Heavy Periods? Try This Ayurvedic Home Remedy Using Saffron – It Works Wonders!

11:49 AM

Are you frustrated because you need to change your sanitary pads or tampons every two hours during your periods? Heavy or prolonged periods, also known as menorrhagia, is a very common problem for menstruating women, and it has a direct impact on their physical as well as emotional health. The excessive bleeding also leads to anemia and causes a hormonal imbalance in the body.

In Ayurvedic terms, menorrhagia is termed as Raktapradara or Asrigdara, where asrig means blood and dara means excessive flow.

What Causes Menorrhagia (Heavy Periods)?

There are a number of factors that lead to excessive and uncontrollable menstrual bleeding. Here are a few of them:

1. Intake of food that is deeply penetrative in nature such as garlic, mustard, etc.
2. Stress.
3. Performing heavy exercises daily.
4. Excess of sexual indulgence that often leads to an increase in vata dosha.
5. Fasting for a long time and quite often, which causes an increase in vata and pitta doshas. Both the doshas are related to menorrhagia.

Since it is a major problem plaguing women, a lot of medications are available in the market to treat it. These medicines help in reducing the pain for the time being. However, it is better if this problem is resolved from the roots. Here, we are sharing a simple Ayurvedic home remedy that can provide relief from heavy periods.


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What You Need
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • A single strand of saffron
How To Make

1. Take a strand of saffron and break it into fine pieces.
2. Mix it well with a teaspoon of honey and then consume it.

You can take this once or twice a day.

When Can You Eat This?

You can have this mixture to deal with:

1. Excessive bleeding during periods
2. Painful periods
3. Premenstrual syndrome
4. Mood swings during periods
5. If you’re suffering from any condition related to high pitta
6. Nasal bleeding
7. Depression

Why Does This Remedy Work?

Saffron acts as antispasmodic and helps in relieving the pain during periods. It also keeps the bleeding in control.

How Long Should You Continue This Remedy?

If you usually suffer from heavy periods, you must start having saffron along with honey around three or four days prior to the expected date of onset and continue consuming it till the bleeding lasts.

But, if you do not suffer from heavy bleeding every month, it is better to opt for the remedy only if you experience a lot of pain along with heavy blood flow.

Expiry Date

Since you mix saffron and honey at the time of consumption, there is no expiry date to the remedy. But, make sure you use original and fresh saffron. Saffron can be stored in an airtight container for around a year.

Is This Safe For Kids?

If your kid is suffering from spasmodic stomach pain and is above three years of age, you can use this remedy.

It is also safe for pregnant and lactating mothers.

A high dosage of the remedy is not suggested as it may have side effects.

Some Other Helpful Remedies To Stop Heavy Bleeding


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  1. Ashoka bark is another popularly used herb in Ayurvedic women care. To reduce the menstrual pain, take 25 grams (or one and a half tablespoon) of Ashoka bark powder and boil it in 500 ml (or one cup) of water. Continue boiling till the quantity reduces to 50 ml. Now, add 50 ml (three tablespoons) of milk to the solution and again boil it till you are left with 50 ml. Filter the solution and allow it to cool for some time.

You can take a dose of 20-30 ml and drink it early in the morning till the bleeding continues.

  1. You can also make a medicated paste out of crushed leaves of Lajjalu (touch-me-not plant) along with the fresh juice of doorva (Cynodon dactylon) or with tandulodaka (rice washed water).
  1. Eating raisins regularly helps in balancing pitta, and this helps in controlling bleeding during periods.

Try these Ayurvedic remedies to stop heavy bleeding. We hope you liked the article. Share your views in the comments box below.

The post Heavy Periods? Try This Ayurvedic Home Remedy Using Saffron – It Works Wonders! appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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