8 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Exercising

11:45 PM

It is no hidden fact that exercise is extremely essential for the betterment of your overall health and stamina. It also improves mobility and absorption of minerals, vitamins, other nutrients, and oxygen. However, owing to your busy schedules, it is likely you might miss a workout, and then on, it becomes easier to stop exercising completely. Soon, you will fall out of the workout routine. You must have read about the benefits of exercising before you took to your favorite form of exercise.But, do you know what happens to your body when you stop exercising? Rapid aging, laziness, and extreme exhaustion are probably the least threatening of the consequences. Take a look at the horrible things a sudden halt in exercising can bring about.

1. Increase In Blood Pressure:

Increase In Blood Pressure

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People suffering from high blood pressure are asked to exercise regularly as part of the treatment. And yes, working out definitely lowers blood pressure. It goes without saying that if you stop working out, your blood pressure is sure to rise again. Your blood vessels easily adapt to the dimmer flow of an absolutely sedentary lifestyle in just two weeks after you stop working out. In a month after you begin de-training, your veins and arteries will stiffen and bring your blood pressure back to where it was before you started training.Now that you know blood pressure is reversible, what are you waiting for? Start working out now!

2. Deterioration Of Cardio Conditioning:

Deterioration Of Cardio Conditioning

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The cardio workout is an important part of the exercise regime as it helps improve the cardiovascular health and strengthens the lungs and heart. In a few weeks after you stop doing cardio, your body sets into a serious sedentary mode. As a result, your heart begins to weaken, and your body becomes capable of storing a lot more fat than required. You will experience breathlessness when you take short, brisk walks or if you run up the stairs. However, this is reversible too. Just resume your exercise routine and you will be fine.

3. Hike In Blood Sugar Levels:

Hike In Blood Sugar Levels

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Being sedentary increases your blood sugar levels, and increases the risk of contracting diabetes and heart diseases. When you don’t exercise, the tissues and muscles cannot absorb the sugar from your blood for sufficient energy. Therefore, the blood sugar rises rapidly. This can happen within five days after you quit working out. Your metabolism slows down rapidly. Only a week after you start exercising, you will notice a drop in your blood sugar levels. Even type2 diabetes is reversible. All you need is 30 minutes of non-stop exercise everyday.

4. Loss Of Strength:

Loss Of Strength

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Only three weeks after you stop working out, your physical endurance and strength face a major setback. The muscular strength that was built owing to all the exercise starts to decrease.  The good news is, all the strength can be regained, but it will take longer to rebuild the lost strength than it took to lose it. So, without any further delay, start working out, and build your endurance again.

5. Muscle Degeneration:

Muscle Degeneration

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When your body starts to get into the sedentary mode after you stop working out, you are still considered fit, but deconditioned for a few weeks. That is a big negative; it’s like your body in limbo. Your muscles begin to degenerate, and all sorts of ligament and joint problems begin to set in, especially if you were into resistance training. The rate of deterioration of the muscles is directly proportional to your age. The older you are, the faster your muscles weaken. It begins with the swift shrinking of your biceps and quads. Once you begin exercising, it will slow the muscle atrophy, but will definitely not halt it.

If you stop working out, the muscles will lose their potential and slow your metabolism down,  andit won’t convert the muscles into fat altogether. But, there will be a clear decline. Therefore, exercising is a must!

6. Mood And Brain Changes:

Mood And Brain Changes

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Lack of exercise causes lack of regulated oxygen supply to the brain, which fails to release the required chemicals to reduce depression. Therefore, you will notice you feel excessively tired, irritated, and are unable to concentrate. You will also feel extremely gloomy, and will suffer from low self-esteem. This, like the other problems, is reversible. As soon as you start exercising, you will feel energized and happy.

7. Increased Body Weight And Fat:

 Increased Body Weight And Fat

Image: iStock

When you stop exercising and don’t stop or reduce your food intake, your cells will be loaded with all the extra calories, and your body weight will surge rapidly. Less or no exercise also means a decrease in metabolism and lesser fat burning. All this will cause you to gain a lot of weight. Once you start exercising again, in about two weeks time, you will notice your metabolism has increased, and your weight has decreased.

8. Withdrawal Symptoms:

Withdrawal Symptoms

Image: iStock

While most addictions like drugs, sex, gambling, and alcohol are bad, some people are addicted to the better things in life, like a strenuous physical workout. When all physical activity ceases, withdrawal symptoms are guaranteed. Energy levels and sleep patterns will change for the worse. There will be increased aches and pains and zero concentration.

Sounds bad enough? You need to get off the couch and begin exercising pronto! Every ailment is sure to be at bay. How hard can it be? After all, your body needs only 30 minutes of your time everyday. It’s a fair bargain – 30 minutes for great health.

The post 8 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Exercising appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Shirin Mehdi via STYLECRAZE

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