What Is Guided Meditation And What Are Its Benefits?

4:08 AM

Before beginning a meditation session, have you thought about the best ways to try it? Millions of people across the globe resort to meditation in their quest to get relief from stress, woes of life and negativity. Meditation brings lasting and effective relief compared to other means to battle these issues. However, you need to pick the right form of meditation first. There are so many variants of meditation that a beginner may become baffled. Besides, it is also important that you choose between solitary and guided meditation.

Nuances Of Guided Meditation:

As is evident from the name, in guided meditation, you learn the method or techniques from a spiritual leader or a guru who is well-versed in that form of meditation. It is generally taught in a group. It is pointless to say that one form of meditation is better than the other since all the meditation types have more or less the same goals.

The Need To Opt For Guided Meditation:

You may need to opt for guided meditation for a number of reasons. These are:

  1. Some people find it excruciatingly tough to concentrate and focus while beginning a form of meditation. Distractions like thoughts of the past, personal problems or job-related stress keep distracting their mind. To eradicate such distractions while meditating, they may need the guidance of a veteran meditation guru or leader.
  1. In some forms of meditation, such as samarpan meditation, you will need to chant a mantra or word for concentration. There are proper ways to chant such hymns or sacred words. Without the guidance of a meditation expert, you may not be able to chant correctly and obtain the benefits.
  1. There are some women and men who feel a lack of confidence in trying something new in life on their own. It is caused mostly by low self-esteem. These people should opt for guided meditation. They will feel less worried about their progress and success in adhering to the meditation techniques.
  1. Group and guided meditations are taught at meditation centers that are generally located at serene places. So, when you opt for their guided meditation courses, you face less risk of getting distracted by noise and external factors. These centers provide the followers the right environment and setting to learn and practice forms of meditation.

Methods For Availing Guided Meditations:

There are various methods for practicing and availing guided meditations. These are:

  1. Presence Of A Leader – In most instances of guided meditations, the method is taught by a veteran spiritual leader well-versed in that specific genre. These leaders have experience of practicing and imparting the training for over a decade or more.
  1. In The Form Of A Book – You can also buy printed guides for practicing various types of meditations. This way, you can practice meditation at your home using the proper method.
  1. Audio-Visual Guide – You can easily find CDs or DVDs published by various meditation experts nowadays. By using these digital guides, you can learn the nuances of various meditation methods at home and, thereafter, try them in a proper way.
  1. Combination Of The Forms – In some instances, you can opt for a mixed form of guided meditation. For example, in some meditation centers, including a few in India, the followers enroll for courses where recorded voiceover of the leaders is played during practice. They are also taught the meditation methods by the leaders personally at times.

Summing It Up:

No matter what type of meditation you choose and practice, personally or in a group, eventually you will end up picking up the nuances. There are instances of meditation experts who began as followers in group meditation sessions, developed the skills and later became meditation teachers.

The post What Is Guided Meditation And What Are Its Benefits? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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