11 Surprising Benefits And Uses Of Marijuana Tea

2:29 AM

Have you heard the buzz about marijuana tea? It is growing in popularity all over the world because it comes with many health benefits. And if you are wondering how you can make this tea, you have come to the right place!

This post tells you how you can prepare marijuana tea at home, also discusses its benefits and uses! Keep reading!

Making Marijuana Or Cannabis Tea At Home:

Making marijuana tea at home is pretty simple.


  • 1 gram of cannabis
  • 1 liter of water
  • Sieve or tea strainer
  • Pan that has a lid
  • Liquid or powder coffee creamer


  1. To make the tea, the first thing you need to do is bring the water to a boil.
  2. Then, add marijuana directly to the water.
  3. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes. You will have to remove the marijuana leaves with the sieve.
  4. If you are using a strainer, just remove that.
  5. Now you can pour the tea into a sterilized and sealed container.
  6. To make sure the active compounds of the marijuana stay in the solution, add a spoon of the creamer.
  7. The tea’s potency will also remain constant during the storage period.

You can store marijuana tea for up to 5 days by refrigerating it. Depending on your preference, you can drink it cold or reheat it before you do. This tea has a taste that is a little peculiar, and you might take some time to get used to it. However, the good news is that you can improve the taste by adding honey, sugar, mint, etc.

Here is another recipe that you can use to make marijuana tea at home.


  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 cup of marijuana leaves
  • 2 tea bags
  • Milk/Rice milk/Soy milk
  • Honey


  1. All you need to do is boil the water and add the leaves.
  2. Let it simmer for 15 minutes or so.
  3. Add the 2 teabags as well as the honey and milk.
  4. Let the mixture boil for another 5 to 10 minutes.
  5. While adding the milk, make sure that you pour it in slowly to prevent it from curdling.
  6. You can also heat up the milk a little so that it is warm as you pour it in.

There are many things that you can to your homemade marijuana tea. Some add mint-flavored teabags while others like a little alcohol and sugar in it to give it a kick. You can also use 10% cream as an alternative to whole milk. You can even add unsalted butter to the water while it boils so that you have delicious butter-flavored marijuana tea.

Experimenting with marijuana tea is fun, and you could end up with a delicious version that is all your own!

Benefits Of Marijuana Tea:

Marijuana tea has medicinal properties that give you quite a few benefits. These benefits include:

1. Decreases Chronic Pain:

One of the main reasons people consume marijuana tea is for its effectiveness in reducing chronic pain (1). Those who suffer from multiple sclerosis, cancer, AIDS, etc. drink this tea to relieve pain. Apart from relieving physical pain, it also relieves the mental anxiety that accompanies continual body pain.

2. Lowers Nausea:

One of the side-effects of medication and treatment of diseases, including chemotherapy, is nausea. Cannabis is known to provide relief from this problem (2). Drinking it in the form of tea is a much healthier option than smoking it. It also helps in boosting appetite.

3. May Help In Autoimmune Disease Treatment:

According to experts, marijuana tea may help in the treatment of diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. However, more research needs to be conducted to find out if cannabis or its tea can be used to treat these autoimmune diseases (3).

4. Lowers Anxiety:

As mentioned earlier, anxiety comes with chronic pain. Patients of cancer, AIDS, etc. experience mental anxiety when they are receiving treatment. Marijuana can be an effective help in reducing this mental state and also provide feelings of well-being for such patients.

Uses Of Marijuana Tea:

In countries like Jamaica and India, marijuana tea is commonly used for a number of different reasons. Let us take a brief look at some of the uses of this tea in different cultures:

  1. In India, marijuana tea is known as Bhang and is a drink used mainly in ceremonies. In older times, a common tradition was to serve the best Bhang to guests.
  2. It is used as an offering to the deities as well.
  3. It is used as a way to enforce the spirit to keep diseases away.
  4. In Jamaica, marijuana tea is used to strengthen the body and make it less susceptible to health problems.
  5. It is used as a natural treatment for fever and cold.
  6. It is used as a remedy for stress.
  7. It is also used to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy.

Marijuana tea is a healthier alternative to smoked cannabis. It also provides a therapeutic experience that is different from smoking. The active ingredients of the plant are absorbed through the digestive tract. It is due to this that the start of the tea’s action is delayed, and the effects last much longer. The tea takes effect 30 to 90 minutes after it is ingested, and the effects can last 4 to 8 hours.

If you are planning to drink marijuana tea, it is best to make it at home as you can use the ingredients that you like. The ingredients are easy to get, and the process of making the tea is quite simple. Why buy readymade products when you can easily make them at home? So, go ahead and brew yourself a deliciously healthy cup of this wonderful herbal tea!

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The post 11 Surprising Benefits And Uses Of Marijuana Tea appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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