How To Do Fairy Eye Makeup?

11:19 AM

Are you getting ready for a themed or costume party? Well, just a perfect costume is not enough. Get ready to floor everyone with the fairy eye makeup that would add sugar and spice to your overall appearance!

Are you hesitant about donning this eye makeup? Don’t be. A stunning fairy is always a welcome sight at any themed or costume party. So, ensure all eyes follow you as you make the grand entry. Whether you have a pale skin or big eyes, fairy eye makeup will transform you.

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to apply this eye makeup, so that your fairy eyes speak for you! Go ahead and read!

1. Start With Basic Cleaning And Foundation:

If you feel that a fairy has to be fair, it’s understandable, as that is a common misconception among people. However, white makeup does not look real. It is always better to apply a thin layer of pale foundation on your face and neck soon after cleaning it with a cleanser. Now pat your face with white powder. The aim is to avoid a mask-like appearance. This can be achieved by using a concealer that is a shade lighter than your skin. You may apply concealer using your fingers in a circular motion, or you can use a blending sponge too.

2. Most Important: The Fairy Eye Makeup:

Once you have done your face, the next important step for perfect fairy eye makeup is to highlight the eyes using vibrant colours such as Fuchsia, Dark Soul and Cornflower Blue. Pink fairy eye makeup is a fad among college girls. You may also use some pink shimmer powder to highlight your eyes by covering the eyelid and blending till your eyebrows. Adding a little purple to a pink eye shadow will add depth and give a genuine feel to your makeup. To give a little fairy tale like look to your makeup, you may use black kohl and smudge over the eye shadow outwards.

3. How To Apply Eye Shadow?

The important part in learning how to apply fairy eye makeup is applying eye shadow the correct way. Your eye shadow should be applied in lighter to darker tones. Use only small circular motions. Start from the eyelids and move towards the eyebrows. If you are using more than one colour, always start applying eye shadow with the lighter shade followed by the darker one.

The art of applying eye shadow in fairy eye makeup goes beyond the brows and eyes. This highlights the eyes in a special manner. So be bold and experimental.

4. Applying Eye Liner:

Applying eye liner can be a little tricky for many girls. However, it is not difficult if you do it with patience. First, apply a grey or pale blue shade just under the lash line. Now use a pencil eyeliner to line the lower rim of the eye. This will make the eyes look large and soulful. Use a white pencil to line the eyes for that fairy look.

Pigmented gel eyeliner will do the trick for perfect fairy eye makeup. You may use any color. However, the best colours that go with the theme are violet and magenta.

5. Mascara For Perfection:

Mascara adds depth to eye makeup. To give extra texture to your lashes, use loose pigment in a dark shade. Now apply mascara generously.

6. Layers Of Lashes:

The real drama comes with a couple of sets of lashes. But these lashes should be roughly put using a mascara wand to ensure all attention goes to your heavy lashes. Those who have never applied false eye lashes before should first apply the top lashes and then the bottom ones. For ease, cut the strip in half and then apply.

Your eyes for the evening are done!

Add Ons:

Apply white powdered blush for extra edge. Use an opaque lip pigment along with gloss to ensure your eyes remain show stealers. Accessorize with a floral headband to add more drama to your appearance. Don’t forget to put those pretty pink wings too to complement your attire.

Whether you believe in fairies or not, following the above-mentioned fairy eye makeup tips will surely make you looking like one!

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The post How To Do Fairy Eye Makeup? appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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