Why You Keep Getting A Pimple in the SAME Exact Spot

7:14 AM

Does that pesky zit that keeps reappearing at the same place again and again drive you crazy? We know how you feel! Well, here’s how you can deal with those recurring pimples.

The truth is that dirt isn’t the only factor that causes pimples. There are many other factors that cause those hated pimples, and most of these have nothing to do with your skin care regimen or change in your hormonal cycle.

It is one’s own habits that are the main offenders. Let’s break down how our actions are causing those pimples to crop up every few days.


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1. Touching

Touching your pimples with your fingers or nails not only transfers dirt and bacteria but also stimulates blood flow to the area. This leads to more blockages and that, in turn, leads to more breakouts. Thus, you must avoid touching your pimples.

2. Squeezing

When you squeeze your pimples with two forefingers in order to excavate the contents, you worsen the condition by breaking the side of the follicle. This causes the bacteria to spread to the deeper layers of the skin and creates more mess.

For some people, the damaged cell debris and bacteria can even lead to the formation of a nodule or cyst, and this can lead to serious issues.

3. Picking

Continuous picking can also spread the bacteria to the follicle next door, and thus, it also turns out into a pimple. Picking just opens a pore and welcomes dirt to settle in and form acne or a pimple.

Once your pore gets damaged by continuous touching, squeezing, and picking, the pore walls become weak and their ability to keep the dirt and oil also weakens, making the area more prone to pimples.

How To Get Rid Of Those Recurrent Pimples?


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First and foremost, get rid of these pimples as soon as possible. When you see a red inflammation on your skin, don’t get tempted and touch it.

You can hold an ice cube over the pimple for 5-10 minutes. Do this as many times as possible. This will help reduce the inflammation.

Applying a clay mask can also be helpful as it detoxifies the skin and reduces the inflammation.

A recurring pimple can be irritating, but don’t try to play with it. If you feel that it is a cyst, then it’s better to consult a dermatologist right away.

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The post Why You Keep Getting A Pimple in the SAME Exact Spot appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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