10 Effective Natural Remedies To Treat Leaky Gut

1:13 AM

How many of you have heard of the medical condition called leaky gut? To explain in detail, leaky gut is a medical condition caused by damage to the intestinal lining (1). This damage impairs the ability of the intestinal lining to filter the nutrients in the body and aid in absorption.

But don’t worry; there are certain effective home remedies that can treat a leaky gut. Would you like to know what they are? Keep reading!

Leaky Gut – A Brief:

When the intestinal lining is damaged, it can no longer protect the inner layers of the intestine. This also causes a leakage of toxins, bacteria and other contents into the bloodstream, which an otherwise healthy gut would have controlled effectively. Victims who suffer from a leaky gut also show symptoms such as acute gastrointestinal problems, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease and inflamed bowel syndrome (2).

Following are the home remedies for a leaky gut:

1. Develop Good Eating Habits:

Eating food on time, and chewing food slowly can improve digestion. It is common knowledge that improved digestion adds to the health of the intestine. Eating smaller and lighter meals and taking in smaller bites help the body digest food well, and this can contribute to a healthy intestine.

2. Discover The Wonders Of Fenugreek:

Include fenugreek in your diet. Fenugreek has natural medicinal properties and can help flush out microorganisms from the gut.

3. Tap Into The Magic Of Peppermint Tea:

Peppermint tea is good for those suffering from a leaky gut as it aids in digestion by improving the secretion of bile. Further, peppermint tea has certain elements, which help flush out toxins and bad bacteria from the intestine.

4. Natural Foods:

Many of the foods that we consume everyday are natural sources of antibiotics that can work wonders for keeping the gut healthy. They are capable of cleansing the gut and can have a huge role in the treatment of leaky gut symptoms. Include onions, garlic, radish, and cabbage in the diet. They can help cleanse the colon.

5. Cleansing With Chamomile Tea:

Those suffering from a leaky gut can greatly benefit by drinking at least 2 cups of chamomile tea. Contents in chamomile tea assist in lowering symptoms like stomach pain, cramps, flatulence and bloating. The tea also has a calming effect.

6. The Fabulous Fiber Foods:

Consuming fibrous foods has always been good, and more so for those suffering from a leaky gut. Foods rich in fiber help alleviate many intestinal disorders by improving digestion in the first place. Fibrous foods can help fight the bad bacteria in the gut and help flush them out keeping the gut healthy.

7. Dip Into The Powerful Probiotics:

Probiotics are wonder foods, especially for those with a leaky gut (3). Probiotics are living microorganisms that provide the body with very good bacteria, and hence, by consuming foods high on probiotics you are ensuring the body is getting enough good bacteria to fight the bad ones. Natural sources of probiotics are dietary foods and supplements, yogurt, and fermented foods.

8. Nothing To Beat Water:

Water is always the magic drink for good health. Not getting adequate water can be really bad for the gut. For a healthy gut, one must consume at least ten glasses of water a day. Water helps in flushing out toxins from the stomach and intestines, and this can help alleviate the symptoms of a leaky gut.

9. Go High On Ginger:

Including adequate ginger in your daily food or in tea can improve symptoms of a leaky gut to a great extent. The medicinal properties of ginger can reduce irritation and swelling in the intestine. Ginger is rich in antioxidants that can help flush out harmful bacteria from the intestines (4).

10. Garlic Is Good:

Symptoms of a leaky gut can be relieved just by consuming few cloves of raw garlic every day. Not only does garlic reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, it can also remove excess yeast and balance the stomach bacteria. This can keep the gut healthy.

Even a leaky gut can be easily treated at home. Try these simple home remedies and let us know which one worked best for you! Comment in the box below!

The post 10 Effective Natural Remedies To Treat Leaky Gut appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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