The Ultimate Guide To Patriji Meditation

3:44 AM

Patriji meditation is a new practice of meditation started by Brahmashri Patriji, the founder of the Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement and The Pyramid Valley Retreat. This was started in 1999. His aim was to spread spirituality and meditation to all. He promoted this meditation after much research, which is more scientific and secular. He has written over seventy books. Patriji form of meditation is not through any worship or prayer or even by doing bhajans. Their kind of meditation does not promote chanting or even visualization. Patriji meditation is through breathing where an individual empties out the mind with the help of breathing. There is total termination of all the restless waves of the mind by undertaking an inward journey. Patriji meditation is a science of energy maximization. It is also a science of joy and health. This meditation silences the incessant chatter of the restless mind.

Three Laws Of Meditation:

1. Cultivation Of The Mind:

Law 1 is about the cultivation of the mind through meditation. When the individual is with the breath, the mind becomes empty. It is also known as Anapanasati meditation, which is core practice of Patriji meditation. ‘Ana’ means ‘inhaling’, ‘Apana’ means ‘exhaling’ and ‘Sati’ means ‘to be one with’. Thus, Anapanasati means concentrating on one’s breathing and being aware. The meditation technique asks the individual to sit comfortably cross-legged with the hands clasped. Close the eyes slowly and observe the natural breathing process. The mind enters the thoughtlessness state and becomes silent. This is where the individual can experience deep inner peace.

2. Receive Cosmic Energy:

Law 2 is about receiving cosmic energy. When the mind is empty, it is able to receive cosmic energy from nature and the universe. This helps an individual heal his own diseases. A person can become free from all kinds of psychological disturbances like stress and tension.

3. Unlock Inner Potential:

Law 3 states that when you receive enough cosmic energy, you can utilize your infinite capacity and activate the extra-sensory perception in you. It helps in activating the inner senses and making your inner potential kinetic.

Pyramid Meditation:

Patriji meditation promotes pyramid meditation. It is the meditation done inside or beneath a pyramid. He has created 15000 pyramid meditation centers all around the world. One of the largest pyramids is in Bangalore, which can seat 5000 people at one time.

Meditation Technique:

Meditation is being aware of one’s breathing process. The mind has to follow the breath. In this breathing process, it is important to focus on the breathing process and not allow thoughts to enter the mind and take over. One should meditate daily and according to one’s age. If one is thirty years old, then practice for thirty minutes.

Benefits Of This Meditation:

Patriji meditation helps infuse fresh oxygen into the body. More oxygen is infused into the blood stream. This helps the body heal itself. It can heal many illnesses like high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc. It helps lessen a lot of stress and tension. There are other benefits like:

1. Happiness:

The intake of fresh oxygen into the blood helps the release of serotonin, which makes a person feel happy. It helps release tension and make a person happy.

2. More Efficiency:

It helps to make a person more efficient. Regular meditation helps to make the person more energetic as it improves the brain functioning. It also helps an individual take on more responsibilities.

3. Quicker Decisions:

Regular Patriji meditation makes the mind sharper and focused. A person becomes more aware, and it also provides the ability to make quick decisions. The individual is able to see things from a different perspective

Meditation also helps to cement better interpersonal relationships. The release of positive vibes enables the individual to strengthen the bonds.

Meditation has more benefits than meets the eye! Not only will you feel calm and composed, but you also will feel a surge of energy and see your overall health improve.

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The post The Ultimate Guide To Patriji Meditation appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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