Can Reflexology Help With Infertility?

2:50 AM

Are you trying to conceive? Have you tried different fertility treatments but had no success? Well, the answer you are looking for could be reflexology. As anyone with infertility knows, it can be an extremely emotionally draining condition. It also costs a lot. Many women have claimed that reflexology is what helped them conceive, and now, studies are being conducted to find out whether this foot massage technique can indeed help in conception.

Are you looking forward to knowing more? Read on!

Reflexology – A Brief:

Reflexology is an ancient art of traditional healing that was used by the Chinese and Egyptians. Pressure points in the hands and feet are manipulated to ease various health problems such as the back and sinus problems, headaches, pain during periods, and even chemotherapy effects.

How Does Reflexology Help?

As you know, anxiety and stress can play an important role in determining if an individual can conceive or not. If stress is what is causing infertility, reflexology can help immensely. How? Well, it is a method that is highly effective in managing and decreasing anxiety and stress. In a large number of cases, the longer a person tries to conceive, the more stress they go through. This can trigger a vicious cycle for them. With reflexology, this stress can be significantly reduced, thereby promoting good overall health and increasing the chances of conception.

Reflexology provides the following benefits:

  1. It helps in balancing hormone levels (1).
  2. It keeps the menstrual cycle well-regulated (2).
  3. Blood circulation is boosted (3).
  4. It helps the entire body relax.
  5. It stimulates the release of endorphins, which are hormones that make one feel good (4).
  6. It provides emotional support.
  7. It helps in the stimulation of ovulation by working on reflexes connected to the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  8. It stimulates the lymphatic system and supports mucous membranes that are healthy.
  9. By targeting the reflexes of the large intestine and liver, it eliminates toxins from the body.
  10. It provides holistic support to women who are undergoing IVF.

How Does Reflexology Help In Cases Of Miscarriage?

Approximately 98 percent of all miscarriages that occur at an early stage are caused by fetal chromosomal abnormalities. A miscarriage in the first trimester is always an emotionally damaging experience, even if the pregnancy is unwanted or unplanned. The loss of a pregnancy that is long awaited is a totally devastating one. Conceiving again can be extremely difficult for women who have gone through these experiences. It is important for the body to regain balance and the mind to be stress-free for them to move on and try to conceive again.

As mentioned earlier, reflexology is a great way to relieve anxiety and stress and balance the hormones in the body. It can be used to provide balance to one’s entire being and help in allowing a woman who has gone through a miscarriage to get a closure. Once her health, both physically and mentally, has improved, she can try to conceive again. There is a possibility that reflexology can also help her in maintaining her pregnancy.

Does Reflexology Help With Infertility?

Fertility Reflexology is a treatment that is widely used by women all over the world who are trying to conceive. It is highly popular because of the many benefits it offers. The answer to the question above is: Yes, reflexology does help with infertility. As you have read, it does more than relax the mind and eases stress and anxiety. Its effects on the body, particularly on the hormones, play an important role in reproduction as well as conception. With it, women can increase their chances of conceiving and gain physical and mental health. For women who want to conceive but have difficulty, this treatment could be just the answer they are looking for!

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The post Can Reflexology Help With Infertility? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Daiwik Suresh Gejji via STYLECRAZE

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