Your Highness, Pennyroyal Oil’s 10 Noble Health Benefits

4:29 AM

Are you on a healthy diet? What more can you do to add to your diet? The answer is adding the right amount of pennyroyal oil to your diet. This post tells discusses the various uses of pennyroyal oil to solve various health issues. Do you want to know more? Keep reading.

You might be wondering how ingesting the extract of such a poisonous plant can be beneficial in any form. Pennyroyal comes from the leaves of either Hedeoma pulegoides or Mentha pulegium (1). The extract primarily contains pulegone and other monoterpenes, which lend the oil its toxic properties. But when you ingest the oil in small, regulated amounts, it can be highly beneficial. Before adding the oil to your diet, ensure that you have spoken to a doctor about ingesting the oil. If you err in the quantities, you could be heading down a dangerous path.

You do not have to deal with the risk of ingesting the oil to enjoy the benefits of the oil. You can just apply the oil externally. You can apply it on yourself and even on your pets! Do not worry about dermal application, it is absolutely safe.

If you are still not convinced about using this oil, then here is a list of the benefits that you can reap by using the oil:

1. Pennyroyal Oil As An Antimicrobial Agent:

Owing to the high toxicity level of the oil, it is excellent for killing off unwanted and harmful microbial particles. Even in small quantities, pennyroyal oil can be poisonous to human beings, so one can easily understand how the toxic substance can be helpful in killing off bacteria and other microbes. Only trace quantities are required when being used as an anti-microbial and anti-bacterial agent (2). There are certain ointments that have pennyroyal oil in them, but you can also choose to apply the oil to the affected area in minute quantities.

2. Pennyroyal Oil As An Antiseptic:

The toxic property of the oil also helps prevent sepsis and so, the oil is used as an antiseptic (3). Internal, as well as external wounds, are always at the risk of becoming septic due to attack by various kinds of germs and bacteria. But since the treatment using pennyroyal oil involves it coming in contact with vital organs, it is always important to use it in minute quantities. So, always use it under the advice of a doctor to avoid poisoning yourself instead of just poisoning the germs.

3. Pennyroyal Oil As A Blood Purifier:

Something that is famed for being poisonous can, in fact, negate the effects of certain toxins in our blood, thus lending a depurative property. Again, it must be used cautiously and under the advice of a professional. Even though the oil can purify your blood, it can easily poison as well.

4. Pennyroyal Oil As A Digestive:

Pennyroyal has been in use for a very long time. Folk medicine practitioners have discovered many of the benefits. One of the properties that folk medicine harnessed was the digestive property. The essential oils were used to aid and promote digestion by encouraging the secretion of digestive juices.

5. Pennyroyal Oil As An Anti-Hysteric:

Some people suffer from hysteric attacks that often put their lives at risk. When an attack happens, it is very hard for the patient to control their bodies. Apart from treatments for the condition and interim attacks, it is important to know how to take care of the patient during the attack. Pennyroyal oil has a nerve and brain soothing effect and hence, it is very effective during hysteric attacks (4). Even during hysteric fainting, one can use pennyroyal oil to revive a patient.

6. Pennyroyal Oil As An Anti-Rheumatic:

The pennyroyal oil’s nerve numbing and blood purifying qualities serve to make the oil an excellent substance for treating rheumatism and arthritis. Since the oil helps to purify the blood, it gets rid of toxins like uric acid, which is the primary cause of rheumatism. A slight warming effect helps offer relief to the rheumatic and arthritic pain. The increased blood flow and the warming feeling, not only act as relief providers but also serve as cures for rheumatism and arthritis.

7. Pennyroyal Oil As An Emmenagogue:

If you are suffering from menstrual cramps and irregular cycles, you can ease the process by using pennyroyal oil (5). The secretion of hormones like oestrogen and progesterone helps regulate the menstrual cycles and ensure that one has a more regular flow as well. Regular flow and the nerve relaxant property ensure that the cramps do not hurt as much.

8. Pennyroyal Oil As An Insecticide:

The toxic qualities of the oil make it poisonous for insects as well (6). This toxic quality makes it an excellent pesticide and insecticide. Pennyroyal oil can be used in vapour, liquid, spray and fume form. Insects can pick up the smell of the oil and actively steer clear of the substance. So, you do not have to worry about pests and insect invasion if you use pennyroyal oil as an insecticide. Apart from driving away insects in general, it can be used to get rid of ticks and fleas. So, you can use it on your pets to ensure that they are free of fleas and ticks.

9. Pennyroyal Oil As A Decongestant:

Once again, one can see how beneficial the toxic properties of the oil can be. The toxic oil can fight viruses that cause viral fevers as well as certain lung infections. It not only kills off viruses to decrease the infections but also helps clear out phlegm to ensure that there are no nasal blockages and lung congestions. So, it can relieve your respiratory tract when you have any respiratory problems.

10. Pennyroyal As An Astringent:

The astringent property of the oil can be used to tighten various parts of the body. From tightening sagging skin to tightening gums, the oil can be used for different purposes. At the same time, it is imperative to know which part of the body you can apply it to and how much of it to use.

Though pennyroyal oil has a large number of benefits, its toxic property should not be underestimated. If you want to see how marvellous the oil is, be cautious when you use it.

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The post Your Highness, Pennyroyal Oil’s 10 Noble Health Benefits appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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