30 Day Shred Diet- A Complete Guide

11:51 AM

Does the mirror remind you each day how glamoros you used to be just a few years ago? Have you tried every diet plan that has hit the news, only to be disappointed after months of trying? Losing weight and staying fit are synonymous with each other. Yes, a dozen diet plans crop up each week. Some work, some do not. But we are always on the lookout for that one diet plan that does not ask you to stop eating! Today, we present to you the 30-day Shred diet, which is sure to bring back your lost youth!

Would you like to know more? Keep reading.

The 30-Day Shred Diet Plan:

A number of popular diet and weight loss plans are actually devised by dietitians, health gurus, and fitness experts. One such contender is the 30-Day Shred diet plan. It is not exactly a diet plan, but more of a fitness program aimed at hardcore fitness enthusiasts. Made by celebrity fitness trainer Jillian Michaels, it comprises of an exercise DVD that contains circuit workouts each of 20-minute duration (1). Michaels, however, recommends nutritional and dietary inputs in it. It is by no means easy to follow the regimen, considering the fact it is devised by a lady who is also called “America’s Toughest Trainer.”

Jillian Michaels used to be an obese kid, but since her teen years she has devoted herself to developing a fit figure and there was no looking back since then. Her tenure at the hit TV series ‘The Biggest Loser’ made her a household name (2). However, she also released 6 fitness books and 9 fitness DVDs. She also runs a health website that gets approximately 1.6 million monthly visitors.

Basics Of The 30-Day Shred Diet:

The 30-Day Shred program, according to Michaels, will help you lose 20 pounds within a month. There are 3 levels in the program. Each level is harder than the previous one. You have to complete each level within 10 days and then move to the next. The workouts are based on her Strength/Cardio/Abs 3-2-1 training circuit. The DVD also comes with a cool-down and warm-up session for each of the levels.

How To Practice The 30-Day Shred:

Michaels believes in making use of every single muscle in the human body to shed excess flab and attain a toned body. The workouts are stringent in nature, but you will not need any heavy investment or equipment as such. Take some weights, spend 20 minutes to perform the moves and be consistent about it to get the desired results. You also need to wear comfortable attire and shoes.

Is It Suitable For All Obese People?

While a lot of women and men from various age groups have benefitted from this weight loss plan, it may not be ideal for everyone. You should check your fitness status and health conditions with a doctor to be clear about your suitability for this rigorous workout plan. Not everyone loses 20 pounds of weight in a month after trying this plan, but losing up to 15 pounds is a common experience.

Tips To Make The 30-Day Shred Plan Effective:

You can very well buy the DVD and try the moves at home, but careful planning is required if you want to get the maximum results from this program. Below listed is a number of handy tips that you can utilize and succeed in this regard:

1. Measuring Before And After:

Before you begin the program, take a tape and measure your waist, chest, hips, and thighs. You may write down the found measurements. This can be compared with the changes you find after completion of the program one month later. That way you can understand how well you have fared.

2. Consistency:

Diligence and consistency are absolutely required when you want to shed pounds while adhering to this plan. Based on your daily schedule, you will need to schedule some time every day for the moves. They will require less than an hour. It can be done either at night or morning or any other time suited for you. However, it is required that once you start working out at a time of the day, you stick to it.

3. Healthy, Balanced Eating:

Any weight loss program requires the followers to stick to a healthy diet. While Michaels is not very particular about what you can and cannot eat, she tells the users to stick to the basics. First of all, you should throw away that fat laden processed and fast food from your kitchen cabinets and fridge. She points out what type of foods you can and cannot eat in the DVD.

4. Preparing The Body:

A lot of people who buy the DVD and try the moves fail because they do not keep enough time to watch and develop the moves in advance. Before you start any of the three levels included in the DVD, watch them several times and practice the moves. This will save you time and reduce the risk of getting injured later. Eventually, you will be able to complete each level properly.

5. Stretching Helps:

At the beginning of the 30-Day Shred program, Michaels tells you to perform dynamic stretching. It helps in opening up your muscles. However, doing this just before the sessions may lead to sore muscles, and you will find it hard to carry on.

To fare better, you should ideally stretch your pectorals, triceps, biceps and calves. So, you need to do static stretching before beginning the 30-Day Shred Workout. This will bring down the risk of getting sore muscles and injuries.

