
5 Effective Yoga Poses To Treat Varicose Veins

3:21 AM

Those unsightly veins on the feet can ruin your look, no matter how beautiful your skin is. Do you have large spidery veins spreading along your lower limbs that just won’t go away? You can get a grip on them with simple and relaxing yoga techniques.

Go ahead and read this post, and enjoy the benefits of a life free from the pain of varicose veins.

Pain In The Legs:

Do you sit for long hours? Do you constantly walk on high heels? Are you obese or prone to hormonal fluctuations? These risk factors can give you varicose veins. You can identify them by large swollen veins snaking across the legs. The skin around the veins is usually discolored, giving the appearance of a bluish bruise (1). They look scary and are just as painful as well. So, what is happening to twist them out of shape?

The walls of our blood vessels comprise of smooth muscle as well as connective tissue. The blood vessels pump blood and nutrients to each part of our body, including the limbs. In our legs, strong veins work against gravity to push blood back to our heart (2). This is known as venous pump. When the veins are incompetent, they are unable to send the blood back. Excess blood pools in pockets inside the veins, causing swelling. Blood clots are also a major risk, which may spread from vessels to heart or even the brain. Irregular blood supply to the heart will also lead to other long-term heath complications.

Can We Prevent It?

Blood vessels are under considerable pressure to begin with. A strengthened vessel wall is better equipped to deal with the rise and fall in blood flow as you move your limbs. Doctors suggest supplementing your diet with vitamin C, vitamin E, and horse chestnut to build connective tissue. Nevertheless, weak blood vessels, sedentary lifestyles, genetics, obesity, pregnancy, hormonal therapies and smoking predispose someone to varicose veins (3).

Therapies such as surgery and medicinal intervention help to some extent. But, they still hinder your daily life. This is where yoga can help.

Yoga For Varicose Veins:

Yoga has proved effective in alleviating the pain of varicose veins. Certain leg elevation poses are particularly excellent for treating the condition. They involve legs being in an inverted position, thereby allowing the lymph and blood to drain from the legs and back to the heart. It eases pressure on the affected veins. Yoga’s relaxation techniques further prevent the condition from worsening. After using yoga poses for treating yoga, people found that their limb movement has considerably improved.

Check these best yoga poses to handle varicose veins.

1. Shoulder Stand:

Shoulder Stand

Image: Shutterstock

It is effective in bringing all venous blood to the heart.

  1. Lie down on the floor, flat on your back
  2. Bring your knees to your chest and in one motion raise your legs off the floor, above your shoulders
  3. Keep your elbows close by your sides
  4. Use the hands as a support on your lower back
  5. Your chest is now touching your chin, while the rest of your body is above you
  6. Ensure your legs, spine and chest are aligned in a straight line
  7. Support your weight on your shoulders and arms, and not on the head
  8. Breathe deeply and try to maintain the pose for at least 5 minutes

2. Legs Up The Wall Pose:

Legs Up The Wall Pose

Image: Shutterstock

It is a supported variation of the shoulder stand. Those with limited flexibility for a shoulder stand, or those who are suffering from high blood pressure can perform this pose instead.

  1. You can use a blanket or pillow for support during the pose
  2. Sit on pillow against the wall
  3. Keep your hip close to the wall and lie back on the floor
  4. Now, bring your legs up on the wall while you rotate
  5. Wriggle into a comfortable position until you make a 90-degree angle with your body against the wall
  6. Keep the legs on the wall, hip width apart, without any force
  7. Breathe naturally and hold the position for 5 minutes

3. Leg Lock Pose:

Leg Lock Pose

Image: Shutterstock

Besides improving circulation in legs, this pose also stretches the spine and massages the abdomen.

  1. Lie down on the floor, on your back
  2. As you inhale, bring your left knee toward your chest
  3. Interlace your fingers and using both hands, hold the knee
  4. Keep the other leg straight on the floor
  5. Try to touch your forehead to the left knee
  6. Breathe for a few counts and relax
  7. Repeat the pose with your right leg
  8. Perform at least 10 sets

4. Cycling Pose:

Cycling Pose

Image: Shutterstock

In this pose, you imitate riding a bicycle.

  1. Start with lying down on the floor
  2. Imagine your legs and mentally picture the cycling movement
  3. Breathe deeply and begin the pose with one leg
  4. Lift the leg off the floor, bend at the knee, raise above the chest, lower it forward and bend it back in a cycling motion
  5. Inhale when the leg is straightened and exhale when bent
  6. Ensure the leg does not touch the floor
  7. Repeat 10 times and then perform the movement with the opposite leg

5. Boat Pose:

Boat Pose

Image: Shutterstock

In this pose, you take the shape of a boat. It tones the abdominal muscles in addition to helping your legs.

  1. Lie down on your back
  2. Keep your legs together and hands on your sides
  3. Breathe deeply and while you exhale, lift your feet away from the ground
  4. Simultaneously, lift your chest and stretch your arms towards the legs
  5. Try to make your fingers reach the feet
  6. Maintain the pose without much effort, breathing easily in the process
  7. Hold for a few breaths and relax to the sleeping position

These poses can ease pressure on varicose veins. One can further protect themselves from the pain by taking certain precautions. It is advised not to use shoe heels measuring more than 1.5 inches, as higher heels place pressure on the veins. Support stockings are a temporary comfort for weak veins. Sit with feet in an elevated position at home and use hot compress as a remedy. Maintain physical fitness for a few minutes every day to improve blood circulation.

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The post 5 Effective Yoga Poses To Treat Varicose Veins appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Sruthi Chowdhry via STYLECRAZE

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