11 Emotions Women Go Through During The Course Of A Bikini Wax 

11:05 PM

Congratulations! You’ve finally booked that dreadful appointment for a bikini wax. Whether you are a regular or a rookie, when it comes to yanking the hair off the nether regions, you are sure to go through the same emotions time and again. Whether it is the insane anxiety during the period that leads up to the appointment, or that ultimate feeling of liberation after, hey soul sista! You are not alone. So you could read on and feel content about all the company you have, or mentally prepare yourself if you don’t know what to expect. Either ways woman, these are a few emotions that are sure going to run through your mind from the time you book that appointment until you are finally done with that oh-so-unpleasant bikini wax.

1. Should I? Should I Not?


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While you sit down to make that call to the salon to book an appointment for a bikini or Brazilian wax, you keep on thinking –Should I? Should I not? You can never be sure, can you? How bad can it be? Ugh! Never mind, let’s just make that call; I sure am stronger than this!

2. Oh No! I Have An Appointment


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The damage is done, and the call has been made. Oh no! What have I done? Should I cancel the appointment? No, I WILL SURVIVE!

3. Am I Delusional?


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As you enter the salon, it seems like the other women standing in the queue are asking you to back off. No! Don’t do it. Don’t do it. But alas! You are already here. You might as well put your game face on.

4. The Nervous Wait…


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The wait until the therapist calls you in seems like an eternity. You are here. This is real. There is no going back now, or is there?

5. The Call!

At The Counter

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And just when you are having this monologue in your head, the receptionist calls you over to go in for the service in question. Well, there is definitely no looking back now. Yes, you are nervous but, hell yeah! You can do it!

6. Striptease


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You are in that little therapy cabin, and you are all pumped up, and then the therapist comes in and asks you to strip. It seems like the first time you did the deed– nervous and awkward. Will she judge me? I can’t strip. Oh God! Couldn’t this be easier?

7. The First Rip

First Rip

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Ouch! It happened so fast! Where am I? Was that for real? Yes, you feel zonked. Almost like a tornado came and whirled your world around. The first rip, and you almost pass out.

8. A Painful Cry

please stop

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Okay I get it, stop! The therapist seems to make small talks to ease you, and asks you to inhale and exhale while she does her job. B***h please! How about weswitch places, and then wecan have all the polite conversations you want? Don’t you get it? It hurts!

9. Just Get Done With It, Will You?


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You probably ease up a little, and get used to the pain, and then, a sudden surge of impatience creeps in and you start getting queasy. You just want this ordeal to end. You want to be done. Enough is enough! While all this goes through your head, you muster up the courage and gently ask the therapist, “Are we almost done”?

10. It’s Done!

I survived

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Well, it’s finally done. The one thing that has given you a sleepless night is out of the way. As you dress up, this is the only tune that will play in your head, and of course, it shall be accompanied with the happy dance. * First I was afraid, I was petrified….I will survive, I will survive * Yes! Yes! Yes! You survived and you feel thrilled and liberated, and the whole deal seems so worth it.

11. Oh So Smug!

I feel hot

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Then suddenly, after all the girly happiness, the woman in you emerges, and you feel so smug and comfortable in your skin. You walk out feeling like a diva. A super hot diva!

Well, that’s just a whole range of emotions, from some real negative ones to super positive ones. You might procrastinate before making the next appointment for a bikini wax, but I can assure you that you will. Because no matter how much stress and pain you go through, a bikini wax is truly worth it!

The post 11 Emotions Women Go Through During The Course Of A Bikini Wax  appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Shirin Mehdi via STYLECRAZE

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