How You Can Observe The Symptoms Of Kapha Dosha Imbalance In Your Body

8:20 AM

Ayurveda works on the principles of three doshas, namely, kapha dosha, pitta dosha, and vata dosha. These three doshas are the energies that make up our bodies and perform different physiological functions.

Due to each person’s natural constitution (Prakriti), they are influenced by certain elements more than others. This property categorizes the doshas into three types:

1. Pitta dosha, where the fire element dominates.

2. Vata dosha, where air and space elements dominate.

3. Kapha dosha, where the earth and water elements dominate.

Kapha dosha is one of the tridoshas that controls growth in the body. It supplies water to all the parts of the body, and thus, moisturizes the skin. It also helps maintain immunity. Kapha dosha is responsible for the respiratory system and the normal and healthy functioning of the brain and joints. If you find any change in the functioning of any of the systems mentioned above, it is more likely to be related to an imbalance of kapha dosha.


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Mentioned below are the symptoms that are caused due to an imbalance in the kapha dosha:

1. Weak Digestion Or Indigestion

The strength to digest is correlated to fire. Thus, an increase in the kapha dosha weakens the digestion.

2. Coldness

Since kapha dosha involves water, coldness is a common symptom.

3. Laziness

An imbalance in the kapha dosha causes inactiveness in a person’s body. If your body type is kapha, then it takes some time to adapt to a new environment.

4. Swelling

If you notice any symptoms of inflammation on your body with an accumulation of fluid, it is caused due to an imbalance of kapha dosha. However, if you notice redness and pus formation over the inflated area, it is caused due to pitta dosha. And if there is a pain around that area, then it is due to vata dosha.

5. Excess Sleep

An imbalance (increase) in the kapha dosha makes you feel more sleepy whereas an increase the vata and pitta doshas causes lack of sleep.

6. Itching

Kapha dosha imbalance causes itching. On the other hand, vata dosha imbalance causes pain, and pitta dosha imbalance causes a burning sensation.

7. Heaviness

If you notice the feeling of heaviness in any disease, then consider it to be due to kapha dosha imbalance.

8. Depression

People with kapha dosha body type are more likely to lose hope very soon and go into depression. Hence, it is always suggested that people with kapha body type must lead an active life and pursue various hobbies.

9. Cough, Asthma, And Dyspnoea

Since kapha dosha is involved in the functioning of the respiratory system, you tend to catch a cough and cold easily.

Some other symptoms include obesity, mucus and congestion in the chest, throat, and nose, fatigue, bloated feeling, coated tongue, water retention, nausea, heavy joints, and high cholesterol.

The symptoms of kapha imbalance are quite different as per Charaka. They are as follows:

1. Itching i.e. kandu
2. Whiteness i.e. shvaitya
3. Numbness i.e. supti
4. Coolness i.e. shaitya
5. Sweetness i.e. madhurya
6. Moistness i.e. kleda
7. Heaviness i.e. gaurava
8. Obstruction (binding) i.e. bandha
9. Oiliness i.e. sneha
10. Slowness i.e. chairakaritva
11. Steadiness i.e. sthairya
12. Sliminess i.e. upadeha

Decrease in kapha may lead to the following symptoms:

1. Dizziness
2. Delusion
3. Loose joints
4. Palpitation (feeling of one’s own heartbeat)

These are the effects of kapha imbalance in our body. If you experience the above symptoms, it is best to visit a doctor right away.

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The post How You Can Observe The Symptoms Of Kapha Dosha Imbalance In Your Body appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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