9 Magical Ways Marcus Aurelius Meditation Benefits You

3:36 AM

Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor who ruled from 161 to 180 CE. He wrote a series of books known as Meditations. These were, in reality, his private notes to himself on the ideas of Stoic philosophy. There were twelve books in the series, written in Koine Greek. These private notes were for his self-improvement and guidance. Many of these writings were when the emperor was military campaigning in different parts of the empire.

Since there was no official title to the series, Meditations was the commonly given title to all the books. The writings are in the form of quotations, which vary from one sentence to a paragraph long. His writings do not signify any religious faith, but point to the belief that some sort of logical, benevolent force organizes the universe in such a way that even bad occurrences happen for the good of the whole.

The many benefits that are enlisted in his writings are:

1. The Cultivation Of A Philosophical Mind:

The meditation teaches one to cultivate a philosophical mind, to control temper and be candid. Not running after vanity will help improve the character. Being frugal in expense and hard work will help in the cultivation of a philosophical mind.

2. Philosophy – The Mind’s Greatest Solace:

It is important to remember that the being consists of the body, the breath and the part that governs – the mind, which is the most important. The mind should not be overborne by selfish passion. It should not be uneasy of the present and afraid of the future. The things around you can feel the presence of God. It is important to thank God for what you get. A man’s actions should denote dignity, humanity, gravity, freedom, and justice. Any action should be done as if it was the last. Belief in Providence or God is very important, as man can exist only with his blessings. The being is in perpetual change, the bodies are prone to corruption, the soul is a swirl, fortune can come and go, and posthumous fame is oblivion. Thus, it is only the philosophy that helps to keep the interior divinity from disgrace.

3. Loyalty To The Principles Of Wisdom:

A person’s own heart is the place that is the most free from the blare and crowd in the world, if one’s thoughts are tranquil and the mind well-ordered. Make frequent use of this solitude retirement, it helps to refresh the virtue. Humankind is under one common law. It is important to adhere to the principles of wisdom.

4. Sincerity In Action:

Man is born to do a set of actions in this world. It is important to do these actions in accordance with nature, without being ashamed of it. The action should not be misled by the fear of reprimand or admonishment. The opinion of others should not matter when you are doing your work honestly. The action should not seek any payment of gratitude.

5. Liberality In Outlook:

Doing something serviceable to humankind should always make one happy. Revenge is not a solution to all problems. It is enough to do one’s duty and not be disturbed about other things. If one receives a blow, think of it as a trial of skill and move away without malice.

6. Patience And Tolerance:

It is important to have patience and tolerance. Rational individuals are designed for the advantage of each other. Human nature was intended for social temper. Since people around have different natures, tolerance and patience help to empower the mind.

7. Triple Responsibility:

Every person has a triple responsibility towards his body, God and neighbour. Never should life be burdened with the weight of the future, nor should it be afflicted by past deeds. One should live in the present and deal with its problems singly.

8. Moderation In The Deed And Wish:

It is important that man seeks moderation for his needs and wishes. It is important to rise above wanting. A man is happy or miserable based on his actions as there are virtue and vice in every action. The action should be in moderation to gain happiness.

9. Calmness Under Ill Usage:

People are set to take advantage of one another. Keeping calm in such situation is a good idea for gentleness, and good humour can disarm the most outrageous person. A man’s good nature and integrity can never be concealed.

Marcus ‘s meditation asks a man to retire in serenity for he is accountable only to the one who has sent him to this world and orders his existence. These musings of the Roman emperor in Meditations were for self-improvement as he genuinely tried to improve the lives of the poor people in his empire.

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by Daiwik Suresh Gejji via STYLECRAZE

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