7 Days Sacred Heart Diet For A Healthy You

2:59 AM

Are you one of those hundreds who are always on the lookout for healthy diet plans? While there are several diet plans, not all of them work! If you are looking for a healthy diet plan that not just keeps you fit but also keeps your heart ticking and healthy, you have reached the right place! Sacred heart diet is one such diet that has clinical backing and can do wonders to your overall health, and your heart in specific!

Would you like to know more? Keep reading!

Sacred Heart Diet – A Brief:

Sacred Heart diet is a seven-day long diet that is available in various forms. You can eat soup and certain foods as mentioned in the diet plan for a week. The plan was created for heart patients by the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital in the U.S. with the aim of helping these patients lose weight prior to their heart surgery. Though there is no evidence that the hospital started this diet program, it has become highly popular as a quick weight loss diet all over the world, specifically in the United States and Canada.

Called by various names, like Spokane Heart Diet, Miami Heart Institute diet and Cleveland Clinic diet, the Sacred Heart diet plan consists mainly of soup. There are various versions of the diet available on the Internet. The soup in all plans remains the same, more or less. Just a few ingredients vary. Some versions of the Sacred Heart Diet allow dieters to even include soda in their diet.

Remember that skipping meals barely helps. In fact, it induces extreme hunger and leads to uncontrolled eating. Doctors the world over suggest that you eat veggies and fruits, but not skip meals. The sacred heart diet, unlike many diets, does not ask you to reduce eating. It simply suggests that you eat healthy!

The Sacred Heart Diet consists of a special soup recipe and eating guide that a dieter has to follow for seven consecutive days. On day seven, trust us, you will feel a good 17-pound lighter! (1) One can have any amount of soup as there are no calories in it, but has to be very particular about the items in the rest of the diet.

Recipe- The Soup:


  • Stewed Tomatoes 1 Can
  • Green Onion 3
  • Fat-free canned broth of beef 1
  • Chicken noodle Soup mix 1 pack
  • Green beans, canned 1
  • Green peppers 2
  • Carrots 2 pounds
  • Celery, if desired


Mix all the ingredients and boil until the vegetables are tender. Add seasoning as per taste.

What Else Can One Eat?

There is no restriction to the amount of soup you eat. It flushes out the toxins from your body and makes you feel healthier. Other than that, you may incorporate minerals like copper, zinc and iron in your diet in small quantities. You may also include dietary supplements like enzymes and vitamins in your daily diet.

Along with the soup, you need to drink a lot of water, almost 2 litres a day. One should avoid drinking carbonated drinks. However, certain diet plans do allow dieters to consume soda. Tea and coffee can be consumed with skimmed milk. You are not supposed to consume alcohol. However, unsweetened fruit juices can be consumed.

Day-By-Day Diet Plan:

1st Day:

Other than soup, you may eat all fruits leaving banana.

2nd Day:

Have as many vegetables as you can, including peas, corn and lots of green leafy vegetables. Your veggies can be raw, canned or cooked. Avoid potato the entire day. However, you may have baked potato with a little butter for dinner.

3rd Day:

This day is all about a mix of fruits and vegetables. But banana and baked potato are not allowed.

4th Day:

Soup, bananas and skimmed milk are all that you have to eat the entire day. You should not eat more than 3 bananas, though. There is no restriction to the amount of milk you can drink.

5th Day:

You will love this day, as it allows you to have 10 to 20 ounces beef and 6 tomatoes. You also can drink as much soup as you want, with the minimum quantity being one bowl.

6th Day:

Eat as much beef and vegetables as you want. It is best to opt for green veggies.

However, on this day, potatoes are a big no-no. And, don’t forget to drink your special soup.

Last Day:

This is the last day of the diet wherein you may have vegetables, brown rice and fruit juice. Soup is a must!

You may substitute beef with chicken or broiled fish. It is claimed if you follow the Sacred Heart diet plan, you could lose around 10-15 pounds. Hence, the diet can be called an extreme weight loss diet plan and is not considered a lifestyle change diet. You should only repeat this diet plan after taking a long break after the first plan, as it eliminates food groups and can lead to malnourishment.


The diet is perfect for those who want to get rid of a few pounds quickly for some special occasion, such as a wedding or after a lazy vacation to get back into shape. It is good for obese people, but is not recommended on a long-term basis.


The Sacred Heart diet is a great way to lose weight quickly. However, since it allows you to eat very limited foods, it may lead to nutritional deficiencies. It may cause weakness and headaches, if water is not consumed in adequate amounts. Women, who are pregnant or breastfeeding their babies, should not go for this diet.

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The post 7 Days Sacred Heart Diet For A Healthy You appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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