6 Effective Ways You Can Say Goodbye To Hygiene Problems During Menstruation

12:54 AM

Menstruation spells taboo. It is probably more hushed than the mention of sex. Funnily, they both are mandatory bodily functions that no man-made force can put an endto (With science progressing the way it is, I hope I haven’t spoken too soon). But coming back to what needs immediate addressing: Stop being awkward, embarrassed or ashamed of periods.

As if dealing with the erratic moods and the horrific pain was not enough, from choosing the right sanitary medium to the dilemma about taking painkillers, there are many crucial (secret) decisions we women need to make. But maintaining hygiene and cleanliness, especially on those few days of the month, can definitely ease out a little bit of the stress and the pain.

We’ve listed out 6 hygiene tips that you can follow while you are on your period. Take a look:

1. Store The Sanitary Pads Well:

Most of us use sanitary pads. While this might be the least complicated sanitary medium, it is very important to make sure it is stored well. The cotton padding attracts bacteria, and if the pads are strewn around, they are sure to cause a lot of itching and allergies when used later. Remember that the genital areas are extremely sensitive. If the allergy aggravates, you might even need medical help.

2. Avoid Using Tampons:

Research says that tampons are dirty and dangerous. They also leave you feeling sore and dry. If you are already using tampons, it’s time you start using menstrual cups instead. The caps on these cups collect all the lady blood instead of soaking it. That amounts to more holding time and less leakage. If you are a girl who bleeds a lot, this is a perfect solution for you.

3. Keep A Separate Set Of Underwear For ‘That Time Of The Month’:

This one’s a must do, especially if you are a workingwoman. Women on the go have a hard time to wash their soiled underwear immediately. This is definitely not very clean, and it is quite harmful health wise. It is advisable to change your underwear immediately if soiled.Hence, always carry an extra pair in your bag. Also, make sure you wash soiled underwear separatelywith a disinfectant of your choice.

4. Changing Bed Sheet Is A Must:

There is no denying that periods can be very messy. Come day one, and there is a good chance you will stain your bedsheet. The bleeding and the pain will drain you out – but please do not ignore that soiled bed sheet. Do take that extra step to change it immediately. While washing the sheet, don’t forget to sanitize it using a disinfectant.

5. Wash Up Post Exercise:

Sweating in your private areas, especially during menstruation, can cause bacterial infection. It is very important that you make sure to shower and change, and keep those areas clean and dry if you tend to sweat or if you indulge in a mild form of exercise while on your periods. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

6. External Care:

It is medically proven that a woman’s vagina is capable of cleaning itself, and hence it does not need to be washed with soap.But cleaning the private areas with warm water can really help kill the bacteria.

Remember to wash your hands and sanitize well after you use the loo, especially when you are on your periods.

I am sure I needn’t mention, but the right way of sanitary pad disposal is extremely important. It is best if you could wrap it up in an old newspaper and then throw it away. No matter what the urgency is, never ever flush your soiled pad down the toilet.

A Clean Period is truly A Happy Period!

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The post 6 Effective Ways You Can Say Goodbye To Hygiene Problems During Menstruation appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Shirin Mehdi via STYLECRAZE

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