6 Reasons To Include Coconut Oil In Your Pre-Workout Diet

4:08 AM

Would you like to make the most of your workout? Want to make your workout an energizing session? Then coconut oil is something you should include in your pre-workout diet.

Are you interested in knowing more? Read on!

Why Use Coconut Oil As A Pre-Workout Booster?

Coconut oil is replete with MCTs – known as a high-energy fuel used by the human body to thwart muscle degeneration. It also helps battle body fat accumulation. The human body absorbs this oil fast.

Following are the ways including coconut oil in your pre-workout diet can help you:

1. Energy Booster:

Before an intensive and strenuous workout or gym session, include some coconut oil in your protein shake and you are sure to get a burst of energy. It comes without the adrenaline crashing effects of sugar and coffee. It helps you develop endurance for workouts.

2. Weight Maintenance:

Coconut oil helps you shed excess pounds without losing muscle mass. Its medium chain fatty acids help you lose weight safely. It helps in developing muscle mass as well.

3. Source Of Healthy Fats:

Despite all the brouhaha about weight loss and eliminating fat from your diet, it is also true that you need some amount of fat in your meals. Coconut oil contains healthy medium chain fatty acids. These, like carbohydrates, get converted into energy. The difference between MCFAs and carbohydrates is that MCFAs do not raise your blood sugar levels.

4. Helps Fight Hunger Pangs:

When you consume coconut oil, your sugar cravings go down to an extent. When you do not feel much hungry, you wouldn’t have the desire to gorge on snacks.

5. Helps Boost Immunity:

Weight training can sometimes initially affect your immune system, and some people tend to catch cold and flu when adhering to a stringent fitness regime. However, you need not stop weight training. Taking coconut oil helps you deal with this issue.

6. Fills Up Intramuscular Fatty Acid Stores After Workout:

When you workout heavily, the muscles get the required energy from the glycogen produced by protein and dietary carbohydrate. They also get energy from intramuscular triglycerides made from dietary fat. Both compounds get depleted as you exercise. Coconut oil has oodles of medium chain fatty acids that are absorbed by your liver, and are thereafter sent to the muscles. It helps in refuelling intramuscular triglycerides.

Using Coconut Oil In Your Diet:

Coconut oil can be used in a number of ways in your diet. You are not limited to use it merely in your smoothies and protein shakes. It is versatile enough to be used in cooking with other plant oils. You may start taking small amounts of coconut oil with your food and then gradually increase the amount. Besides, coconut oil does contain oodles of calories, and so you should not ideally consume a lot of food.

Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Your Pre And Post Workout Needs:

  1. For a healthy pre-workout food, add some coconut oil into oatmeal. This will give you an instant energy boost and keep you full for a long time.
  2. Add some coconut oil with peppermint oil in your bathtub to let your strained muscles recover after a long workout session.

So, as you can see, using coconut oil can be ideal for use as pre workout food. Its benefits also extend after the workout. You can incorporate coconut oil in your pre and post workout meals gradually and obtain the health benefits.

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The post 6 Reasons To Include Coconut Oil In Your Pre-Workout Diet appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

by Maanasi Radhakrishnan via STYLECRAZE

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