Say GOODBYE To Crow’s Feet By Following These 6 Amazing Home Remedies

2:29 AM

Oh, what a beautiful smile you have there. Every time you smile, your eyes light up. Ah, those crinkles at the corners of the eyes make you look prettier still.

Crow’s feet may or may not look charming, but if I’m guessing right, you would still want to iron them out. Have a look at these remedies I’ve gathered, and you can have your wish come true in no time.

Eyes That Speak:

Eyes with crow’s feet usually belong to those who smile, frown, laugh or squint often. Crow’s feet are also visible on those who are constantly under the harsh glare of the sun, continually exposed to pollution or smoke. Surely, there’s a story behind each line (1).

Also called character lines or laugh lines, crow’s feet begin to appear after a person crosses the age of 30. Unless cared for, the skin slowly loses its elasticity (collagen) (2). It is then more vulnerable to wrinkles, especially the thin, sensitive skin beside the eyes.

Good sunscreens can prevent sun damage. Meanwhile, you can use simple home remedies to smoothen the creases.

1. Save Some Milk For The Eyes:

Save Some Milk For The Eyes


Milk is extremely beneficial to your skin. It can promote collagen production and help erase wrinkles and even crow’s feet. You can use it on those lines regularly for effective results.

Take a clean cotton pad and dip it in cool milk. Apply the cotton pad over the crow’s feet, and let it soak the skin for about 10 minutes. Later, rinse away the milk. Perform this procedure twice each day regularly. With time, you would notice a change.

2. Break An Egg:



Eggs can reduce and prevent crow’s feet because of their ability to tighten the skin (3). Use egg white as a face mask until it dries. Wash it away afterwards.

Alternately, apply egg white only on the areas with wrinkles and on the outer edges of the eyes. Allow it to dry before rinsing. Dab the water with a towel and use a moisturizer. Use eggs a few times a week for best results.

3. Laugh All You Want With Aloe Vera:

Laugh All You Want With Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera is one of the best naturally available remedies to improve your skin. You can also use Aloe Vera gel on crow’s feet to reduce their severity and recurrence.

Besides helping in reducing wrinkles, the nutrients and antioxidants in Aloe Vera lighten the skin, giving it a younger appearance. Remove the gel of a freshly cut Aloe Vera leaf. Apply this to your face; let it dry and wash it off.

Do this every day to get firmer, softer skin.

4. It’s An Avocado Party:

It’s An Avocado Party


The pulp of an avocado is your party flavor today. Cut the fruit in half, mash its pulp, and apply it generously over the wrinkled areas. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing away with lukewarm water.

Avocado pulp is a good choice because the fruit contains nutrients that promote collagen production. The same applies to papaya, which can tighten the skin.

Apply the ripe pulp of either of the fruits every alternate day to rid yourself of crow’s feet.

5. Oil Massages Really Make Me Smile:

Oil Massages Really Make Me Smile


Gentle massages with oils such as olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil and jojoba oil work wonders on crow’s feet. Now, you can smile more and not worry about the creases.

Take a few drops of any of these oils on your fingertips and massage the wrinkled areas using outward strokes. This nourishes the skin and tissues underneath. The oils also provide hydration to the area, raising your beauty quotient all the more.

 6. Vitamin E, My Beauty Secret:

Vitamin E, My Beauty Secret


Vitamin E truly is a beauty secret. It can regenerate fresh skin cells, making your face look supple and radiant. Besides moisturizing the skin, vitamin E can also tighten the sensitive skin around your eyes.

Simply open a vitamin E capsule, mix the powder in a little water and apply it to the wrinkles. Massage it before going to bed. It can gradually erase crow’s feet if used regularly.

There you are. Don’t worry about crow’s feet anymore. Smile, laugh, walk into the sunset, and just keep making stories without the lines this time. Also, tell me how you liked this post. Do share your comments below.

The post Say GOODBYE To Crow’s Feet By Following These 6 Amazing Home Remedies appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Sruthi Chowdhry via STYLECRAZE

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