8 Effective Yoga Poses To Treat Sciatica

2:59 AM

There are several ailments and physiological conditions that cause pain, but very few can be as excruciating or annoying than Sciatica, is not it? If you have suffered from the condition, you will agree! So, how do you cope with the pain that accompanies sciatica?

Read on, for we tell you how to get relief from this condition!

Sciatica – A Brief:

Sciatica is basically the pain caused by irritation in the sciatic nerve, a nerve that extends through the base of the spine and down the legs. The sensations of sciatica can include pain, burning sensation, and a feeling of numbness (1). It can be really discomforting at times. On an average, 40% of the adult population have to cope with it (2).

How To Deal With Sciatica?

Sciatica is caused mostly by two conditions – Piriformis syndrome and herniated discs (3). Since ancient times, humans have resorted to numerous methods to get relief from this condition, with varying results.

There is no magic solution since it can be an indication of several underlying health problems. While the latter may require medical intervention and surgery, those developing sciatica owing to piriformis can take the advantage of yoga for benefit. To aid healing from pain caused by herniated discs, a few yoga poses are also recommended (4).

Following are the poses that can help you deal with this condition:

1. Standing Twist:


Image: Shutterstock

This is one yoga pose that can be ideal for victims of sciatica. You may need a chair to practice this pose.

  1. Place the chair against the wall.
  2. Stand with the wall on your right side.
  3. Now keep your right foot on the chair and the knee should be bent at 90 degrees. The standing leg should be perpendicular. The right hand should be on the wall.
  4. Then lift the left heel upwards and turn your body towards the wall. Use your hands for keeping balance.
  5. As you breathe out, lower the left heel maintaining the twist.
  6. Maintain the pose for several seconds.

2. Modified Pyramid:

Modified Pyramid

Image: Shutterstock

This pose basically mixes pelvis resetting and hamstring stretching. Remember that hamstring stretches can sometimes aggravate the nerve.

  1. After you get into the pyramid pose, keep the afflicted leg forward and retract the other leg about 1.5 feet.
  2. With the legs straight, hinge from the hips.
  3. Bend forward while placing the hands on the chair.
  4. Now, push the forward hip backward and bring the back hip forward.
  5. Stay for some time and take five deep breaths.

3. Supine With Pillow Under Knees:


Image: Shutterstock

This posture can help when you have suffered from sciatica pain for some time and need relief.

  1. Lie with face upwards and keep a bolster or pillow under the knees.
  2. The knees should be hip-width apart.
  3. Make sure the lower back is in touch with the floor.
  4. The body should not be in an arch position.
  5. Stay in this pose and take a few long and deep breaths. You should exhale as if you are heaving a sigh of relief.

4. Pigeon In A Chair:


Image: Shutterstock

The pigeon pose and its variations are useful for sciatica patients who find it hard to lie on their backs comfortably.

  1. You will need a chair that is comfortable for use.
  2. Remember that both the legs should be on the floor.
  3. The thighs need to be parallel to the floor as well.
  4. Now, keep the right ankle near the left knee.
  5. Try relaxing the right knee near the floor.
  6. After that, repeat the pose on the other side. For doing any of the pigeon poses, you will require good mobility.

5. Eye Of The Needle Pose:


Image: Shutterstock

This pose is ideal when you want to get relief from sciatica pain and lying on the floor is not tedious for you. Of course, you can try this pose lying on the bed.

  1. At first, you need to bend the right knee and then place your right foot sole on the floor.
  2. Now, bend the left knee and cross the left ankle so that it can rest on the right thigh.
  3. If possible, lift your right leg and then pull it towards the body.
  4. You need to hold the back of the thigh.
  5. Try relaxing the left knee far from the body. Repeat on the other side of the body.

6. Cow In A Chair:


Image: Shutterstock

When the doctor suggests spinal extension to cope with herniated disc and induced sciatica, you can still do the poses. To improve the condition, a few yoga poses are available. These can be handy when you are not in a position to get down on the floor.

  1. To practice the cow in a chair pose, sit with the feet flat on the ground and hands on both the knees.
  2. Breathe in and exhale slowly.
  3. Repeat these steps a number of times.

7. Cobra Pose:


Image: Shutterstock

If lying on the stomach on the floor is not an issue, try the cobra pose.

  1. Keep your palms on the floor firmly.
  2. The hands should be bent under your shoulders.
  3. The elbows need to be bent too.
  4. Now, anchor your pelvis to the floor.
  5. Then push with your palms and lift the chest off the floor.

8. Sphinx Pose:


Image: Shutterstock

If trying cobra pose is possible, you may also try sphinx pose to cope with sciatica pain (5).

  1. You need to lie on the stomach, and the toes need to be flattened on the floor.
  2. The forehead also needs to be on the ground.
  3. Ensure both the legs are close, and the feet and heels are in contact.
  4. Now, stretch your hands in the front and the palms should be facing the floor.
  5. Your arms should touch the ground.
  6. Breathe deeply and lift the head slowly.
  7. Raise your abdomen and chest, but ensure the navel is in touch with the floor.
  8. Try pulling your torso off the ground with the help of your arms.
  9. Keep breathing regularly all the while.
  10. Exhale and then bring down the lifted abdomen, head and chest on the floor.

Tips You Will Benefit From:

While yoga postures can bring you relief from sciatica (6), you need to consult with a doctor and a yoga trainer regarding the suitability of such poses. Practice the poses with a thick yoga mat on the floor to evade any chances of hurting yourself.

Now, do these poses sound a tad bit complicated to you? As weird and clown-ish that they may appear to be, they can be just the solution you have been looking for. Try yoga for pain related to sciatica, and you will be amazed at how much relief you will get!

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The post 8 Effective Yoga Poses To Treat Sciatica appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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