Here’s How You Can Observe Symptoms Of Pitta Dosha Imbalance In Your Body

7:25 AM

Ayurveda firmly believes that everything in the Universe is made up of five elements – Water (Jal), Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), Space (Akasha), and Earth (Prithvi). These great elements are considered as subtle matter states or energy and are interconnected with each other.

A person’s natural constitution (Prakriti) determines how they are influenced by certain elements more than others. This property categorizes doshas into three types:

1. Pitta dosha, where the fire element is dominating.

2. Vata dosha, where air and space elements are dominating.

3. Kapha dosha, where earth and water elements dominate.

Pitta dosha governs the heat, metabolism, and transformation in the body, mind, and soul. It controls the digestion, metabolism of our sensory perceptions, and how we discriminate things as correct or wrong.

An imbalance in the pitta dosha can lead to depleted digestion and also decreases the metabolism in the body. Ayurveda says that these two symptoms are the root cause of any other disease caused in our body. Thus, it is very essential to know the symptoms of pitta imbalance so that you can prevent diseases caused due to it.


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1. A Burning Sensation In The Body

Pain and a burning sensation are the most obvious symptoms of pitta dosha imbalance.

2. Excessive Hunger And Thirst

Since pitta dosha is related to fire, an imbalance in pitta causes digestion problems, and you end up feeling hungry and thirsty quite often.

3. Trouble In Sleeping

This is another symptom that is caused due to pitta imbalance. However, trouble in sleeping is also caused due to an increase in the vata dosha as well.

4. Frequent Fever

The increase in temperature is a sign of pitta imbalance. Pitta is related to fire, and this is why there is a frequent increase in the body temperature.

5. Urge To Consume Cold Food Or Drinks

Since your body is unable to control the excessive heat produced because of the pitta imbalance, it craves for cold drinks to balance out the heat. A person with pitta imbalance also loses his tolerance to stay in the sun or to be in contact with hot water for a longer time.

6. Sweating

Usually, a person with pitta dominance sweats a lot and his/her sweat emits a foul smell.

7. Inflammation In The Body

Pitta is made up of fire and water, and thus, inflammation along with moistness is common.

8. Intolerance To Spicy Food

Spicy food causes an increase in pitta, and the body becomes intolerant towards it. Also, it leads to frequent and hard stools.

9. Premature Graying Of Hair

Though early baldness is a symptom of vata imbalance, premature graying is a symptom of pitta imbalance.

10. Ulcers Or Pus From Wounds

The condition of wounds becomes worse due to an imbalance of pitta and it causes pus or oozing.

When pitta increases, you can notice a yellow discoloration of the skin, eyes, urine, and even feces. Thus, any disease causing redness or paleness in your body is a direct indication of pitta imbalance. Jaundice is one such example.

The symptoms of pitta imbalance are quite different as per Charaka. They are as follows:

1. Itching sensation i.e. kandu
2. Perspiration i.e. sveda
3. Redness of the skin i.e. raaga
4. Burning sensation i.e. daaha
5. Suppuration i.e. paaka
6. Frequent discharge from the body, mostly in the form of pus i.e. srava
7. Body heat i.e. ushna
8. Sloughing i.e. kleda

However, decrease in the pitta dosha causes following symptoms:

1. Lack of luster in the body
2. Lack of warmth in the body
3. Weak digestive system
4. Dullness and lack of interest in any kind of work

Here is a list of diseases that are caused due to pitta dosha imbalance in the body:

1. Heartburn i.e. vidaaha (pyrosis)
2. Cracking of the skin i.e. tvagavadarana
3. Blue moles i.e. neelika
4. Itching over the skin i.e. charma dalana
5. Yellowishness i.e. haaridratva
6. Fainting i.e. tamah pravesha
7. Herpes i.e. kaksha
8. Greenishness i.e. haritatva
9. Burning sensation in the shoulder i.e. amsa daha
10. Jaundice i.e. kaamala
11. Burning sensation in the body i.e. antar daaha
12. Sloughing of muscles i.e. mamsa kleda
13. Acid eructation i.e. amlaka
14. Sloughing of blood i.e. shonita kleda
15. Scorching i.e. plosha
16. Boiling i.e. davathu
17. Excessive sweating i.e. ati sveda
18. Cracking pain in the body i.e. angaavadarana
19. Hemorrhage i.e. jivadana
20. Proctitis i.e. guda paka
21. Pharyngitis i.e. gala paka
22. Smell of blood from the mouth i.e. lohita gandhasyata
23. Non-satisfaction i.e. atrupti
24. Red vesicle i.e. rakta visphota
25. Red wheals i.e. rakta mandala
26. Excessive thirst i.e. trishnaadhikya
27. Heating i.e. osha
28. Burning i.e. daha
29. Fuming i.e. dhoomaka
30. Excessive temperature i.e. ushmaadhikya
31. Bad body odor i.e. anga gandha
32. Burning sensation in the skin i.e. tvak daaha
33. Urticaria i.e. rakta kotha
34. Bleeding tendency i.e. rakta pitta
35. Bitter taste in the mouth i.e. tiktaasyata
36. Fetid odor from the mouth i.e. pooti mukhata
37. Stomatitis i.e. aasya vipaka
38. Conjunctivitis i.e. akshi paka
39. Inflammation of the penis i.e. medhra paka
40. Greenish and yellowish coloration of eyes, urine, & feces i.e. harita haridra netra mutra varchas

These are the effects of pitta imbalance in our body. If you notice the above symptoms, please consult a doctor right away. Hope you found the above information useful. Share your views in the comments box below.

The post Here’s How You Can Observe Symptoms Of Pitta Dosha Imbalance In Your Body appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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