Discover Tranquility: Try Jiva Meditation & Enjoy Its Immense Benefits

1:49 AM

Are you looking for information on Jiva meditation? Do you want to learn the ways of doing the Jiva meditation? Jiva meditation is a newly popular technique that energizes and soothes your body. It is an important part of the Jivananda regimen and purifies your soul from within. The Jiva mediation has been co-produced by Dr. Satya Narayana Dasa and Dr. Pratap Chauhan.

How To Do Jiva Meditation?

Jiva meditation is considered as one of the best ways of keeping you energized and calm all through the day. Here is stepwise information on how to perform this type of meditation.

1. Sitting The Right Way:

In any form of meditation, the way you sit is very important. You should not be uncomfortable with your sitting arrangement or position or you will not be able to focus properly while meditating. The first and foremost thing that you must keep in mind while performing Jiva meditation is to sit in a comfortable or relaxed position. Your spine must be straight.

In case sitting in this way causes discomfort, you can lay down so that you are at ease during meditation. Now close your eyes and breathe deeply three times – very slowly.

2. Focusing On Breathing:

Once you have breathed deeply for a couple of times, you should start focusing on the way you are breathing. Make sure that the breathing is natural and even, not forceful. All you have to do is focus on the rhythm of your breathing.

3. Visualize Your Soul:

Now imagine that your heart is an ocean in which there is a tiny drop of love. This is your soul. It may be difficult for you to visualize this thought initially but with regular practice, you will be able to do it. After all, you are being introduced to your inner self.

4. Smile And Relax:

Once you can see the drop of love in your heart, enjoy its realization, which is beautiful and soothing. When you are being acquainted with your true self, welcome it with a nice smile and relaxed face and concentrate all your attention on the way you feel at that particular moment.

5. You Are Full Of Love:

Now imagine that the tine drop of Love or your soul is spreading everywhere in all directions inside your body. You whole body is somehow encompassed by this true love. Think as if you are full of Love.

6. Let The Love Drop Fill You:

Once the drop of Love has spread all your body, imagine it entering into your heart – destroying toxins, blockages, ignorance and darkness. Enjoy the way the expansion of Love or soul into your heart and feel the relaxation and joy that comes with it.

7. Let The Love Enter All The Organs:

Similarly, visualize that the love is entering all the other organs such as face, arms, head, neck, chest, legs, abdomen, things and legs and slowly cleaning the blockages and toxins.

Imagine that you have been cured of all the diseases and all the toxins, free radicals in the body have been destroyed, and you are a healthy, happy and peaceful person. You can remain in this thought for as long as you wish and minimum for 15 minutes and then open your eyes to the real world.

Benefits Of Jiva Meditation:

Benefits of Jiva meditation include:

  1. Jiva meditation involves making your heart more aware about the love that resides in your body in the form of your true self- Love. Visualizing in this way makes you more positive and confident about yourself.
  2. According to the producers of Jiva meditation, this technique increases concentration and memory in small children. Hence, lately many schools have started adopting it for overall development and mental health of their students.
  3. Jiva meditation focuses on body, mind and senses cleansing and makes one realize that Jiva can attend bliss or Ananda.
  4. It helps people to get relief from the stress of daily life and lowers hypertension and blood pressure related complications such as stroke and heart attack.

This form of meditation will help you stay calm and composed and thus help you achieve success in all realms of life!

The post Discover Tranquility: Try Jiva Meditation & Enjoy Its Immense Benefits appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Daiwik Suresh Gejji via STYLECRAZE

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