Is Coconut Oil Effective To Treat Stretch Marks?

4:10 AM

Are you tired of seeing stretch marks on your body? Have you tried different products that claim to get rid of stretch marks but had no success? Then what you may need is coconut oil, as it is one ingredient that can help you get rid of those stretch marks.

So, how does coconut oil heal stretch marks? Would you like to know? Then keep reading.

Causes Of Stretch Marks:

Stretch marks are ugly scars that are often found on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, breasts and underarms. They are formed when the skin’s connective tissue is stretched beyond its limits (1). It is when the skin gets stretched to such a degree, the production of collagen gets affected, which results in very fine scars on the skin’s upper layer.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks is sudden weight loss, weight gain, pregnancy, and puberty. The cause of the appearance of these unsightly marks could also be hereditary. It is important to remember that you cannot get rid of stretch marks. What you can do is reduce them, so that they become barely visible.

How Is Coconut Oil Good For Stretch Marks?

Coconut oil has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it one of the best oils not just for your general health but also for your skin.

There are a few more reasons coconut oil is the ideal choice to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Firstly, it is packed with moisturizing properties. It takes very little time for this oil to get absorbed into the skin. This is important, as stretch marks have to be treated from deep within. Coconut oil is also rich in antioxidants that are known for their ability to fight harmful free radicals and provide nourishment to the skin.

Using coconut oil is one of the most natural ways to combat with stretch marks, as it can be applied to the skin and also ingested without the fear of any side effects.

How To Use Coconut Oil For Stretch Marks:

As discussed, stretch marks are common in the case of pregnancy. While most women will concede that pregnancy is one of the best phases of their lives, they will also admit that their worst nightmare about pregnancy is stretch marks.

If you are pregnant and want to make sure you do not end up with stretch marks, you should make it a point to gently rub coconut oil on your belly 2 to 3 times every day. The good news is that it is safe both for you and your baby. This wonderful oil’s unique properties will help in soothing, moisturizing, clarifying and healing your skin while you are expecting. Once your little one is born, you will be pleased to see that there are very few stretch marks on your stomach or even none at all!
If you already have stretch marks on your body, simply massage the affected areas with slightly warmed extra virgin coconut oil before going to bed in the night. Make sure the oil gets absorbed well into your skin. The following morning, wash the oil off with lukewarm water and a mild soap. This will make your skin strong as well as radiant and glowing. Make this a part of your nightly routine and you will soon notice your stretch marks fading away.

A Balanced Diet:

While using coconut oil for stretch marks can work wonders, you also need to make sure that you eat a well-balanced diet, maintain your body weight, keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, and reduce stress. You need to take good care of your skin to make sure the appearance of these ugly marks is reduced.

Yes, coconut oil can help with stretch marks. Do not shy away due to ugly stretch marks anymore. Just use coconut oil to have younger looking skin and feel confident again!

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The post Is Coconut Oil Effective To Treat Stretch Marks? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Daiwik Suresh Gejji via STYLECRAZE

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