3 Day Cardiac Diet – A Complete Guide

6:14 AM

Are you a heart patient who is on the road to recovery? Then you probably should be careful about your diet, right? On that note, you can try out the 3-day cardiac diet, which is specially designed for people who need to take extra care of their heart.

Would you like to know more? Keep reading this post.

The 3-Day Cardiac Diet – An Overview:

The 3-day cardiac diet is also known as the Birmingham Hospital Cardiac Unit diet, the Three-Day AHA diet and the Cleveland Clinic Three-Day diet. It is claimed that this diet program was developed in Alabama by the Birmingham Hospital. According to some reports, the diet is designed to help heart patients who are required to lose about 10 pounds before they undergo heart surgery. The well-known diet consists of meal plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a 3-day period.

How Does The 3-Day Cardiac Diet Work?

This diet involves a combination of foods that is quite unique to other meal plans in weight loss programs. When you are on the 3-day cardiac diet, the foods that you eat work together chemically, and this in turn triggers a reaction that helps you to lose weight. With this diet, you can lose up to 10 pounds.

It is important to adhere to the 3-day diet strictly without making any substitutions, additions or changes. The precise measurements for following the diet are as follows:

Day 1:

  • Breakfast: Unsweetened tea or black coffee; pink grapefruit juice or half a grapefruit; one slice of toast with 1 or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.
  • Lunch: Unsweetened tea or black coffee; 1 slice of dry toast; ½ cup of tuna (water-packed).
  • Dinner: Unsweetened tea or black coffee; 1 cup of string beans; 3 oz of lean meat; 1 cup of beets or carrots; 1 cup of vanilla ice-cream; 1 apple.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: Unsweetened tea or black coffee; 1 slice of dry toast; 1 egg; ½ a banana.
  • Lunch: Unsweetened tea or black coffee; ½ cup of tuna or 1 cup of cottage cheese; 5 saltine crackers.
  • Dinner: Unsweetened tea or black coffee; 2 hot dogs; 1 cup of broccoli or cabbage; ½ cup of carrots; 1 banana; ½ cup of vanilla ice-cream.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: Unsweetened tea or black coffee; 1 slice of cheddar cheese or 1 egg; 5 saltine crackers; 1 4 oz glass of apple juice.
  • Lunch: Unsweetened tea or black coffee; 1 slice of dry toast; 1 hard-boiled egg; 1 small apple.
  • Dinner: Unsweetened tea or black coffee; 1 cup of chicken, tuna or turkey; 1 cup of cauliflower or beans; 1 cup of carrots or beets; 1 cup of cantaloupe or 1 small apple; ½ cup of vanilla ice-cream.

After completing the diet, your daily diet should be low in calories to prevent you from regaining the weight that you had just lost. If you need to lose more weight, resume the diet after taking a break for 4 days. It is also important for you to remember to drink plenty of water. You can also substitute the coffee and tea with diet soda if you prefer.

During the 3-day diet, you should not use any seasonings apart from salt, pepper, mustard and lemon juice. It is claimed by the diet’s proponents that making any alterations to the foods in the menus or to their amounts will keep you from shedding the optimal amount of weight. It is contended that the 3-day diet works because the specific combinations of the foods included in it stimulate an increase in metabolic rate.

How Many Calories Do You Take In With The 3-Day Cardiac Diet?

If you follow this diet precisely, your body will get between 600 to 1,000 calories every day. The foods that are included in the 3-day diet are low in carbohydrates. The meats, fruits, vegetables, crackers and bread that you are required to eat while following this diet are also heart-friendly. As you know, tea and coffee are allowed, but you need to remember that drinking plenty of water is of utmost importance. The proponents of the diet recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day for optimal weight loss results as well as to help the digestive process.

The 3-day cardiac diet is a rapid weight loss program that can result in a loss of 10 pounds in just 36 hours. However, as mentioned earlier, you need to strictly adhere to the diet’s instructions in order to achieve this. Making even the smallest change to the foods in the meal plan will prevent you from losing the weight that you want to. This is because it works on the concept of the breaking down of chemicals in the body.

As already mentioned, the 3-day cardiac diet has been successful for many heart patients who need to lose weight. It works because the foods that they need to eat are beneficial to heart health. Many people who do not have heart problems have also used this diet with great results. However, caution needs to be taken as it is a restrictive diet that can cause nutrient deficiencies that lead to other health problems. The amount of calories that you take in is very little, which is why this diet may not be suitable for everyone.

If this diet has not been recommended to you by a medical professional, it is important to consult your physician before starting it. As with any new diet plan, you need to talk to your doctor first as it could interfere with any medications that you may be on, or could cause complications to any health issues that you may have. Once you are given the go-ahead, you can start following the 3-day cardiac diet and start losing the weight you want to.

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The post 3 Day Cardiac Diet – A Complete Guide appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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