8 Simple Sensory Diet Activities For Adults

6:54 AM

Does anyone you know have a problem reacting to people or events? Do they feel clumsy or have poor motor skills? Then they are probably suffering from SPD, which is also known as sensory processing disorder.

So, how can one treat this disorder? Well, that is where the sensory diet comes into play. Unlike other diets, this doesn’t involve taking specific foods or cutting down on other forms of food. It’s instead related with fulfilling the sensory needs of individuals with autism or the sensory processing disorder (1).

Would you like to know more about the diet? Keep reading.

Basics Of A Sensory Diet:

Most cases of sensory diet refer to a kid with SPD (sensory processing disorder) or autism, but the number of adults with such conditions is significant as well. The diet focuses on the education, daily chores and exercise options. Specific physical activities affecting the body joints and connective tissues work well for adults with such special needs. Some such activities can be performed using special equipment. However, some other activities can be done using household products and items.

Types Of Sensory Diet Activities:

Sensory diet activities can broadly be categorized into two types – up-regulating and down-regulating. The former type of activities aids in stimulating under-reactive senses. On the contrary, down-regulating activities help alleviate over-reactive senses.

However, an activity that is up-regulating for a person may turn out to be down-regulating for another. At times, an activity can prove to be both. The core concept is resorting to activities that shape up the nerves and help them perform at optimum levels.

Below listed are the specific activities involved with adult specific sensory diet:

1. Heavy Lifting:

Adults with SPD are recommended to lift weights as per their physical needs(2). However, the amount of weight should be different from one person to another.

2. Applying Deep Pressure:

Activities that offer pressure against skin receptors and those in joints can help. Wearing tight garments and getting body massages can be of use in this regard. Sleeping with a heavy and tight blanket on the body can also be useful.

3. Pulling, Carrying And Pushing:

Heavy work, like using a wheelbarrow or pulling luggage, can help. Activities like using a lawn mower are useful too.

4. Moving The Body:

Activities like swimming and calisthenics can improve sensory receptors in the body and their functioning.

5. Vestibular Input:

Activities like swinging, spinning, as well as hanging upside down stimulate vestibular receptors in the inner ear.

6. Spinning And Swinging:

Using equipment to swing and spin can help people with these conditions. However, spinning and swinging without using equipment also works.

7. Tactile Perception Boosting Activities:

Some activities that may look commonplace can help boost tactile perceptions. Examples include weaving, sewing, and sculpting. Clay or stone based works also help in this regard. Even resorting to coking with various tools offering a slippery touch and grip can be of use.

8. Improving Auditory Reception:

Adults with autism and SPD can be in better shape when their auditory reception functionality works (3). Listening to diverse types of music, live shows, and radio programs can help. Apart from that, these people need to listen to more of natural sounds. Examples include listening to birds cooing, the sound of the sea waves at the beach, and the sound of a thundershower. Listening to the sound made by musical instruments can also help.

There are several other ways to prepare the sensory diet for grown-ups. It depends a lot on the specific need of a person and analysis by a therapist. Research is being conducted in such arenas for obtaining long lasting results (4). Better results are obtained when the affected people adhere to the specified activities and lifestyle recommended by a therapist. With consistent practice and by sticking to the guidelines, the sensory performances receive a boost.

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The post 8 Simple Sensory Diet Activities For Adults appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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