Are Corn Flakes Gluten-Free?

6:54 AM

Are you on a gluten-free diet? Are you wondering if the corn flakes you eat daily for breakfast are gluten-free? When people think of a healthy breakfast, corn flakes are one of the things that come to the mind. Apart from being delicious, they make an easy breakfast because all you need to do is add milk and maybe some fruit and nuts. However, for people who are allergic to gluten, it is important to be careful about the cereals they choose for breakfast.

So, coming back to the question – are corn flakes gluten-free? Read this post to find out.

Gluten – An Overview:

So, what exactly is gluten? The answer is quite simple. It is basically a type of protein that foods like cereals, wheat, and certain grains contain (1). One of the main purposes of this protein is to make sure that the elasticity in foods is kept intact during the fermentation stage of food production. Gluten is what prevents bread and other foods from having a texture that is doughy-like and sticky (2).

What Are The Benefits Of A Gluten-Free Diet?

There is a wide range of health benefits that you can gain by following a gluten-free diet. These benefits include:

  • Improving the levels of cholesterol in your body
  • Promotion of digestive health
  • Increasing levels of energy
  • Preventing autoimmune disorders as well as inflammatory diseases
  • Promoting healthy weight loss
  • Lowering the risk of heart disease
  • Reducing the risk of diabetes
  • Fighting certain types of cancer
  • Helping your body fight against germs and viruses

By eating foods that are free of gluten, you help your body by making sure that it does not get unhealthy fats and carbohydrates that are found in bread products like pastries, donuts, etc. When you are on this type of diet, you will be eating more fruits and vegetables because they are foods that do not contain starch and are almost completely free of gluten.

Are Corn Flakes Gluten-Free?

Although corn is naturally free of gluten, a large percentage of the corn flake cereals that are available in the market contain sweeteners and flavorings that contain gluten. If you are allergic to gluten or follow a gluten-free diet for health reasons, it is important to make sure that you check the product labels on cereal boxes. This will help you determine if that brand of corn flakes is safe for you to eat or not.

Many manufacturers of corn flakes and other breakfast cereals use artificial sugars like malt to add flavor. Corn is gluten-free, but barley, from which malt is made, is not. So, if your brand of corn flakes uses malt, it obviously contains gluten. If you are not allergic to this type of protein, it is safe to eat as malt contains a very small amount of it. However, if you suffer from celiac disease or gluten-intolerance, you obviously need to keep away from it.

There are brands that replace one source of gluten with another. This is why you need to keep yourself well-informed about the various foods that contain it. Check the ingredients of different corn flake brands so that you know which ones do not contain any gluten. The formulas and recipes of some cereals may change from time to time. Also, some brands do not list barley, wheat or rye on their labels, but their products contain malt. This means their corn flakes are not gluten-free.

How To Make Sure If Corn Flakes Are Gluten-Free:

Since gluten sensitivity or intolerance and autoimmune disorders like celiac disease are on the rise, many brands are now producing breakfast cereals like corn flakes that are gluten-free. These brands also recognize that there are many people who prefer to follow a gluten-free diet even though they are not allergic to it. However, as mentioned earlier, it is important to check the labels properly. This is because many packages claim that their products are gluten-free when they are not.

Many reputable brands have also started to create gluten-free versions of their popular breakfast cereals to cater to people who have gluten-intolerance or sensitivity. It is always best to choose brands that are known for high-quality products as you can be sure that their promise of gluten-free corn flakes and other cereals will be kept. You will be satisfied with the gluten-free version as it will definitely be as delicious as the original.

To make sure that you buy a product that is completely free of gluten, you should contact the manufacturer by calling their toll-free number or look for information on their website. This is the best way to ascertain that the product is safe for you to eat.

Are There Healthier Alternatives For Corn Flakes?

If you can eat breakfast cereals other than corn flakes, it may be better to do so. Experts recommend switching to oatmeal or wheat flakes. Improvements can be made to the nutritive quality of the cereal you eat for breakfast by adding low-fat milk. You can also gain essential nutrients by adding fruits like bananas, apples or berries, which are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. Foods that are rich in protein are known to increase the secretion of insulin and normalize blood sugar levels in your body; so make sure that you add nuts to your breakfast cereal for fiber, healthy fats and protein.

Now you know that corn flakes are gluten-free based on the ingredients they contain (3). When certain substances like malt (used as a sweetener) and other flavoring agents are added to corn flakes, gluten will be present even if it is in small quantities. Make sure that the corn flakes you purchase do not contain malt so that there is no risk of an allergic reaction. Take additional precaution by calling up the manufacturers and asking them to give you details about each ingredient to ensure that the product is indeed completely free of gluten. Once you are certain that your corn flakes are gluten-free, you can enjoy your breakfast without worry and continue with your healthy gluten-free diet!

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The post Are Corn Flakes Gluten-Free? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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