7 Amazing Benefits Of Black Sesame Seed Oil

5:26 AM

Have you thought about how commonly the spices and ingredients used in the kitchen can be used to obtain numerous health benefits? The black sesame seeds are one such example.

The oil extracted from black sesame seeds offers numerous health benefits. And most of them can treat a number of the common health ailments. Would you like to know more? Then keep reading this post.

Nutrient Quotient In Black Sesame Seed Oil:

You may use black sesame seed oil for edible purposes as it is replete with nutrients that benefit your health. They are:

  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • MUFA
  • Zinc
  • Thiamin
  • Vitamin K
  • Niacin
  • Folic Acid

Following are the health benefits of black sesame oil:

1. Bone Health Boost:

Black sesame seed oil is rich in calcium and vitamin K. Both of these nutrients are good for bone health. So, consumption of this oil will help you evade bone related ailments in the long run (1).

2. Heart Health Benefits:

People who are looking for improving their cardiac health should take this oil. Black sesame seeds are rich in monounsaturated fats (2). So, using this oil to cook foods can eventually be good for your heart health. The monounsaturated fats in this oil help bring down the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Since the oil is low in saturated fat, it is healthier than animal-based fat

3. Hair Health:

Many people may not be aware of it, but black sesame seed oil can be beneficial for your hair. Using the oil for culinary needs can help thwart premature greying of hair and retain its natural hue. It is also okay to use the oil topically and massage your scalp. The vitamin E, A and B complex present in this oil help in enhancing the natural shine of your hair upon regular usage. Its use also helps in stimulating hair follicles. The anti-oxidants present in this oil help prevent scalp infection (3).

4. Skin Health Boost:

Massaging the skin with black sesame seed oil and using it for cooking can be beneficial for skin health. Its zinc quotient helps boost collagen production in the body (4). Skin aging occurs mostly owing to collagen loss. When you use the oil, it enhances the amount of collagen, and so your skin looks younger and becomes tighter.

5. Blood Pressure Reduction:

Nowadays hypertension is a common health problem among women and men from various age groups. Studies have indicated that using this oil can help reduce hypertension (5). The magnesium in this oil helps reduce blood pressure.
The extensive range of minerals and vitamins in this oil help boost your immunity. Its antioxidants and these nutrients help the body fight cancer causing elements in a better way. The phytates present in these seeds are known for their cancer preventing properties too.

6. Fights Diabetes:

Diabetes is a health menace affecting millions of people worldwide every year. The presence of magnesium in this oil helps lower the risk of diabetes. Studies have shown that the use of this oil enhances the efficacy of certain diabetes medications (6).

7. Anti-Inflammatory Effects:

Using black sesame seed oil, either topically or by consumption, can help reduce ailments and conditions caused by inflammation (7). The high amount of copper in this oil helps the users cope better with inflammation caused conditions affecting the body joints.

Precautions To Be Taken:

While the health benefits of black sesame seed oil are undeniable, you should be aware of the possible side effects. It is heavy in calories and over consumption may be counterproductive for the obese lot. Some people may also be allergic to these seeds and the oil produced from it.

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The post 7 Amazing Benefits Of Black Sesame Seed Oil appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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