13 Obvious Signs You Are Obsessed With Weight Loss

2:58 AM

Weight is the world’s heaviest problem! No, really! My husband is a foodie of sorts. He loves food, and can eat absolutely anything at any time of the day. And yes, he was the bigger half of both of us! I say was, because one fine day, he realized that we hardly fit in the same frame when we had to get our pictures clicked. His world toppled and everything seemed unfair. It was like the whole world was plotting against his very first love, FOOD! But being the Capricorn that he is, he bounced back, and accepted the world’s challenge. He began to lose weight.

But hey, it doesn’t end there. It was only the beginning of MY nightmare – my husband was obsessed with weight loss.

Are you obsessed with weight loss too? These signs can give you the answer.

1. You Count Your Calories To The T:

Your Calories To The T

Picture Credit:giphy.com

You have all the fancy calorie-counting apps downloaded, and you patiently fill in every detail of what you have eaten with exact quantities. (Sometimes you measure your food, just so you can feed in the right quantities in the app)

2. You Run Till The Sun Goes Down:

Till The Sun Goes Down

Picture Credit:giphy.com

Believe me; I have caught my husband walking up and down the room, when he was doing nothing but anticipating that he will lose a few more calories. Well, there is nothing more to say.

3. You Look For Stairs To Run Up And Down:

Stairs To Run Up And Down

Picture Credit:giphy.com

I know you do it, because I have seen the emergency stairways in malls, theatres and even little restaurants. I don’t fear being stuck in an elevator when the power goes off, since we are always using the stairs – thanks to my husband.

4. Running Shoes Are Your Favorite New Fashion Accessory:

Favorite New Fashion Accessory

Picture Credit:giphy.com

Come winter, spring, summer, autumn, you love your running shoes. Did I just hear you ask if Jimmy Choo made running shoes?

5. You Try Hard To Make Healthy Food Sound Tasty:

Make Healthy Food Sound Tasty

Picture Credit:giphy.com

It’s almost like you yourself are trying hard to accept diet food. How about trying sugarless, flourless, and butter-less apple pie?

6. Dark Chocolate Is In:

Dark Chocolate Is In

Picture Credit:giphy.com

With 80% cocoa, dark chocolate is healthy, and you have a piece because it gives you your daily dose of iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorous, … blah blah blah (Oh please! Just accept your indulgence).

7. No Matter How Slim You Get, You Want To Lose More Weight:

Matter How Slim You Get

Picture Credit:giphy.com

This is probably the most annoying part of the obsession. You will never accept you have lost weight, and you always keep increasing your goals.

8. You Are Willing To Try Every Diet There Possibly Is:

Try Every Diet There Possibly

Picture Credit:giphy.com

The only posts that appear on your Facebook wall are from weight loss and diet pages, and yes, you absolutely HAVE to try all of those diet plans.

9. You Are Almost Always Hungry:

Almost Always Hungry

Picture Credit:giphy.com

But you will never admit it, will you?

10. You Weigh Yourself 10 Times A Day:

Weigh Yourself 10 Times A Day

Picture Credit:giphy.com

You weigh yourself ten times a day hoping you’ve lost at-least a fraction of a kilo. And what’s amazing is you always know your weight to the last decimal point.

11. You Buy Clothes A Size Smaller:

Buy Clothes A Size Smaller

Picture Credit:giphy.com

Going for shopping is a nightmare, because you are always challenging yourself and hoping that the smaller size will fit you in a week’s time.

12. Weight Is Your New Standard:

Weight Is Your New Standard

Picture Credit:giphy.com

And when you are out in the crowd, the only way you judge people is by their weight. It’s always like, “Oh my! Look at how fat she is and yet she won’t stop munching”, or “I need to get there, look at those abs”.

13. Fast Food Is Alien:

Fast Food Is Alien

Picture Credit:giphy.com

Fast food is from a different planet altogether. You probably haven’t seen a McDonald’s burger in your life.

Some obsessions can change lives – especially the ones that have something to do with health and lifestyle. Getting back in shape can not only help you look good, but also pump up your confidence levels. As long as an obsession is in limits, I say, go for it!

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The post 13 Obvious Signs You Are Obsessed With Weight Loss appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Shirin Mehdi via STYLECRAZE

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