
9 Amazing Health Benefits And Uses Of Rice Vinegar

4:09 AM

We all know the many health benefits of rice, don’t we? But how many of you know that rice vinegar that is derived from rice also has umpteen benefits to offer? As surprising as it may sound, yes, this flavouring agent can also help boost your health! Read on to know more!

Rice Vinegar – A Brief:

Derived from either rice or rice wine, rice vinegar is used as a condiment in Asia and other continents extensively. Since its acidity quotient is lower than other types of vinegar, it is not suitable for preserving and pickling foods. However, it is used extensively as a condiment with salads and several meat based dishes. Rice vinegar adds a subtle flavour to the dishes, but it also offers you a number of health benefits.

It is available in several varieties. Broadly speaking, there are two types of rice vinegar – unseasoned and seasoned. For maximum benefits, you need to use the unseasoned variant. There is a sweet rice wine named mirin that contains alcohol, but it is different from rice vinegar.

Following are the benefits of rice vinegar:

1. Improves Digestive Health:

There is a good amount of acetic acid in Rice vinegar. This acid aids in boosting your digestive health (1). It also helps your body soak in more nutrients from the foods you eat. Thus, your body would be able to absorb more calcium, potassium and vitamins from foods, which are beneficial for health.

2.  Antiseptic Properties:

The Brown rice vinegar is used widely in making antiseptic medicines. It can eliminate detrimental bacteria upon contact and hence is used in several native medications to treat myriad health conditions.

3.  Liver Tonic:

One variant of Japanese rice vinegar named kurozu, made by fermenting brown rice, reportedly has protective benefits for human liver (2) . This has been corroborated by a 2011 study published in the coveted “Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition”. The researchers are of the view that it has the potential to thwart the onset of liver tumours.

4. Beats Fatigue:

Rice vinegar contains a moderate amount of amino acids. These effectively fight the development of lactic acid in your blood. Lactic acid development results in stiffness, irritability and fatigue. This keeps you fresh and energetic throughout the day.

5. Improves Immunity:

Rice vinegar contains essential amino acids. These help you in achieving optimum health. These amino acids help fight the damaging effects of free radicals. They also help boost immunity.

6. Improves Heart Health:

Rice vinegar aids in preventing fatty peroxide formation in your body. This in turn helps slow down cholesterol build-up on the walls of blood vessels. So, in the long run, your heart benefits greatly by including a few teaspoons of this vinegar in your daily meals.

7. Keeps Weight In Check:

If losing excess weight is a priority for you, consuming rice vinegar with foods can be quite helpful. Studies have indicated it helps in losing excess flab to a great extent (3). In fact, Japanese people have used it for ages to aid weight loss. The vinegar made from brown rice is quite useful in this regard.

8. Gives You Radiant Skin:

Not many people are aware of it, but using rice vinegar can be beneficial for your skin as well! You need to make a mixture of rice vinegar, purified water and tea tree oil in a bottle. Then shake the bottle to make the ingredients blend well. The ratio of water and rice vinegar will be 6:1. Using a cotton ball, apply on the acne affected facial skin. Let it dry and wash with water.

9. Natural Facial Toner:

Rice vinegar can also be used as a natural and non-chemical substitute for facial toner. Many women and men use OTC skin toners to prepare facial skin for the application of cream and moisturizers. However, using rice vinegar can serve the need and the skin does not get exposed to any chemical ingredient. A mix of distilled water, tea tree oil and white rice vinegar can be used to tone your facial skin. You can keep this mixture stored in a bottle for use. You can either spray this as a mist on the skin or apply it with cotton balls.

Many will agree that this post is an eye-opener. Little do many know that rice vinegar too can be immensely beneficial to general health. Spice up your food with this vinegar, while also reaping the many health benefits it has to offer!

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The post 9 Amazing Health Benefits And Uses Of Rice Vinegar appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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