Warrior Diet Plan- A Complete Guide

2:14 AM

With a majority of human population obsessed with having a toned and well-developed figure, it is only natural that so many diets are prevalent nowadays. While a majority of diets are based on some basic principles, there are a few distinctive ones that follow lesser trodden routes.

One such diet is the Warrior Diet. Would you like to know more about it? Keep reading!

Basics Of The Warrior Diet:

Invented by Ori Hofmekler, this diet is based on adapting to a drastically different eating cycle and exercise regime. The eating cycle is changed in the plan to maximize calorie burning. You have to adhere to a couple of eating phases while you are on the diet. There is a phase of undereating and another phase that involves overeating. When you undereat, the body’s fat and energy burning stores are maximized. In the overeating phase, your digestive prowess acts differently. It is aimed at promoting relaxation.

Hofmekler, who wrote a book on the diet, says that it is based on the concept of eating that ancestors of human civilizations followed. During the prehistoric ages, the ancestors of humans hunted for foods at day and ate at night. They also had to undergo two similar phases. You are required to make healthy food choices in the diet. Examples include fresh produce, meat, nuts, dairy foods and lentils. It is important that you stay away from processed and fast foods.

Steps Involved In The Warrior Diet:

  1. First of all, you will need to limit your food intake throughout the day. This phase of undereating lasts for about 20 hours. The phase starts after 4 hours of taking the night meal. While calorie counting is not needed, throughout the day you will have to eat light. Hofmekler says ideally you can eat a few light meals in a day.
  2. You will be allowed to eat in large quantities at night. In this phase, there is absolutely no portion control. You can eat as much as you want. You can eat protein, vegetable and fat based foods during this phase. It is also okay to add some carbs to your meals.
  3. You can stop eating in the second phase when thirst sets in. As per the diet’s proponent, thirst is an indicator for you to stop eating. However, do not combine eating with drinking.
  4. As per the Warrior Diet, you will need to include working out in your regime. You should exercise at least three times or a little more every week. You may opt for strength training and aerobics.

An Ideal Chart For Those Following The Warrior Diet:

  • Breakfast may include just an apple and a cup of green tea.
  • Full body workout for 20 minutes.
  • You may take a few strawberries or two carrot sticks, and a cup of yogurt at midday.
  • Work out in the afternoon for another 20 minutes.

At supper you can eat a large steak, mixed vegetables, milk and fruits.

A brisk walk at night will be good, followed by a glass of milk before hitting the bed.

Why The Warrior Diet Helps You Lose Weight:

According to health experts, there are reasons behind the warrior diet’s success. It adheres to the concept of survival of the fittest. Ancestors of humans braved hostile conditions, including hunger, to sustain and gorged on their hunt at end of the day. They nearly starved throughout the day in the process.

Hofmekler says intermittent fasting and calorie restriction may help in increasing the lifespan of organisms. Research studies have indicated that dietary restriction helps in extending lifespan in various creatures.

Insulin is one important hormone in the human body that is required for fat burning and muscle growth. With high insulin sensitivity, you can lose fat and protein synthesis takes place better in the body. Since the Warrior Diet combines undereating and fasting, it results in insulin sensitivity boost. As you exercise during the phase of undereating, your insulin sensitivity gets boosted further.

This diet also helps in promoting muscle growth. According to studies, the growth hormone reaches the peak of its activity during the night hours. Taking in a large meal before hitting the bed lets the nutrients work on growth hormone activities.

This diet lets you deplete energy levels in the day. Hofmekler says nutritional stress is more vital than exercise. When you combine both and eat the right food, it leads to weight loss and fitness. In recent times, we hardly face nutritional stress with home delivery of fast food and food vending machines at our fingertips!

A lot of diet followers give up midway because most diets cut out their favorite foods or enforce portion control. In this diet, however, you do not have to put up with such limitations. While you have to eat very less in the day time, every night you can indulge in foods you love! While you have to stick to healthy foods mostly, consider the fact that there is no tab on portion and calorie intake. So, you just have to focus on timed eating and it becomes easier to adhere to.

What Health Experts Feel:

The Warrior Diet has received its share of brickbats from diet experts and doctors since its arrival. There is no extensive scientific explanation behind its working mechanism, except for what the proponents had said. Even those into body building feel it is not ideal for developing a fit and robust physique.

Risk Factors:

While the theory of undereating followed by a phase of indulging in foods may work, it may not be suitable for every individual. People with certain physical conditions may develop health complications after intermittent fasting all over the day. Women who are pregnant or lactating may develop various health problems, and they should seek medical advice before following it. Owing to lifestyle and job needs, adhering to the diet may not be possible for many people.

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The post Warrior Diet Plan- A Complete Guide appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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