6 Organic Causes Of Obesity And Ways To Get Rid Of It!

2:14 AM

Obesity is one of the biggest health problems in the world that is generally caused by eating too much and moving too less.

Obesity, in combination with other diseases, kills millions of people every year. In various discussions about weight loss and obesity, many people have expressed the view that obesity is purely a result of weak will power. However, this idea is ridiculous and way too simplistic.

If you eat more than you burn, you gain weight. If you eat less and exercise, then you lose.

you gain weight

Science has defined 6 types of obesity that are caused due to various factors. Let’s check out the group you fall in and how to combat it:

1. Due To Physical Inactivity:

physical inactivity

Picture credit: giphy.com

This is the most affected type of obesity in this modern world which is caused when people stick to their systems for almost 8 – 10 hours, or may be more.

If you’re not active enough and do not use the energy that you get by the food you eat, then the extra energy that you consume will be stored as fat by the body.

If you come under this group, then you need to rush to create a good workout plan so that your body will be active for at least sometime. Doing any kind of physical activity will help you to fight weight gain.

2. Due to Slow Metabolism:

Picture credit: giphy.com

Picture credit: giphy.com

Does your stomach resemble a bloated balloon?

If yes, then the cause of your obesity is slow metabolism and your belly is the part that accumulates all the fat. If you consume alcohol quite often, then you should definitely plan to cut it down and focus more on fruits and vegetables rich in nutrition.

3. Obesity Caused By Stress:

Picture credit: giphy.com

Picture credit: giphy.com

This type of obesity is caused due to depression, stress and anxiety. To overcome their depression, people usually eat more sweets and end up gaining weight (another reason for stress!).

People suffering from this kind of obesity should try to work on their self control rather than reaching for food that are known to cure stress and depression!

4. Caused Due To Bad Circulation:

Picture credit: giphy.com

Picture credit: giphy.com

This is actually inherited genetically and occurs mostly during pregnancy or in people who are susceptible to frequent swelling of legs.

The best solution is to keep yourself active by doing exercises like walking, running, climbing stairs, swimming and so on.

5. Caused By Eating:

Picture credit: giphy.com

Picture credit: giphy.com

This is the most prevalent cause of obesity is and is caused due to excessive consumption of fatty foods and sugar.

To get rid of this fat, it’s strictly recommended to cut down the consumption of fatty food and exercise everyday at least for 30 minutes.

6. Caused By Gluten:


Picture credit: giphy.com

This is found mostly in women during their adolescence stage, or during menopause or due to hormonal imbalance in their body.

It is recommended to avoid sitting continuously for longer hours, quit alcohol and cigarettes and most importantly; to practice weight loss exercises.

Are you hiding your muscles underneath the layers of your body fat? Do you want to get rid of the fat and keep it off?

Here are some tips that can be really help you to lose weight. It will make your kitchen your best friend!

  • Drink more water.
  • Reduce starch intake.
  • Eat a balanced breakfast.
  • Watch your sugar consumption.
  • Increase vegetable consumption.
  • Creatine helps to burn fat and also increases the metabolic rate. Add creatine-rich food in your diet.
  • Don’t rely on fat burners.
  • Eat more healthy fats and proper amounts of protein.
  • Consume fewer calories than you burn.

And last but not the least, eat cheat foods just for flavour! Don’t prohibit yourself from eating something that you love, instead have a few slices of your favorite pizza, enjoy and savor the flavour and share the rest!

Add the above tips in your lifestyle and give your body fat a proper send-off!

The post 6 Organic Causes Of Obesity And Ways To Get Rid Of It! appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Jyotsana rao via STYLECRAZE

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