7 Unusual Dry Shampoo Alternatives You Already Own

11:13 PM

Picture this – it’s Monday morning and your alarm has been snoozing since the last 20 minutes. You are too tired and frazzled but not sure which one to choose – whether to go and make your morning coffee or rush into the shower to wash your hair!

You definitely need something that’s not messy and of course, doesn’t involve staying in water for a long time.

At this situation, the only thing that can save your life is Dry Shampoo! It leaves your locks soft, fresh and oh-so-touchable by dragging the oil and dirt away from your scalp.

What would you prefer? To suffer with blowing and primping that a hair wash involves or spending just 5 minutes with the dry shampoo? Trust me, most of us would prefer the 2nd option (Pssst… it’s a better option than the wet shampoos for the health of your hair!).

And that’s the reason dry shampoos are gaining so much popularity. But what if you’re just running out of stock? Or perhaps you prefer your products to be natural?

It’s very easy to prepare dry shampoo at home with the things you have around your house. Let’s see how:

1. Baby Powder:

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

Baby powder is probably the most common alternative for a dry shampoo. You can either use it alone or you can mix it with baking soda and then rub it straight onto the roots.

2. Cornstarch:

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

Add just a bit of cornstarch to your roots and then finger-comb it through your hair. The cornstarch will soak up all the dirt and oil. After 5 minutes, brush the cornstarch out of your hair.

It is one of the grandma’s beauty secrets and still works like a charm today!

If you have Blonde hair, then you need not add anything to the starch. Just rub it well for 2 to 3 minutes and comb your hair.

If you are a Brunette, adding some cocoa powder to the starch can provide an instant shine to your hair.

And for Redheads, it’s advisable to add cinnamon to the starch in 1:1 ratio.

3. Baking Soda:

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

When you are running out of time and cannot afford to spend the remaining time in washing your hair, then baking soda can be your BFF!

Dab some baking soda in your hands, apply it on the roots, and then brush it out. It works like magic in removing the grease and dirt from your hair.

4. Cocoa Powder And Cinnamon:

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

Mix equal amounts of cocoa powder and cinnamon powder and apply it on the roots. It works really well and is also available in a combo pack!

Along with adding a glossy look to your hair, it leaves a sweet fragrance behind!

5. Oatmeal:

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

Mix a cup of finely ground oatmeal and 2 tablespoon of baking soda and store it in your bathroom. Whenever you don’t feel like washing your hair, just sprinkle some of the mixture onto the roots and then brush it out.

6. Maize Flour (Cornmeal):

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

Add a tablespoon of fine salt in half a cup of maize flour. Mix it well and your dry shampoo is ready to use!

7. Orris Root And Almonds:

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

Take a tablespoon of orris root and a tablespoon of finely ground almonds. Add a tablespoon of cornmeal to the mixture. Comb your hair well before applying this mixture to your hair so that it will be easy to brush out the dry shampoo.

It works best on oily hair.

How To Apply Dry Shampoo?

Before applying a dry shampoo to your hair, make sure it’s completely dry – otherwise you’ll end up with lumps in your hair!

Start from the greasiest point of your scalp and then gently move on to the other parts, thereby covering the whole scalp. You can also use a comb to distribute the powder evenly over your hair.

Let the shampoo settle on your hair for at least 5 minutes. If your hair is too greasy, then you can let it work for even 15 minutes.

Shake off the powder and brush your hair nicely. Ta-daaaa, you are ready to go!

Have you ever made your own shampoo? Share your experience with us!

The post 7 Unusual Dry Shampoo Alternatives You Already Own appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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