Is Tea Tree Oil An Effective Remedy For Burns?

5:32 AM

Do you have burns? Wondering how you can treat them in a quick and natural way? Then tea tree oil is what you should be looking for. This oil has got amazing healing properties that can help cure your burns and give you relief.

Would you like to know more? Keep reading.

Compounds Present In Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil contains terpenin-4-ol, terpinolene, eucalyptol, and cineole, which are responsible for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Benefits Of Tee Tree Oil On The Skin:

  • It is useful for reducing the blemishes or dark spots on the skin. For this, add two to three drops of essential oil on a cotton bud and gently apply on the affected area. This will reduce the dark spots.
  • Tea tree oil contains Terpinen-4-ol that has anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties, due to which it can be used to treat athlete’s foot and nail fungus.
  • It is also used to treat minor wounds, scratches, stings, and burns.
  • It can be used effectively as a moisturizer for dry skin. But always use a carrier oil while applying it on the skin.
  • Add two to three drops of this oil to your lip balm. Applying this to your lips is beneficial against chapped lips.
  • Tea tree oil acts as an excellent medicine for skin treatment, especially for oily and acne prone skin.

Tea Tree Oil For Burns:

Tea tree oil is effective to reduce pains that occur due to burns. Burn injuries are one of the most common household accidents. For minor burns such as the ones we get in the kitchen, two or three drops of this oil can be applied directly to the burnt area. This gives instant relief from pain. It stops the burning sensation and will also keep the burns from getting infected.

This essential oil is the best natural home remedy for minor burns, but severe burns require medical attention because of the risk of infection, dehydration, and other serious complications. Initially, you should put the affected area under cold, running water for at least 10 minutes. Gently pat it dry. Then add two to three drops of tea tree oil onto a cotton swab and apply gently on the burnt area. Repeat this two to three times in a day. This is a very efficient method to heal your burns.

If the burn is large or if you feel that the skin in that area is becoming more reddish, immediately consult a physician.

This oil should not be used on small kids or kids below the age of 6 months.

Before using, test the oil by rubbing gently on a soft portion of your skin or elbow and wait for 15 – 20 minutes approximately. If any irritation occurs, then dilute the oil with a carrier oil before use.

Possible Side Effects:

  • Tea tree oil does have a few side effects. It should not be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • It is also better to avoid ingesting tea tree oil as there may be chances of a decrease in the white blood cell count, and an increase in stomach and intestinal complaints.
  • People who are allergic to tea tree oil or its products should avoid using it.
  • People having delicate skin should avoid it as there are chances of the development of itchiness or redness.


Tea tree oil is meant for topical applications only. Do not consume it.

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The post Is Tea Tree Oil An Effective Remedy For Burns? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Chetana via STYLECRAZE

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