7 Hard Things Every Frizzy Haired Girl Has To Go Through In The Monsoons

8:29 AM

The most romantic weather is here in all its glory with gushing winds, cooling showers and untamed frizzy tresses! Ladies with frizzy hair obviously do not chalk out monsoon plans in the outdoors like most of us do. And yes, we do not blame them because we understand the difference between going wild and a wild animal! So, here we bring you these amusing and not so amusing events and incidents that every frizzy haired girl experiences in the monsoons.

1. The Panic Mode:

The Panic Mode

Image: Shutterstock

Almost all the time the frizz is on the top of your head – literally! The panic button is switched on forever and sets in at the worst time. Say, while giving a presentation in front of the whole office or while setting your eyes on your date as he makes an entry and you are wondering whether you should make a hasty exit. We would say, keep a compact hair dryer always handy and just blow it all up right before the critical moment. This will fluff up the volume of your hair and smoothen the cuticles. But hey, don’t overdo it.

2. The Shopping Spree:

Suddenly the only things the frizz girl buys are ‘anti-frizz’ products, and she hunts and pounces on them like there is no tomorrow. The Jimmy Choo shoes, CK perfumes, and even Versace dresses fail to seduce her this season. Her eyes are only for that one category that promises to relieve her from the wild mane – sounds like love to us even though it would last only until the monsoon.

3. The Parlour Trips:

Every girl with frizz in her hair has a bounce in her feet as she makes her way to the nearest hair salon during the monsoons. The trips to salons are a bit too frequent, and the bills are higher than the food budget. But it all makes sense as the lovely ladies come out looking ready for the red carpet and their hair is all tamed and tight….at least for the time being!

4. The Fashion Fixes:

This is one time when you will see the best of fashion fixes coming together with one aim – domesticating the frizz. Scarves, pony tails, plaids that would put the Greeks to shame, and buns that can be seen coming into the limelight – well, we absolutely love this change! But these fixes help only if you are having no intention of splashing around in the rain or intend to work damn hard all day in the office.

5. The Home Treatments:

Are you making frantic phone calls to your mom? Or are you going through your granny’s diary to get the potion that will set your hair right? Well, all this and more goes on when the diva turned frizz queen starts fixing it the natural way. We all go down this lane at least once in our lives; the secret lies in listening to your dear mommy when she was trying to tell you these age old recipes that work better than the best of shampoos and conditioners.

Suddenly, oil becomes your best friend, and you begin to try everything from coconut to almond oil. You will usually find yourself spending the holidays, weekends, and Sundays sitting with some miracle oil infused in your hair and smeared on your scalp.

6. Straightener? What Straightener?

Straightener meets its temporary grave during monsoons. The very sight of it seems to increase the dryness and the frizz. We also agree with this – ditch the straightener for ditching frizz. And yeah, dump those curlers as well as they also make your hair go limp – something you do not want at all!

7. Reading All This…:

‘10 ways to control frizz’, ‘Amazing solutions that work for frizz’, …and the list goes on. All the frizz prone girls make frizz trend on Google and other search engines. Well, for us, we get on to do more research on this topic – after all, we are your well wishers!

The post 7 Hard Things Every Frizzy Haired Girl Has To Go Through In The Monsoons appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Priyanka Rele via STYLECRAZE

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