These 10 Simple Home Remedies For Burned Tongue Worked Wonders For Me!

11:58 PM

Food tastes good only when it’s hot. Piping hot! Scalding hot! Did I catch you nodding your head? In that case, surely you’ve grabbed a bite at some point before letting it cool down.

We all know that is never the last of those memorable burned tongue moments. So, here are a few easy home remedies with which you can put out the fire.

Burning Mouth Syndrome:

Ahem! You must think it’s just a burned mouth and not a fancy syndrome that requires a doctor. However, some people experience a painful, numbing sensation in the lips, tongue, and gums.

This sensation does not go away even months later, causing much discomfort and anxiety (1). It leads to a dry mouth, bitter taste, metallic taste, sometimes no taste and increased thirst.

It is not just hot food, but several other reasons that cause the burning mouth syndrome (2). These include,

  1. Vitamin B complex deficiency
  2. Oral fungal infections (3)
  3. Food allergies
  4. Stomach acid reflux
  5. Endocrine disorders
  6. Medications and their side effects
  7. Abrasive dentures
  8. Overzealous oral hygiene
  9. Menopause
  10. Stress, anxiety, depression

Now that we know what exactly the burning mouth syndrome is, let us see its remedies.

And The Remedies Are:

1. Break Some Ice:

Break Some Ice

You won’t need a Titanic to break an iceberg for a little ice. Just take a small cube from your freezer and suck on it. You can also gently lick the cube to soothe the burnt tongue. Honestly, this is the most obvious and clichéd, but also the most instantaneous remedy for burned tongue.

2. Give Me Some Sugar:

Give Me Some Sugar

When your tongue is burned, and you’re offered some sugar, take it. Sugar is a good remedy for a burned tongue as it helps dissolve the pain just as the sugar cubes dissolve in your mouth. Sprinkle a pinch of sugar on the burnt area and allow the cubes to dissolve.

3. Where Is My Honey?

Where Is My Honey

Go organic and natural with honey. Ask Mr. Bee for some wholesome honey to soothe a burnt tongue. Fortunately, honey can also kill oral microbes, thereby eliminating infections. It is a natural treatment option for burning mouth syndrome.

4. Chew Gum (Bubbles Optional):

Chew Gum

Chewing gum can restore a little saliva to your mouth, reliving the dryness. With your mouth moist, you can also rid yourself of the bitter taste. A menthol flavored gum will further soothe the pain and burning sensation. Think you can look as good as Beyonce while at it?

5. Gargle And Spit With Baking Soda:

Gargle And Spit With Baking Soda

Doesn’t look pleasant but it is very effective. Mix a spoonful of baking soda in distilled water and gargle the solution. This alkaline solution will neutralize your mouth’s acidic environment and even kill microbes. It is another easy method to cure the burning mouth syndrome.

6. Glycerin Can Fight That Bitter Taste:


Don’t let the bitter taste in your mouth define how everything you eat tastes. Apply glycerin all over the inside of your mouth and allow it to remain for a while. The sweet taste will clash with your mouth’s bitterness while also soothing a burnt tongue. Glycerin is also a remedy for a dry mouth.

7. Essential Oil In Mouth = Pain Out:

Essential Oil In Mouth

Lavender essential oil has a soothing effect on a painful tongue. It is good at relieving burning mouth syndrome and also tackles inflammation. Apply a few drops of the oil on your tongue regularly and kick out the pain. Know what else you can kick with an essential oil? Anxiety.

8. Eat Mild, Non-Spicy Food:

Eat Mild Non-Spicy Food

Spicy foods can and will aggravate an already inflamed tongue. Prevent further pain and discomfort with mild, non-spicy foods until the burning sensation subsides. Have boiled vegetables or steamed dishes. Stay away from acidic citrus fruits and salty potato chips too.

9. Drink Cool, Refreshing Fruit Juices:

Refreshing Fruit Juices

Fruit juices can be very refreshing on a burnt tongue. They also relieve pain, soothing your lips, mouth, palate and well, stomach too. Fruit juices have nourishing vitamins that contribute to good health. However, avoid citrusy fruits like oranges and lemons.

10. Replenish Nutrients With Chicken:

Replenish Nutrients With Chicken

Chicken can replenish you with the much-needed vitamin B12, the lack of which can cause burning mouth syndrome. You can also obtain the vitamin from other meat, fish, and eggs.

The next time you drink or eat something without realizing its temperature, you know how to handle the burn.

Share your burning experiences with me. Please leave a comment below.

The post These 10 Simple Home Remedies For Burned Tongue Worked Wonders For Me! appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Sruthi Chowdhry via STYLECRAZE

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