
10 Amazing Benefits Of Lemon Verbena Tea

8:28 AM

Looking for natural and safe solutions to all your health problems? Try lemon verbena tea. It comes with a wide number of benefits that will surely make a difference in your daily routine.

Would you like to know more? Keep reading!

What Is Lemon Verbena?

Lemon verbena is a hearty herb grown mostly in countries like Chile and Argentina. Often regarded as luisa, it is known popularly for its lemony fragrance that comes once the leaves have been crushed. Lemon verbena leaves are used for making an exotic herbal tea that comes with a large number of health benefits.

Following are the benefits of lemon verbena tea:

1. Digestion:

The first benefit you can derive out of lemon verbena tea is its ability to improve your digestive system. It will relieve you from bloating, gas problems, constipation, colic, diarrhea and other problems that stop you from living a healthy lifestyle (1).

2. Sedative:

Another amazing benefit of lemon verbena tea is that it cools you down. Yes, it acts as a sedative. Lemon verbena comes with healing properties that reduce tension, stress and anxiety. In short, it helps you feel calm and relaxed.

3. Sleep Better:

With lemon verbena, you can sleep better at night (2). This ingredient is beneficial, particularly for all those who are suffering from insomnia. It improves your sleeping patterns and gives you energy for the rest of the day.

4. Boosts Memory:

In order to boost memory, you need not try expensive medicines or impossible techniques. Stick to mother nature, and you will be blessed abundantly. Another positive effect of lemon verbena is its ability to improve your memory over time (3). It boosts concentration and improves performance at work. It is best to drink lemon verbena tea in order to maximize its benefits.

5. Improves Nerve Health:

Another amazing benefit you can derive out of lemon verbena is improving nerve health. It is often used as an infusion to strengthen the nervous system (4). You can sweeten your health drink with some honey or a dash of lime to add taste to the drink.

6. Fights Fever:

Lemon Verbena also contains antipyretic properties that make you less prone to fevers and reduce the temperature quickly. In fact, lemon verbena tea is perfect for treating cold, flu and sickness.

7. Best For Runners:

Lemon Verbena tea is ideal for all athletes and runners. It speeds muscle recovery and protects the tissues from getting damaged during hardcore running workouts.

How To Make Lemon Verbena Iced Tea?

Lemon Verbena Iced tea is ideal for summer afternoons. Here is a quick recipe that shows you how to make the best lemon verbena iced tea this season!


  • Half a cup of sugar
  • Half a cup of water
  • One cup of lemon verbena leaves
  • 4 cups of ice
  • 6 cups of brewed tea
  • Mint leaves
  • Lemon wedges


  1. Take sugar and water in a saucepan and let them boil. Cook for a minute and wait for the sugar to dissolve.
  2. Cook the lemon verbena leaves in boiling water for a minute. Drain it in ice water now.
  3. Combine both the sugar syrup and verbena leaves in a blender and let it process till smooth.
  4. Cover and let it chill for the night.
  5. Strain the sugar syrup through a sieve in a bowl.
  6. Now place some ice in 6 glasses.
  7. Add a cup of brewed tea and two tablespoons of sugar.
  8. Garnish with mint leaves and lemon wedges.

How Should You Use Lemon Verbena?

There are so many wonderful ideas that come into our mind the moment we think of lemon verbena. Here is a couple of them you just have to try today.

Make Lemon Verbena Sun Tea:

  1. Cut and wash the leaves at first.
  2. Now stuff them in a jar and let them sit in the sun for a couple of hours.
  3. Slice the leaves gently and add lemon verbena to your salad or vegetables.

Make Lemon Verbena Infused Vinegar:

  1. Chop and bruise the leaves and cover them in simple white vinegar for 30 days.
  2. You can use the same method in order to prepare white wine vinegar.

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The post 10 Amazing Benefits Of Lemon Verbena Tea appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Naomi via STYLECRAZE

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