What Is Lean Muscle Diet?

6:28 AM

Did you know that certain foods can help you build lean muscles? The lean muscle diet is a popular diet plan that many people swear by. The Lean Muscle Diet is a book written by Lou Schuler and Alan Aragon. It is a nutrition and workout plan that is customized to help people who want to build the body they desire without having to eliminate the foods they love from their diets. This diet plan also helps maintain the body that they build for the rest of their lives.

Would you like to know more about the lean muscle diet? Do read this post.

What Is The Lean Muscle Diet About?

The Lean Muscle Diet is quite different from the many diet plans out there. When you follow this diet, you can eat the foods you love. The authors of the book believe that eliminating certain foods do not help the person who is trying to lose weight or build the body they want. Many people give up on their diets because they do not like the foods that need to be consumed or cannot do without the diet’s forbidden foods in the long run. Importance is given to personal preference, as it is a factor that is commonly overlooked in many weight loss diet plans due to which many of them fail.

The Lean Muscle Diet allows those who follow it to choose the foods that they want to consume. The trick is to know how to eat these foods. If it is nutritious and not completely processed, you can eat almost anything you want to. This diet is designed to help in burning fats while building muscles at the same time. When you love the foods in the diet plan you follow, it has a positive effect on the levels of your energy as well as mood. When you can stick to your diet, you obviously get the best results, and it becomes easy for you to maintain the body that you have built for life.

What Are The Foods That Help In Building Lean Muscle?

When it comes to building lean muscles, the foods you eat play an important role along with exercise. It is important to eat foods that are nutrient-rich and unprocessed. Here is a look at 5 foods that can help you build lean muscles:

1. Salmon:

Fish is one of the best foods to help build lean muscles, and salmon is the top choice amongst them. This fish has the perfect combination of B vitamins, healthy fats, protein, and magnesium, which helps in the formation, repair and recovery of muscles (1). By eating salmon, you can build lean muscle and burn fat. You will feel and look leaner by adding this dish to your diet.

2. Leafy Green Veggies:

To build lean muscles, you need to increase your intake of veggies that are green and leafy. Spinach is a great choice as it is nutrient-rich. You should also eat more kale, collards, and chard, etc. Pick up fresh green vegetables to add to your diet the next time you are at the market.

3. Sweet Potatoes:

These are rich in carbohydrates, but can help you build lean muscles as well. The carbs they contain help in stabilizing glucose in your body, which does wonders in burning fat and preserving muscles. Sweet potatoes are great for weight loss as they are fiber-rich and keep you fuller longer than other veggies that contain starch(2).

4. Eggs:

This is a great food to build lean muscles, especially egg whites. Albumin is low-fat and protein-rich. However, you do need the yolk too, so do not avoid it completely as it is packed with fats that are healthy. Eggs are great for lean muscle formation because they are loaded with protein and nutrients that help in nourishing your muscles.

5. Almonds:

This nut is great for building lean muscles as it contains a little bit of protein and loads of monounsaturated fats that are good for your heart. Almonds are also rich in magnesium, fiber and Vitamin E, which are nutrients that help in muscle repair. All you need to do is make sure that you eat the right amount to gain all the benefits almonds have to offer.

With the Lean Muscle Diet, you can build the body you desire and keep it for the rest of your life with very little effort. So, forget about all the other diet fads that are out there and opt for the one that helps you the most. Also, tell us how this post has helped you. You can comment in the box below!

The post What Is Lean Muscle Diet? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Renold Rajan via STYLECRAZE

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