Yum Alert! Try This White Sauce Pasta Recipe

4:44 AM

Cooking is as much as a skill, as it is an art or a science. Almost, all of you out there cook something or the other or a daily basis. You would want to be an amazing cook, but boiling an egg or making packet noodles is not a good benchmark to call yourself a cook. However, there are many of you who would want to learn more and master some of the simple recipes so that while you can fend for yourself, you do not have to eat the same old boring food every day. So, here is the recipe on how to make white sauce pasta at home.

At the onset, let us make it very clear – good food on the plate needs a little skill, a lot of patience and good taste buds to ensure you taste what you make as you progress. Remember, the key to good cooking is to add ingredients at the right time in the right quantity. Always start to add less of any ingredient, so that you can add more later. But, if you add too much of an ingredient there is no way to undo the damage done to the taste. So, you must be patient and highly calculative when you turn over that spoon to add anything to the dish.

You can follow this simple and easy recipe to make white sauce pasta at home. As is clear, there are two parts to this dish. One, is the preparation of the white sauce. Two, is to get the pasta ready in the correct manner.

So, first and foremost, you should have a list of the ingredients that you would need. Why do you need a list, so that you do not miss out on anything and can make the best pasta ever! Every little ingredient contributes and adds flavour to your pasta, so do not undermine any one of the constituents of your dish.

To make white sauce for pasta, you would require:

  • Baby corn: 4 big ones
  • Butter: 2 tablespoons
  • Flour: 2 tablespoons
  • Milk: 2 and ¾ cups
  • Salt: according to taste
  • Onion and Capsicum: 1 each, medium sized
  • Oregano: 1 tablespoon
  • Pepper: ¾ of a teaspoon
  • Red chilli (flakes): ½ teaspoon (you can add more if you like spicy food)
  • Cheese: 100 grams
  • Cream: ¼ cup
  • Mushrooms (for added flavour): 8-10 pieces

To make the pasta:

  • Pasta (you can choose the design you want) – 1 cup
  • Water: 2 and ½ cups of water
  • Oil (refined): ½ teaspoon
  • Salt: ½ teaspoon

Preparation time: 15 minutes to 20 minutes

So, get your ingredients ready and first prepare the white sauce. If you are confident and already a good cook, you can choose to prepare your pasta side by side.

Here Is How You Will Prepare And Make Your White Sauce:

  1. First and foremost, make sure you clean all the vegetables properly. Buy the freshest possible produce to enjoy your pasta and make it flavourful.
  1. Clean, rinse, dry and chop all the vegetables into small pieces. If you are not comfortable chopping onions, cut it into half, soak tin water for some time and chop it later after removing the peel. This will reduce the tear effect for you and others around you.
  1. Keep a decent sized bowl on the gas, preheat it a little for about 30 to 50 seconds. You should be able to feel the warmth if you place your hand on the bowl (make sure your gas is on medium to low flame, you do not want to burn the ingredients or overcook them).
  1. To the bowl, add butter and let it melt and simmer a little. Do not overheat it, it will start to change color.
  1. Add onions to the butter and heat and sauté them for about 2 minutes. Again, keep stirring so that all the onions are properly done and get an even colour all over.
  1. Once they are a little brown, you should add oregano, capsicum, mushroom and baby corn that you have already chopped. Add them slowly, do not just drop them. You might cause the butter to splash (chances are less, but do not risk it). Let the vegetables cook in the pan/bowl for about 5 minutes. We want them to absorb the flavours and cook about half way through.
  1. Now, you should add flour to the vegetables that are already being cooked in the pan and heat them for about 30 seconds to 40 seconds. Once you start to smell that the flour is being cooked and has been properly turned brown, you can proceed to the next step. Do not turn the flame to high. Let them cook on medium to low flame.
  1. Now, slowly and consistently add milk to the mixture and heat it. Make sure you do not cause the flour to get formed into lumps as you pour the milk. It is a good practice to add milk slowly and keep stirring aggressively, but carefully, to get the best consistency and avoid the lumpy formations. Let it cook for about 5 and ½ minutes to 6 minutes. Let it come to a boil a little.
  1. Add red chilli flakes, pepper and salt to the bowl. Pour the cream into the bowl now.
  1. So, it was that easy to make your white sauce. Make sure that you taste the sauce as it is getting ready to ensure it tastes good and all flavours are being mixed properly.

Get That Pasta Ready:

You need to have your pasta ready when you have the white sauce at the boil so that you can add it instantly and cook the two together. Again, the idea of cooking them together for some time is to ensure that flavours gel well.

  1. So, step 1 would be to take a big bowl or pan and pour water into it. Add oil and salt to the pan. Bring the water to boil.
  1. Slowly add the pasta to the boiling water. Again, be cautious as you add the pasta to the boiling water to avoid any splashes and splatter of water on yourself. Let it come to a boil again and cook it for about 10-15 minutes to ensure the pasta is cooked to about 90%.
  1. You should leave it a little raw because when you add it to your sauce you will cook it a little at that time as well. If your pasta is already fully cooked, it will become gooey as you cook it in and with the sauce.
  1. Once you have seen that the pasta is cooked to your expectation, take a strainer and sieve it to get rid of any additional water and drain it properly.

The Big Part: Mix The Two Together:

Now, both your components are ready. Mixing them would give you your white sauce pasta. Once the pasta is drained and the white sauce has come to boil as mentioned above, go ahead and add your pasta to the white sauce. Let it cook for some time on a really low flame. Remember to cover the pan/bowl and cook it for about 2-3 minutes to let the flavours, ingredients and taste blend in properly.

Once done, you can add more cream if you like. You can proceed to garnish the pasta with cheese.

Take out your deliciously cooked pasta in white sauce into a big serving bowl. Again, exercise caution as you pour the pasta from the cooking pan into the bowl. It would be really hot and you have to be careful while handling your utensils. You do not want to get hurt or burn yourself in the process. Make sure you use an oven friendly bowl so that you can grill it later in the microwave.

In a decently sized plate, use a decent sized grater and grate the cheese to be used for garnishing. Grate the cheese to get more flavour and evenly distribute it all over the pasta. Avoid using cheese blocks in the pasta as it compromises the consistency of the sauce and the look of your white sauce pasta.

Once you have added the grated cheese, you can grill your white sauce pasta for about 4-5 minutes in the microwave or the oven.

Take it out, garnish it with coriander and set it on the dining table for people to savour and taste

A Few Things To Remember And Note:

  • Make sure you avoid any ingredient that is part of the recipe but you are allergic to.
  • You can add more vegetables and spices/herbs to enhance and compliment the taste. But proceed with caution. Rosemary, if added too much, can overpower all the other taste elements of your beautifully cooked pasta.

If you intend to serve your guests, you might have to take their likings into consideration. In such a situation, stick to the basic vegetables only.

The post Yum Alert! Try This White Sauce Pasta Recipe appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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