Is Fish Oil Safe For Your Kid?

11:51 AM

Do you think that your child needs more fish oil? Are you wondering if it is good for children? It is more than likely that you have heard about all the wonderful health benefits that you get from omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil. Also, it is strongly believed that children too can benefit a lot from this nutrient.

But then, is fish oil really good for kids? If yes, what are its benefits? This post has the answers. Read on to know more.

Importance Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids In Fish:

Eating enough of the right fish is the best way to make sure that your kids get this important nutrient through food. Including fatty fish like sardines, salmon, trout, mackerel and fresh tuna regularly in children’s diets is a great way to provide omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D and minerals and other vitamins.

The omega-3 fatty acids like docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, and eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, which fish oil contains, are believed to be crucial for children’s eye and brain development (1). DHA is required by each brain cell for proper development. During early childhood, the brain grows rapidly and when there is an insufficient quantity of this healthy fat, it can affect intellectual and emotional development.

Benefits Of Fish Oil For Children:

As mentioned earlier, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are essential for the health of both adults and children. Fish oil also provides numerous important vitamins and minerals that are required for the proper growth and development of children. Here is a look at the benefits that children gain through the intake of fish oil:

1. Supports Healthy Brain Function:

There have been numerous studies on omega-3 DHA and it has been found that it plays an important role in enhancing the learning capabilities of children (2). It provides support to their brain function, ensuring that it works properly and healthily.

2. Boosts Cognitive Development:

DHA has effects on a child’s cognitive development as well. There have been studies that conclude that low levels of this healthy fat in children can result in poor behaviour, and can impair reading and learning abilities. Raising the DHA levels in a child’s body will result in improvement in numeric and memory recall, behaviour rating and reading age.

3. Improves Vision:

As mentioned earlier, the omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish oil play a vital role in the eye development of children (3). It has been shown that DHA helps in sharpening an infant’s vision, which is why this nutrient is recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

4. Boosts Immunity:

As you know, a strong immune system is crucial for a strong, disease-free body. Studies have shown that there is a link between omega-3 fatty acids and improved immunity. Fish oil contains a protein that improves immune function. When children take in more fish oil, the levels of this protein in their body increase and boost immunity, making them healthy and free of illness.

5.  Prevents Eczema:

One of the most common disorders among children and even babies is eczema (4). Omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent this skin disorder. It is high in anti-inflammatory properties and this is what makes it highly effective in reducing inflammation in all the different parts of the body, including the skin.

6.  Helps With ADD And ADHD:

It has already been mentioned that many studies have been conducted on omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil and their benefits. One study has found that when children with ADD and ADHD were given fish oil, they showed better improvement than when they were given medications for the disorders. Concentration, behaviour and bonding with parents improved significantly for over 90 percent of the children that were studied.

7.  Treats Depression:

Depression in adults is often treated with fish oil. The effects of this oil on children with this condition have been studied as well. In 2006, a small study of fish oil was conducted in children aged between 6 and 12 with depression (5). It was found that this beneficial oil significantly helped in reducing their symptoms.

8.  Prevents Type II Diabetes:

Fish oil and its effects on type II diabetes were examined in a small study (6). It was based on children with a high risk of this condition. Researchers found that children who followed a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids had a significantly lower likelihood of developing type II diabetes.

9.  May Help With Asthma:

Inflammation in the airways may be reduced with the intake of omega-3 fatty acids. This in turn could help asthma patients. According to a study conducted on 29 children who suffer from asthma, the ones that were given fish oil for 10 months had fewer symptoms than those who were not (7).

It is important to note that more research is required to find out more about the benefits of fish oil for children. However, the findings thus far have been positive and it is now considered a wonder food.

How To Get Fish Oil And Its Benefits:

As you already know, it is the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil that make it so beneficial. Unfortunately, these fatty acids cannot be produced by the body (8). The only natural sources are oily fish such as salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, etc. as well as green leafy vegetables and a few types of nuts. The best way to make sure that children get the recommended dose of fish oil is through the food they eat. Adding the fish mentioned above to their daily diet is important as it not only provides this healthy fat, but also other important nutrients that are crucial for their growth and development.

Fish oil supplements are another way of making sure that children gain all the benefits that it has to offer. However, it is important to keep in mind that if possible, it is best to include oily fish in their diet rather than giving them supplements as they are not as rich in other vital nutrients. If supplements are the only option, the following tips should be followed:

1. Do Not Use Supplements Derived From Fish Liver:

It is important to remember to only use fish oil supplements that have been derived from the flesh of fish. There may be toxins or large amounts of Vitamin A contained in fish liver, both of which are not good for children. For a vegetarian diet, supplements that contain microalgae oils are best as they go through a special fermentation process that provides the much-needed DHA.

