8 Amazing Health Benefits Of Bulgur

4:43 AM

Are you on the lookout for a health food that is high on fiber and laden with vitamins and minerals? You are just in luck! Bulgur is the new ingredient that is taking up prime space in all grocery stores, and for a good reason. This grain has a whole lot of nutrients and is a delightful treat too!

In addition, it also comes with a number of health benefits, Would you like to know what they are? Keep reading!

Bulgur – An Overview:

Traditionally, bulgur has been used in the Middle Eastern cuisine (1), but with time it is invading into the cuisine of Europe and other continents. It has a yummy and chewy texture. The slightly nutty taste has made it popular as well. In many ways, it is better than refined wheat-based flour. Bulgur takes little time to prepare. It is possible to find whole grains, but buying crushed or cracked grain is more convenient. You can soak bulgur wheat and cook it by simmering.
Bulgur is sold mostly in 3 variants – fine, medium and coarse. You may store bulgur in airtight containers and store in the fridge for several months. Nowadays, you can also find organic bulgur, and it is available all round the year.

Nutrients Found In Bulgur:

Bulgur is a grain that comes with a lot of nutrients required by the human body. It contains:


A cup of cooked bulgur contains about 33.8 grams of carbohydrates. This is about a fourth of the daily recommended intake.


A cup of bulgur offers 8 grams of fiber.


In one cup of cooked bulgur, you get 10 to 22 percent of daily required iron.

B Vitamins:

The human body requires B vitamins, and their deficit can lead to the onset of cardiovascular disease.


Magnesium is one essential mineral that helps in calcium absorption and several other physiological functions in the human body (2).

Following are the health benefits of bulgur.

1. Reduces Diabetes Risk:

Eating bulgur on a regular basis helps reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes (3), say the doctors. Its magnesium content helps optimize insulin synthesis in the body.

2. Low Glycemic Value:

Bulgur is one of the foods with a low glycemic index. Eating such foods help your body regulate blood glucose fluctuations and control insulin levels.

3. Replete With Fiber:

Eating fiber-rich food is recommended by health experts. Fiber aids in digestion and also helps you stay full for long. Bulgur contains a good amount of fiber(4) and eating it can also treat constipation. It is, therefore, ideal for those who want to lose excess flab. Its fiber content is more than that of quinoa.

4. Inflammation Control:

Bulgur contains a nutrient named Betaine. Research has shown that eating foods with this ingredient can help thwart inflammation of joints by a large extent.

5. Source Of Protein:

Like other whole grains, bulgur contains a good amount of protein. It serves as a good source of vegetarian protein. Those who discard animal meat and protein sources can include bulgur in their diet to compensate for the protein deficit. The added benefit is that it comes without fats that you get in the animal meat.

6. Low In Calories:

Bulgur contains equal or fewer calories than many whole grains. This makes it ideal for people who want to keep a tab on their calorie intake or those who are on a weight loss mission.

7. Source Of Potassium:

Potassium is among the essential minerals needed by the human body. It is required for proper functioning of the heart, strong bones, and muscle development (5). Bulgur has enough potassium content to fulfill your regular needs.

8. Fights Childhood Asthma:

Eating whole grains like bulgur helps thwart childhood asthma, studies have revealed. By giving your kid bulgur regularly, the risk of childhood asthma can be cut down almost by half. Its antioxidants help prevent damage to the respiratory tract.

Ways To Prepare Bulgur:

Bulgur can be prepared in a number of ways in combination with vegetables and various dairy products. These dishes are easy to make, and they taste superb as well. You may allow bulgur to sit after cooking for some time if you want it to be chewier. You may use it in place of rice in many recipes.

Below listed are a couple of bulgur based delicious and nutritious dishes you can prepare at home:

1. Bulgur Wheat Salad:

This is one delicious and easy to prepare salad that you can give to anyone, including fussy eaters. The texture and flavor have lots of variation. You will need ingredients like:

  • Chopped tomato
  • Chopped Cucumber
  • Chopped onion
  • Boiled chickpeas
  • Chopped parsley
  • Broken bulgur
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt

How To Make:

  1. You will need to cook the bulgur on low heat for about 30 minutes.
  2. Mix the chopped vegetables and pour in lemon juice and the chickpeas.
  3. After fluffing the cooked bulgur with a fork, mix it well with the vegetables and blend well again.
  4. Pour a dash of salt on top and add some black pepper if required before serving.

2. Bulgur Payas:

This is one mouth-watering dessert made with bulgur that tastes different. It fits well for a weekend surprise for your family or a treat to guests after dinner. You will need ingredients like:

  • Bulgur
  • Milk
  • Grated jaggery
  • Raisins
  • Ghee
  • Almonds, cut into pieces

How To Make:

  1. You will need to wash the bulgur and soak it for about 30 minutes.
  2. Boil the jaggery with water in a pan for some time. Then strain it and set aside for some time.
  3. Now, add 2 cups of water to molten jaggery and put it on low heat.
  4. Add the soaked bulgur to it and cook. Then, pour the milk to the pan and continue cooking.
  5. When the mixture gets thickened, add the raisins and almonds. Add the ghee to the dish and let it sit for a while. Serve it cold in glass bowls.

The health benefits of this less known grain are many. Being a filling food, it can easily replace or complement your morning eggs and bacon! Eat healthy!

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The post 8 Amazing Health Benefits Of Bulgur appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Daiwik Suresh Gejji via STYLECRAZE

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