10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Whole Wheat Bread

6:28 AM

Have you stopped including whole wheat bread in your diet just because you want to shed pounds? Are you abstaining from whole wheat bread to follow a gluten-free diet? If yes, then you should probably rethink what you are doing. This is because of the amazing benefits whole wheat bread comes with.

Would you like to know more? Do read this post.

Whole Wheat Bread – Why It Is Healthy:

According to the USDA and Lilian Cheung, Harvard School of Public Health’s nutrition lecturer, eating whole wheat grains daily provides you with immense health benefits such as healthy plant-based proteins, fiber, vitamins, and different types of phytochemicals and minerals that help to improve your health (1).

The whole wheat bread contains all the parts of the wheat’s original kernel, including the germ, bran and endosperm in the proportion designed by nature. A white bread made from refined flour is stripped of all these components, and hence loses on nutrition against the whole wheat bread.

Following are the benefits of whole wheat bread.

1. Rich In Fiber:

One of the biggest reasons to include whole wheat bread in your diet is that it is rich in fiber. On an average, an adult requires 25 to 30 grams of fiber daily (2), and the whole wheat bread provides both soluble and insoluble fiber in good amounts. It takes time for the fiber to digest, and hence, it keeps you fuller for longer, thereby reducing your calorie intake and stimulating weight loss. Some of the benefits of fiber include regulation of blood sugar levels, controlling bad cholesterol, and reducing the risk of colon cancer.

2. Improves Digestion:

Whole grains improve digestion. The fiber content in the whole wheat bread regulates the bowel movements. Studies indicate that people who eat fiber-rich foods such as whole wheat bread do not require laxatives for improving their digestion. Eating whole grain food helps to control diverticulosis, a condition that causes inflammation, diarrhea, pain and constipation due to the formation of pouches within the colon wall. Moreover, the lactic acid in the whole wheat bread promotes the growth of good bacteria in the intestine. These bacteria enhance the absorption of nutrition, improve digestion, and help to strengthen the immune system (3).

3. Lowers Cholesterol:

Whole grains prevent the body from absorbing bad cholesterol, and also lower the triglycerides, which otherwise would result in heart diseases. Rather, food prepared from whole grains has been known to cut down the risk of heart disease. According to a survey, women who ate three servings of whole grain foods such as whole wheat bread were 30 % less at the risk of contracting heart disease or dying of a heart attack as compared to those who ate less whole wheat products per week (4).

4. Lowers Blood Pressure:

Whole wheat bread is also known to lower blood pressure, a condition that is one of the main causes of heart disease. A study has revealed that men who ate more servings of whole wheat breakfast faced 19% less risk of hypertension (5). Another study conducted on women says that eating whole wheat bread and other whole grain food products substantially reduces the blood cholesterol, insulin level and blood pressure, thereby minimizing the risk of heart disease.

5. Controls Weight:

People who eat lots of whole grains do not have to do anything much to keep their weight in check, and more often retain their normal weight all through their life as compared to those who eat refined grains. According to a study, when women consumed dark breads and foods made from whole wheat or wheat germ, they could lower the risk of major weight gain by 49%.

6. Redistribution Of Fat:

Although eating whole grains does not necessarily mean that you are going to lose weight, studies do indicate that it helps to cut down the amount of body fat and leads to healthier fat distribution. Eating whole grain bread reduces the risk of gaining belly fat or central adiposity, a condition that increases the risk of different health woes including diabetes.

7. The Feeling Of Fullness:

Whole wheat bread can control weight gain by keeping you feeling full for a longer time as compared to white bread or cookies made from refined flour. Since whole grains require more time to digest, their satiating effects last longer. According to Gans, the author of The Small Change Diet, whole wheat bread helps to keep the portions under control. For maximum fullness and extra proteins, you can add sesame seeds during the preparation of the bread (6).

8. Regulates Blood Sugar:

As compared to refined grains, whole grains work better to keep the blood sugar levels from increasing. Thus, they help to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and several other related problems (7). In a study, it was found that women who ate three servings of whole wheat bread per day had 30% lower risk of contracting diabetes as compared to those who did not eat whole grain food at all. Similarly, people who eat whole grain bread have 32 % lower risk of diabetes as compared to those who eat refined grains more. Whole wheat bread and other types of whole grain breads protect your body against type 2 diabetes. Hence, those who are at a higher risk of contracting this disease should start including whole wheat bread in their diet.

9. Rich Source Of B Vitamins:

Whole grains are loaded with all types of B vitamins including thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin, which are extremely helpful in boosting metabolism. Another type of vitamin B known as folic acid or folate is known to help the body form red blood cells that are critical for preventing some common birth defects in babies (8).

10. Provide Essential Minerals To The Body:

Whole wheat bread is also a rich source of minerals that the body needs for staying healthy and fit. The whole wheat bread provides iron, which plays a major role in transporting oxygen throughout the body, thereby preventing anemia. Other minerals include magnesium, which is helpful in building bones and zinc that is extremely necessary to maintain the fighting ability of the immune system.

Thus, there are multiple reasons for including whole wheat bread in your diet. It is full of vitamins, minerals, and digestion-improving bacteria, and helps you to maintain normal weight.

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The post 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Whole Wheat Bread appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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