How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide For Swimmers Ear?

5:01 AM

Are you suffering from swimmer’s ear? Do you want an effective treatment to heal the condition? Then hydrogen peroxide comes as a highly recommended remedy.

Wondering how it can contribute to curing your ailment? Then keep reading this post.

Swimmer’s Ear – A Brief:

Swimmer’s ear is an infection that starts in your eardrum and runs till the outside of the head. Discomfort, pain, and in some cases, even ear blockage, are a few of the symptoms of this condition (1). If it is not treated as quickly as possible, it can become worse and result in long-term negative effects on your ears. To prevent this from happening, you should use home remedies such as hydrogen peroxide. As you know, peroxide is a highly effective remedy for different kinds of infection, including swimmer’s ear. You can get rid of the infection and prevent long-term damage.

How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide For Swimmers Ear:

As mentioned already, hydrogen peroxide is one of the most recommended home remedies for treating swimmer’s ear infection. However, it is important to remember that you need to be very careful when using it (2). While it is considered to be safe and very effective for many people, there are those who may be affected negatively. According to studies, using large amounts of hydrogen peroxide on a perforated and dry eardrum could have a negative impact on the ear’s function. Also, it is known that hydrogen peroxide kills cells that are healthy.

Using hydrogen peroxide for swimmer’s ear is simple. All you need to do is:

  1. Put 4 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the affected ear while you lie down on your side. You will notice a bubbling sound. That is the peroxide working on the infection. You should use this treatment at the onset of the infection.
  1. Leave the peroxide to do its job for 10 minutes. When time is up, drain it out from your ear on a tissue.

You should keep in mind that you should not use hydrogen peroxide drops if you have had surgery in your ears or have ruptured ear drums.

Natural Remedies For Swimmer’s Ear:

If you do not want to buy expensive drops that come in tiny bottles, you can make your own at home with hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, olive oil, rubbing alcohol, etc. They will help you save a lot of money, and the best part is that they work wonders. When you use home remedies to treat swimmer’s ear, you will notice an improvement within 3 days and the condition will be resolved in 7 days. If there is no improvement, you should stop using the treatment and consult your doctor.

Tips To Prevent Swimmer’s Ear:

If you are a regular swimmer, you can avoid getting swimmer’s ear by following a few simple tips, which include:

  • Make sure that you keep your ears dry (3). After you have taken a shower or did some swimming, turn your head to the sides a few times to get the water out. You should also remember to use a soft piece of cloth to dry your ears.
  • Avoid using cotton swabs in your ear as it contributes to earwax build-up. This in turn will result in water getting trapped in your ear (4).
  • Needless to say, always keep away from dirty water, as one of the main contributing factors of swimmer’s ear is bacteria, which, as you know, is present in dirty water in large amounts.
  • When you are swimming, make sure that you adjust your swim cap in such a way that water does not get into your ear canals (5). You can also use wax or silicon earplugs that are great as you can shape them to fit your ears perfectly.
  • Do not insert any foreign objects into your ears.

If you are affected by swimmer’s ear, you should use hydrogen peroxide as a treatment. It will kill the bacteria that are causing the infection and resolve the problem in no time. By using this home remedy, you can make sure that you gain relief from the pain and discomfort that comes with swimmer’s ear.

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The post How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide For Swimmers Ear? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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