2. Liquid Supplements Are Best:

Fish oil supplements can be found in capsule and liquid forms. Capsules can be dangerous as they are easy to choke on. The liquid form is most suitable, especially for children who are below the age of 3.

3. Slowly Build Up The Dose:

Experts recommend giving children fish oil supplements during mealtimes by starting on a low dose. Gradually building up to the recommended dose is important as well. If your children do not like taking the supplement, you can disguise its peculiar taste by mixing it with fruit juice or milk.

4. Always Check The Dose:

It is important to make sure that the dose given on the package is always checked. Remember to never give children more than the dose that is recommended. Over-consumption of fish oil can lead to diarrhoea, stomachache, nausea, rashes, etc.

Omega-3 fatty acids are not available in fish oil supplements alone. Nowadays, there are many food products that are fortified with this essential nutrient. There are certain types of cooking oils, breads, juices, eggs, milk products and snack foods that have omega-3s in them. To make sure that children get their daily dose, include these items in your kitchen.

Who Should Not Be Given Fish Oil?

Children should never be given fish oil, in foods or supplement form, if:

  • It is known that they have hypersensitivity to fish oil
  • They have a disorder that causes bleeding
  • They have been prescribed anti-platelet or anticoagulant medication

In other cases, it is safe to take fish oil. It is important to remember to give it to children only in the recommended doses. Not every child is the same, so the beneficial effects of the oil may not affect children in the same way. If your child is taking medication for ADD or ADHD, they can take fish oil. However, you need to keep in mind that it is important to consult your physician before doing so. Also remember not to replace your child’s usual medication with fish oil without discussing with a healthcare professional.

What Is The Recommended Fish Oil Dosage?

According to experts, adults and children should get about 450 to 500 mg of fish oil every day (9). There may be those that need a higher dose to see the real benefits, but they should not take more than 1,000 mg without the supervision of a medical expert. This dose may only be recommended for children with ADHD or symptoms that can be reduced. There should be no danger of taking a high dose of fish oil, but over-consumption can cause stomachache, nausea, diarrhoea, etc. There are also individuals who are allergic to fish oil.

Studies that have shown the benefits of fish oil have used it in higher doses, but as mentioned, experts advise consulting a doctor before increasing the dose. The advice of a doctor is important when determining the needs of children when it comes to this oil.

Should Children Be Given Fish Oil?

As you have learned, fish oil comes with a large number of health benefits. The nutrients that this healthy oil contains are beneficial even for babies as it plays a role in their growth and development. It is important for pregnant women and lactating mothers to include fish oil in their diets so that they can provide all its goodness to their babies.

With benefits like immunity from disease, prevention of asthma, stimulation of brain function and cognitive development, prevention of skin disorders like eczema, etc., there is evidence to show that fish oil should be a part of children’s daily diet. More research is required to find out more about how it can positively affect children’s health, but recent studies have shown that it has more pros than cons.

As mentioned earlier, children and adults alike do not get enough omega-3s in their diets. Fish oil should be given to children so that the different nutrients that it is rich in can be provided to them. If it is not possible to include it in the diet, fish oil supplements are the next best option.

So, is fish oil good for kids? Yes, it is, and more information is being gathered to find out just exactly how it can help them. However, the benefits that are already known are a good enough reason to start adding this oil to their daily diet. Research on fish oil for children with ADD and ADHD has reaped some very positive results, and this is why it is recommended for them (10).

Children need every nutrient to make sure that they develop and grow healthily, both physically and mentally. Fish oil is not only rich in omega-3s, but contains high amounts of various vitamins and minerals as well. The best way to make sure that they get all the essential nutrients is to improve their diet. The good news is that fish can be prepared in a number of delicious ways to make them more kid-friendly. You can use different recipes to make finger foods, snacks and other dishes with oily fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It can be a little difficult to get children to eat fish, especially if it has not been a part of their regular diet, but you can do it by using your creativity and making an effort to cook dishes that you know the kids will like.

To make sure that children eat a more nutritious diet, it is important to include fish oil. Starting early is important, so it is best to introduce different types of fish to them at a young age. It has been proven that regular and sufficient intake of fish oil can improve concentration, school performance and achievement. If you have not done so, introduce more oily fish to your children and let them take in all its benefits.

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The post Is Fish Oil Safe For Your Kid? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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