a dropper, follow these simple steps:

  1. Heat a small amount of the oil a little above room temperature. Warm olive oil will help break down the earwax. Make sure that it is not too hot as it can burn your ear canal. It should be about as hot as your body, and not more than that.
  2. Fill a clean dropper with just a couple of drops of the oil. You do not need more than ¾ of a standard-sized dropper.
  3. Gently let the oil drop into your ear canal. Make sure that your head is tilted sideways so that your ears are pointed upwards. Squeeze in one drop first, and if it feels alright, slowly dispense the remaining oil.
  4. Leave the oil to do its work for about 10 to 15 minutes. To help the oil penetrate, shift your ear canal by opening and closing your mouth gently. You can also massage the area under your ear. If you need to move, holding a cotton swab over your ear can prevent the oil from spilling out.
  5. Once the oil has softened the earwax, turn your head so that the oil can spill out. You can rinse it off by using a dropper filled with warm water to flush the oil out. You can also let water into your ear while showering and then let it drain out.
  6. Lastly, wipe off any excess oil from the outer part of your ear with a soft cloth or tissue.

You can repeat this method several times a week as required. There are some who say that it should be done 2 to 4 times a day, while others recommend the treatment only a few times a week. It takes some patience when using this remedy as it can take up to 2 weeks for even minor cases to clear up completely.

2. Spray:

For this method, you should get a pharmaceutical spray that is available in some pharmacies and online stores. Make sure that you do not buy the aerosol-can olive oil that is used for cooking. Follow these simple steps to use this method:

  1. Spray a small amount of the oil into your ear. The product will come with instructions on how to properly spray the oil.
  2. Gently rub or massage your tragus to help in stimulating your ear canal and letting the oil do its work. The tragus is the small flap of skin that is flat and located where your sideburn would be.
  3. This method does not require tilting your head, but you should keep a ball of cotton handy as the congested wax will start to soften and move around as the oil takes effect. The cotton ball will prevent it from spilling out.
  4. After 2 to 3 hours, you can use the same rinsing methods to clean out your ears and remove the wax and oil.

The directions on the package will inform you on how often you should use the spray to clean the earwax. If not, repeat it once a day until you see improvement.

Things To Remember:

Here are a few things to remember when using olive oil for earwax:

  1. Avoid using cotton swabs or Q-tips as earwax will only get pushed further inside your ear (2). If this occurs, you will need to visit your doctor to get it removed. Also, Q-tips can remove wax from parts that have normal amounts and cause itchiness.
  2. Needless to say, you should never pour olive oil directly into your ear. Using excessive amounts can make this remedy less effective as it can cause the blockage to get thicker, making it even harder for you to remove.
  3. As mentioned, do not use olive oil that is hotter than your body temperature. It can lead to burns that in turn can result in infections, hearing loss and other complications.
  4. Avoid using olive oil for earwax in case of any of the following problems:
  • Mastoid cavity
  • Perforated eardrums
  • Hearing loss in either ear
  • Frequent ear infections
  • Any condition that requires you to keep your ears dry
  1. You should also avoid the use of this oil for earwax if you have recently undergone eardrum surgery or if you use ear tubes.

It is best to consult your doctor before you use olive oil as a remedy for earwax. Once it is confirmed that you can use it, you will find that it is the safest and most effective way to help you with this problem.

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The post How To Use Olive Oil To Remove Ear Wax? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Daiwik Suresh Gejji via STYLECRAZE

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