6. Stop Starving Yourself:

Michaels does not tell you to starve just because you want to lose a significant amount of weight in one month! A lot of people think they need to eat less than what they do while adhering to the diet. Eating less than required may result in muscle loss and fat retention. This is definitely not what you want!

You need some carbs to get energy, but just do not go on an overdrive. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits long with whole wheat products. Discard the refined flour based foods.

7. Hydrating The Body:

While working and before trying the moves at every stage, hydrating the body is very important. So, ensure that you take plenty of water and homemade fruit juices. Each day, you are likely to lose plenty of body fluid through sweating while practicing the sessions.

8. Flexibility:

Some people may need more than 10 days to complete each phase. Some have even stretched it to 50 days. While the trainer does not recommend doing so, you need to understand your comfort with progress.

9. Make It Comfortable:

The exercises are anything but comfortable, and so you should ensure there are other possible means to make you feel easy. Wear a padded sneaker to guard your feet from the pain. It would be a good idea to use a thick mat on the floor. During the workout, it is natural to feel thirsty. So, you may keep a water bottle in the room when you try the moves.

Following Michael’s Principles On Diet:

It is a tough task to follow the celebrity trainer in fitness and workout regime, but you may adhere to her eating habits to make the most out of the 30-Day Shred program.

Michaels does not believe in entirely depriving the body of foods that are calorie heavy. While avoiding processed foods is advised, she does indulge in chocolates sometimes. She eats crackers, candy bars, but ensures they do not contain too many chemicals, fake flavors, preservatives, etc. As long as you take care of these, there is no need to cut down on other foods. Basically, keeping a tab on calories and eating foods the body can process is what matters.

To work out hard and regularly, one’s body will need a lot of energy. For this, she drinks plenty of protein shakes, and eats Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. A good balance of fat, protein and carb in every meal keeps her energized.

Advantages Of The 30-Day Shred Diet Plan:

Major benefits of the 30-day Shred are:

  1. Short duration of workout is a boon for everyone, literally. Even men and women leading a hectic life can squeeze 30 minutes a day from their schedules. Michaels is also flexible about timing. You are free to choose a time of the day as per your schedule.
  2. The plan has helped thousands of obese men and women lose weight.
  3. It works well for those who do not have access to a gym. You get spared from paying gym fees.
  4. The stages involve a number of compound moves that benefit your body. Basically, it combines more than a muscle group, and you end up mixing various moves like squats and a shoulder press. So, you eventually end up burning more calories.
  5. When you adhere to the strenuous weight loss plan, you get other benefits too. Apart from a slimmed down body, you will find your endurance and stamina have shot up significantly within a month.
  6. In most diet and weight loss plans, you will find ways to cheat once in a while. As a trainer, Michaels is very stern – she has earned a reputation for being strict on fitness lessons. However, those with lower fitness levels can find workarounds (3). One of the two ladies accompanying Michaels in the DVD shows moves that can be done easily by followers who find difficulty with doing the fully fledged moves by Michaels.

Limitations Of The 30-Day Shred Plan:

No weight loss plan is flawless, and this is also applicable for the 30-day Shred. Its major limitations are:

  1. There is no denying the reality that this plan is tough to adhere to. The duration may not be long, but the moves are tough for beginners.
  2. Those with injuries and who are recuperating from surgeries should not do it. The second phase is focused on the knees, and those with knee injuries will find it harder to follow.
  3. Not all followers can lose 20 pounds, as promised by Michaels.
  4. This is not for those who are extremely overweight. With this plan, you may lose 20 pounds or so.
  5. Michaels says you should practice the plan 6 days a week. It sounds logical, but for most followers this can be an overdose. It can lead to excessively sore muscles and body aches. A lot of people will not be able to keep up with the harder phases this way. Trying the moves 4 days per week is ideal for most followers.
  6. The phases involve usage of dumbbells, but Michaels does not specify about the weights. This can make things tougher for the beginners. Some moves may require using heavier weights than others.

Summing It All Up:

You will be hard pressed to find any ‘one plan fits all’ type of weight loss plan or diet, as it is. The 30-Day Shred plan is surely not meant for all obese men and women. It is clearly not for those who have huge amounts of body fat. It is also not meant for those obese people who find sweating out rigorously unsuitable. However, fitness seekers with small to medium level of body fat and who want visible weight loss results without going to a gym may embrace the plan. With consistency, hard work, and planning, it is not impossible to obtain the benefits of this plan.

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The post 30 Day Shred Diet- A Complete Guide appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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